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Love in the Limelight

Chapter 524
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[Bernice must have it out for Astrid, no doubt about it. It's gotta be Bernice pulling the strings behind Karin's back, trying to take

down Astrid and Mr. Lampard.]

[But seriously, | can't imagine the beef between Bernice and Astrid being so bad that it'd cto murder...]

[Dude, watching this adventure reality show seems to dive into a brain-busting thriller. I've gotta be on my A-gto keep up, no


The comments were all over the place, and the plot was thickening by the minute.

Karin was on edge, but she had already ditched the poison powder she brought. The online audiences might suspect her, but

without hard evidence, nobody could pin anything on her.

With that in mind, she slowly lifted her head, eyes brimming with tears, "Astrid, enough already. Quit dragging my nthrough

the mud. | won't admit to something | didn't do. On the contrary, the fact that you used that wood carving to poisonis

undeniable, and you've already confessed to it. Just wait for the hammer of the law to cdown on you."

Astrid looked at Karin's performance and couldn't help but think of Bernice.

Like mother, like daughter. Their talent for deception was top-tier.

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When Astrid fell silent, sstarted to throw shade, [Well, Astrid seems to be done for. She admitted to the poisoning herself.]

[Don't even try to defend Astrid this time. Too many witnesses online. No matter how you spin it, she deliberately transferred the

poison from that carving to Karin. That's just malicious premeditated murder!]

[She got poisoned and decided to take someone else down with her. Gross!]

[Anybody with half a brain can see that Karin is up to no good. She's trying to drag Astrid down. There are plenty of blind spots in

the mountains without cameras, and Karin wasn't on screen the whole time. She probably got rid of the evidence ages ago.]

[Don't worry about it. If Astrid can't handle this chick, I'll eat my hat!]

[With Astrid's smarts, I'm not concerned one bit. What | want to know is when's the showdown?]

[Astrid's image is crumbling. Live streaming your downfall is brutal!]

The trolls watching the live stream were having a field day, practically ready to set off fireworks to celebrate.

Just when everyone thought Astrid was a goner, she casually raised her hand, slowly pulling up her sleeve to reveal a watch.

To the average Joe, the watch looked fancy but unrecognizable.

Yet, several guests on-site nearly popped their eyeballs out, especially Parrish.

If he wasn't afraid of getting punted off the cliff by Nathan and Elio, he would be on his knees worshiping that watch.

Then a comment floated by, [Holy smokes, Astrid is wearing the 'Leader Series’ suprwatch. That's reserved for world leaders,

and sof them don't even qualify to apply!]

[I know that watch, which made waves at its launch, rocking the whole globe. The features are freaking insane. Those curious can

just Google it!]

[No way, it's a fake, right?]

[A fake? Are you saying Astrid rocks knockoffs?]

[I just screenshotted the watch and looked it up. The price tag's more than I'll earn in a lifetime...]

[That watch has gotta be real. There's no knockoff because the last factory that tried got sued into oblivion.]

[Is Astrid just here to flaunt her wealth or what? Ha.]

[Could it be a gift from Mr. Lampard? But even he doesn't own one!]


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