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Love in the Limelight

Chapter 523
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Karin's gaze was fixed on Astrid's smile-tinged eyes. Karin was crashed by a wave of anxiety, tightening the grip of the hand

hidden in her sleeve.

Struggling to maintain a calm exterior, she said, "Astrid, | joined the show based on my agency's decision. | never intended to

compete with you for anything. You were the one who poisonedfirst, so how can you now claim that | was the one who tried to

poison you?

I've been in the music industry for years, quietly writing and singing songs, never stirring up trouble with anyone. You accuseof

poisoning you, but why don't you tellwhy would | do that? What would be my motive?"

"Motive?" Astrid let out a scornful laugh, "Let's set aside the motive for a moment, shall we? You want proof? Fine, I'll give you


Karin felt a growing fear inside her, biting her lip without uttering a word.

Astrid glanced at her and leisurely turned to the camera, "I'm sure everyone is curious to know how Karin supposedly poisoned me.

Well, now I'll clear up the mystery. The night Karin cto the show can be replayed. If you go back and watch, you'll notice a

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detail. After everyone went to bed that night, Karin got up. | was half-asleep at the tand didn't open my eyes, but her perfume

was quite distinct. | didn't look, but | sensed she paused near me."

At this point, Karin was visibly shaken, quickly interjecting, "Even if | stopped near you, what does that prove? That standing close

to you means | poisoned you? That's quite a stretch for an accusation."

"I didn't see what you did because | didn't open my eyes, but do you think the cameras wouldn't capture it? Any audience could

easily find out what you were up to. You don't seriously think the cameras were off at night, do you?" As Astrid's words hung in the

air, Karin stiffened noticeably.

Karin remained silent, but her discomfort was evident to all.

Eagle-eyed audiences had already spotted something amiss in the replayed footage, [Did you all see that? Karin raised her hand

twice as she passed by Astar and Mr. Lampard. She seemingly fixed her hair, but it looked like she sprinkled something.]

[Holy cow, | zoomed in. It seems like something did fall. In the dead of night, you wouldn't see it unless you were carefully looking.]

[You guys are overreacting. | didn't see anything. But she doesn't fix her hair anywhere else, just near Astar and Mr. Lampard,

which does seem rather suspicious. She seemed to cover something up.]

[It's strange indeed, but that can't count as evidence, right? The incident is in the past, and who can confirm that what she

sprinkled was poison?]

[Damn, Karin has been out to get my Astar from the start! And to think | once praised her, considering her a gentle and quiet lady!]

[This is so frustrating, knowing she's the one but having no evidence!]

[This evidence is a bit far-fetched. | don't think Karin is that kind of person. She's not the biggest nin the music scene, but

she's accomplished. Why would she jeopardize her career by poisoning Astrid on a live show?]

[You're wrong there. If it weren't for Astar's medical expertise, Astar and Mr. Lampard could have died mysteriously. Everyone

would think it was sinsect or poisonous plant in the woods. The show's crew would be blamed, while Karin could walk away


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