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Love in the Limelight

Chapter 530
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Roman huffed with a hint of defiance, "Mom lovesso much, she won't get mad."

With that, he hummed a tune and trotted upstairs.

Lucas rolled over lazily and asked, "You're not playing video games anymore?"

Roman replied, "I've got to pick Mom up this afternoon, need to choose sclothes now."

Choose clothes? A slight twitch touched the corner of Lucas Lampard's lips.

Sometimes Roman really didn't seem like a typical four-year-old.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the plane touched down right on schedule.

For safety reasons, Matthew and Amanda were waiting in the car with Roman, not bothering to step out.

Matthew remarked, "Astrid's getting popular, just look at all those fans at the airport."

Amanda lifted her chin with pride, "Well, of course. Did you forget whose daughter-in-law she is?"

Roman and Matthew exchanged glances, not daring to disagree. After all, Amanda had stormed back to her family hin a huff

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not too long ago, and it had taken ssweet talking to coax her back. Best to keep on her good side for now.

Roman said, "Grandma, you look really beautiful today."

At those words, Amanda beamed, "My Roman always knows just what to say. Not like sold coots who only know how to make

my life difficult.”

Matthew protested, "Roman, what are you saying? When does your grandma not look beautiful?"

Roman almost rolled his eyes. His grandpa really had no shsometimes.

"Here she comes!" Amanda announced, spotting Astrid from the car window and flinging the door open, "Astrid, Astrid, over here!"

Astrid walked over with a smile, and Roman immediately burrowed into her embrace, "Mom, | missed you so much."

Matthew said, "Was the show tough? Look at you, you've lost weight! We've got a bunch of nutritious goodies at home. We'll fatten

you up, don't worry about gaining a few - girls look better with a bit of curve!"

"Absolutely," Amanda chimed in, bustling over, "I've made nourishing soup for you. And are you completely detoxed? Should we

take you abroad for a thorough check-up?"

"And look at those dark circles under your eyes. My poor Astrid, you've suffered. Let's not do that show again. We don't need the

appearance fee that badly. If money's tight, I'll provide!"

Amanda and Matthew showered Astrid with care and concern, only then realizing that Ehadn't gotten into the car yet.

Elio, who'd been feeling a bit ignored, gave Grandpa a look of mild exasperation, "Finally noticed me, have you?"

Grandpa cast a disparaging glance at Elio, "You were right there, and you let her poison Astrid. How useless are you?"

"Exactly! | saw through that clumsy trick right away. How could you sleep so soundly at night? Lucky for us, Astrid managed to get

the antidote. Otherwise, you'd be the one crying."

Roman, ever the instigator, added, "Yeah, you'd be the one crying."

Amanda snapped, "What are you standing around for? Go start the car!"

Eprotested, "Don't we have a driver?"

Amanda retorted, "The driver just had an emergency and took off. Stop your yapping and drive, don't let my Astrid go hungry!"

Ethought to himself must be adopted. Being ignored was one thing, but now he was the chauffeur too. But he was used to it.

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As the car engine started, Astrid remembered Roman's mention of a surprise and asked with a smile, "Roman, what's the surprise

you prepared for Mom?"

Hearing this, Roman grinned wide, "You'll find out when we get home!"





