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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98
“Scram! The man’s mature features twisted into a sneer as he glanced over the women.
The gaggle of simpering women scattered like leaves in the wind.
Nolan shook his head. These were the ladies he had invited to liven up the evening.
He turned to Parker, exchanging a look of mutual resignation, before addressing Elaine, “What’s gotten into Ludwik?
Elaine sighed heavily and said, “Ludwik’s had a misunderstanding with Whitney over something”
Another misunderstanding? Nolan’s eyes flickered with curiosity as he gave Elaine an extra glance.
He wasn’t sure what had transpired, but he couldn’t help commenting as he caught sight of the brooding man, whose furrowed
brow looked like it could crush a hundred flies, “Ludwik, if Whitney keeps getting under your skin, why not just show her the
The man’s gaze was terrifying as it met Nolan’s. “What did you say?”
Nolan recoiled slightly while Elaine clenched her fingers, watching the storm brewing in Ludwik’s eyes. “He’s anxious for
Whitney,” She thought.
Parker voiced Nolan’s concerns, “Haven’t you noticed? Ever since you’ve been with Whitney, you’ve become so unpredictable,
Ludwik. You’re too easily swayed by her.”
“Have you really fallen for her?” Parker leaned in close to Ludwik, whispering.
Ludwik let out a cold laugh, his dark eyes unreadable, offering no reply.
Parker sighed and moved towards Nolan, speaking in a hushed tone, “Even though we both are satisfied with Whitney, the way
she’s affecting Ludwik... I’m unsure if it’s good for her to stay.”
“Yeah, Whitney has no idea how tough Ludwik’s childhood was, leaving him with that volatile temper. How can she constantly
provoke him?”

“Since Ludwik and his mother left the hellhole that was the Lippert family, he’s been engrossed in work, cold and reserved. His
heart has only held space for the little girl who saved him back then. His emotional troubles haven’t surfaced in ages, and his
night terrors are also a result of his traumatic past. Why can’t Whitney see that and be gentle with Ludwik?”
“She doesn’t know, and their relationship isn’t yet close. Ludwik would never tell her,” Parker concluded in silence.
A man would not confess such a terrifying condition to a woman he cared about.
But these two simply could not manage to have a normal relationship. At this rate, Parker was really worried that Whitney might
trigger Ludwik’s condition.

Their conversation was cautious, not wanting Elaine to overhear, but that did not stop her from catching bits and pieces.
She knew about Ludwik’s temper–his suspicion, sensitivity, and quick anger. These were exactly the weaknesses she planned to
exploit. Whitney would soon dig her own grave.
In the villa, Whitney woke up in the middle of the night, shivering from the cold. She glanced at the other side of the bed–still
He had not come home
A stifling sensation grew in her chest. Her body felt icy as her phone suddenly rang
Tiana messaged her on Facebook, (Whitney, have you seen Elaine’s latest post? Why is L partying hard with her
at the bar instead of being with you, his pregnant wife? I thought you two had patched things up and were in a lovey dovey

Whitney immediately checked the feed. Elaine had gifted baby clothes last time, and they had added each other, along with
Tiana, as mutual friends.
She scrolled to Elaine’s selfie in a lavish private room, her arm raised, capturing half of a man’s enticing chest and a luxurious
wristwatch. He leaned back on the couch, seemingly drunk.
Even without a full face in the picture, Whitney recognized L by his mature build–she could never mistake him.
Parker and Nolan were also in the frame.
Elaine’s caption read, [Work’s been hectic, but drinks are delightful~]
It seemed innocuous, devoid of flirtation, and with three men in the photo.
Yet Whitney could tell from the joy in Elaine’s eyes that she was boasting, especially since L had just berated her and was now
not home but drinking late into the night with the female vice president.
Showing off a subtle threat, Whitney felt it all.
Her heart stung as if pierced by needles.
Tiana’s concerned message came. [Did you and L have another fight? This high–class temptress is moving in at the first sign of
weakness. Can’t you see it?]
[I didn’t fight with him; he just lashed out at me out of nowhere today.] Whitney recalled his heartless words, her heart trembling.
[L’s not a madman] Tiana could not believe it. [Did you do something to upset him again? Men like him, all high and mighty. They
don’t spell things out. They wait for you to realize and apologize. Don’t tell me there’s been another misunderstanding with

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Whitney had not seen Simon at the company at all. A misunderstanding? Jealousy?
Suddenly, she paused, remembering the abrupt end to their earlier phone call and his accusations that evening, “All lies...”
A realization struck her–she had mentioned meeting a female supplier. Could it be he did not believe her?

[Whitney, you can fight like an animal but clueless in love. Elaine’s the type to strike without making a sound, and if you keep
giving him the cold shoulder, aren’t you just pushing him toward her? They’re already so close at work. You can’t let this
continue. Why is he so moody, going back and forth? You need to confront him and clear the air.]
And she was right–Elaine’s subtle post essentially confirmed her designs on L, but it was crafted so men
would not catch on.
Who knew what Elaine might be whispering to L in that private room...
Whitney glanced at the time; it was 4 AM, and they were still out drinking.
Here she was, carrying his child, scorned and left alone at home.
For a moment, Whitney’s pride would not let her yield. She felt a seething rage, flopped back into bed, and decided to ignore him
The next day, she went to work as usual.
On the third day, he still had not come home.
By the fourth day, Whitney could not stand it any longer. If she let things continue this way, she would be doing exactly what
Tiana warned against–pushing him right into Elaine’s arms. After all, they were already inseparable at work.
Whitney decided she could not go on like this. She had to find out why he was so temperamental and kept
flip–flopping. She needed to confront him for answers.
Whitney had heard through the grapevine that United Realty Corporation was hosting a swanky soiree at Joyful Manor tonight–
an event teeming with business moguls and influential players. He, the head honcho of United Realty, would surely be in.

Whitney had wanted to attend the event on personal grounds but realized her business card would not cut it. Thus, she dolled up
in a gown and managed to get her name on the list under the guise of representing Skye
As dusk fell, Whitney made her grand entrance into the opulent ballroom of Joyful Manor.
Beneath the glittering chandeliers, a stream of the business elite made their grand entrances. Whitney lingered in the shadows,
scanning the room, when a commotion at the entrance caught her attention.
There he was, the man of the hour, masked in silver, a towering presence in the crowd. His black tux clung to his frame in such a
way that it seemed tailored by the gods. Even partially concealed, his profile was striking–chiseled, commanding attention,
exuding an aura of authority that was impossible to overlook.
Whitney felt a flutter in her chest. About to step forward, her hand reaching for the hem of her dress, when she suddenly noticed
the delicate hand resting in the crook of his arm.
Elaine was at his side, draped in a gown the color of a serene lake at twilight, their entrance together painting a picture of an
idyllic couple seemingly made for each other.
A murmur of admiration rippled through the bystanders. “Who would’ve thought the perennial bachelor of United Realty would
show up with such a stunning date! Are they an item? They look like a match made in heaven!”
Frozen in place, Whitney was gripped by a paralyzing stillness.