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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 26
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15:56 Thu, 29 Feb G GG.

Chapter Twenty Six


5 Stare

Chapter Twenty Six

Third-Person Pov

Richard’s hands clenched tightly around the steering wheel as he drove down the familiar streets

towards Amber's place. His face wore a sullen expression, his brows furrowed as he tried to stop himself from

blurting out the things he had in mind.

Beside him, Amber glanced at him from the corner of her eye, a sense of unease settling in the pit of

her stomach.

Unable to ignore the obvious tension any longer, Amber finally grew frustrated with Richard's

silence. She turned towards him, her tone annoyed. “Richard, what's going on? You haven't stopped

frowning since we left your parents’ place. Did something happen? Do you have something to say?”

Richard let out a frustrated sigh, his gaze fixed on the road. He had been wrestling with his emotions.

caught between wanting to confront Amber and resisting the urge to say anything so that he wouldn't seem

petty and unreasonable.

But her question pushed him to the brink, compelling him to voice his curiosity.

“I didn’t want to sound petty,” Richard began, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and confusion, “but can

you explain towhy, out of all the words you could've chosen to describe me,

you had to use the word ‘insane’?”

Amber's eyes widened at his words, a tinge of surprise coloring her features. She didn’t expect that he still had

in mind the comment she made almost an hour ago. Her initial response was one of confusion. “Richard, are you

really still stuck on something | said almost an hour ago?”

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Richard scoffed, his frustration bubbling to the surface. “How can you expectnot to be stuck on it When you

had countless other options to describe me, why use a word so negatively loaded? Why w you look atand

think that the best word to describewould be insane?”

Amber, her arms now crossed over her chest, pursed her lips. “Fine, then. Mr. Perfect, tellwhat other word |

could've used to describe you since insane doesn’t cut it for you.”

Richard shot her a defiant look, refusing to back down, “Handsome, funny, caring.” he suggested, a hint of

frustration seeping into his voice. “Anything other than “insane.””

15:56 Thu, 29 Feb GGG.

Chapter Twenty Six


5 Stara

Amber let out a scoff, a mixture of annoyance and amusement coloring her tone. “Yes, Richard, you are

handsome,” she conceded, “but answering your parents’ question with such a basic response would have made

simply blurted out the first thing that cto mind when she askedto describe you.”

Richard shook his head in disbelief, a mixture of frustration and confusion etched on his face. He

still couldn't fully accept that the only thought that cto Amber's mind when asked to describe him was

“insane.” It gnawed at him, leaving him longing for an explanation.

“I can’t believe it,” Richard muttered, his voice laced with incredulity. “Out of all the possible

descriptions, ‘insane’ is the first thing that cto your mind?”

Amber rolled her eyes, nonchalantly shrugging in response to his disbelief. “Well, yeah,” she

replied, her tone casual. “I do think of you as kind

of insane.”

Richard's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his confusion growing. “Why? Why do you think I'm insane?”

Amber let out a small chuckle, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. She leaned back against the car seat, her

voice tinged with amusement. “Only an insane person would decide to take revenge on his business rival by

marrying his ex-wife,” she explained, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. “If

that’s not insanity, then | don’t know what is.”

Richard scoffed, his frustration rekindling in response to her explanation. “So, you think I’m insane because |

offered to help you get back at your cheating ex-spouse? That's a pretty flimsy reason.”

Amber shrugged again, her expression unapologetic. “Maybe it is,” she conceded. “But, Richard, I still stand by

what | said. You're indeed insane, and you're proving it quite well.

Richard's jaw tightened at her response. “I will never accept that I'm insane. What | am is

intelligent and cool, and that’s not insanity,” he retorted.

Amber burst into laughter at his strong reaction, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Con, Richard

she teased, through a haze of giggles. “Get over it already. Stop being such a baby about this, and just embrace

your uniqueness.”

Richard scowled, his pride wounded by her laughter. “I'm not being a baby,” he snapped, his voice edged with


The rest of the drive to Amber's apartment was filled with an unusual silence, as exhaustion 2/3


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15:56 Thu, 29 Feb G BB.

Clupter Twenty Ne

The rest of the drive to Amber's apartment was filled with an unusual silence, as exhaustion eventually

overcher, lulling her into a deep sleep.

Richard glanced over at her sleeping figure, the corners of his mouth twitching.

thought that cto mind.

he debated the

As they arrived at Amber's apartment, Richard couldn't resist the temptation to seize a moment of

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

etty revenge. His eyes narrowed mischievously as he stared at her peacefully sleeping form.

She had called him insane, and a part of him wanted to pay her back for it.

With a sly smirk, Richard decided against waking her gently. Instead, he honked the horn as loudly as he could,

the sharp sound jolting Amber out of her sleep with a start.

Amber sat up abruptly, disoriented and slightly startled by the abrupt awakening. She blinked sleepily, her gaze

landing on Richard with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. “What was that for?” she demanded, her voice

tinged with irritation.

Richard's amusement danced in his eyes as he met her displeased glare. “Consider it payback for calling me

insane,” he replied, his voice laced with mock seriousness. “I figured it was only fair.”

Amber huffed, her irritation only intensifying. She couldn't deny that the honk startled her, but she wasn’t about

to admit it. “You're being ridiculous,” she muttered, her voice still tinged with

sleepiness. “But we're even now.”

Richard chuckled, his amusement washing over him. “Maybe,” he replied cryptically, his voice filled

with playful mischief. “But hey, we're here. Tfor you to get out.”

Amber shook her head in exasperation, deciding it was best not to engage further in their petty banter, even

though she was dying to get back at him.

She climbed out of the car, a slight pout tugging at her lips as she glanced back at Richard. “Fine.” she muttered.

“I'm going. Just don’t forget I'll need a driver to pickup tomorrow for wedding

dress shopping.”

Richard nodded, a smile gracing his lips. “Of course,” he reassured her. “Consider it done.”

Amber nodded, preparing to make her way inside her apartment. However, before she did, she couldi

resist one last parting lab. She shot Richard a playful look. her bout transforming into a smirk.



“You know, Richard,” she teased, “You need to grow up, ‘cause you're a silly baby boy

15:56 Thu, 29 Feb GB G.

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