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Love in the Limelight

Chapter 536
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Hank spoke with earnestness, not a hint of exaggeration tainting his words.

After all, a ruthless character like Jay was capable of anything.

"No worries, Jay's counting onto handle his business. Why would he harm me? Don't you trust my skills?" Astrid stretched languidly. "You and Chad have been slogging away too. Once we're over this hump, I'll give you guys a decent break. Right now, there are things only you two can manage. I wouldn't trust anyone else with them." Hank chuckled, "We're not tired, boss. You just take care of yourself." "Alright, I've got smore stuff to sort out. You two can go catch a break," Astrid yawned, her attention returning to the computer screen.

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As Hank observed her frail shoulders, a wave of concern washed over him. "Boss, you've lost lots of weight. You gotta eat smore, it's tough to see you like this." Astrid glanced at Chad with a teasing smirk. "Yeah, yeah, got it. Have you been hanging out with Chad so much that you're starting to sound like him?" "Damn right not! I don't want to be anything like that goofball!" Hank grumbled and strolled out, pausing at the living room doorway to cast a lingering glance at Astrid's retreating figure, his eyes softening.

As a friend, he often wished to share her burdens, but there were things beyond his help.

Everyone saw her brilliance, believing she could do anything, yet no one knew the effort she had put in to learn all those skills. Online, she was known as the multi-talented Astar, but few could guess the true extent of her powerful identity.

At nine in the evening, Jay received an email. Aster agreed to meet, leaving the choice of venue to him.

Jay was somewhat wary of Aster. Fifteen million wasn't chump change, so he decided to meet in person. After setting a time, Jay responded to the email.

He had found many pictures of Aster online, studying them over and over, a sense of unease growing within him.

The next evening, Jay arrived early at the arranged location.

He sat in the private room, anxiously waiting. Over half an hour past the agreed time, and yet Aster was nowhere to be seen. Another half-hour slipped by, and Jay's patience wore thin. As he stood to leave, a knock cat the door.

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Then, the door opened from the outside.

A tall, lean man appeared before him, his face masked, his mid-length hair tied back into a small ponytail. His skin was tanned, and his thin frgave him a somewhatsickly appearance. Despite that, the aura he exuded was undeniable.

e Before Jay was Astrid, masterfully disguised. Jay had planned to lose his temper from the wait, but upon seeing the man before him, he held back. "You're Aster?" "Mhm, that's me." The man's voice was raspy and somewhat effeminate, unsettling to the ear.

Before arriving, Jay had entertained the possibility that Aster could be Astrid. But now, seeing this person in the flesh, he dismissed the thought completely.

The man standing before him had a stark Adam's apple, and everything about his persona radiated masculinity. Furthermore, he towered over Astrid considerably.

"Here's the thing, Mr. Aster, it's not that I doubt your capabilities. I've just heard so much about you and × wanted to meet you," Jay offered a smile, attempting to appear genial. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but could you remove your mask? No offense, it's just that I've prepared all this good food especially for you." mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflo&1 mmMwWLliI0fiflO&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliI0fifl0&1 mmMwWLlilOfiflO&1