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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92
Whitney was a knockout–a real head–turner–which made her a magnet for unwanted attention in the business world, and Ludwik
was acutely aware of it.
He nodded satisfactorily. “Let’s steer those two clients her way; give her a little boost.”
“Sure thing.” Elaine flashed a grin.
The man leaned back, his well–tailored suit and tie highlighting his muscular frame, his chiseled face irresistibly handsome. His
deep eyes seemed to drown anyone who gazed too long.
Despite seeing him daily, Elaine felt her heart flutter and warmth spread to her ears hidden beneath her hair.
As she was momentarily lost in thought, Ludwik’s piercing gaze unsettled her, asserting a silent pressure.
Without betraying his thoughts, Ludwik probed, “Elaine, you’ve been putting in quite the effort for Whitney’s sake!”
Elaine smiled softly, then paused, catching a glimpse of the sharpness in his eyes, realizing he might be testing her.
Her hand stiffened beneath her sleeve, but she quickly rebounded with a coy smile, “Bro, when it comes to matters concerning
you or Whitney, I naturally take them to heart.”
Ludwik furrowed his brow, recalling Whitney’s lukewarm attitude towards Elaine the night before.
Elaine had no reason to chase after someone who gave her the cold shoulder.
Noticing his frown, Elaine’s eyes softened. “Bro, don’t you see? I just want to be good to you. Whitney and you are quite the
match. You can’t force feelings, and you two have genuine attraction. I’ve said it before. I’ve let go. I see you as a brother now,
and still, I want to help you from the bottom of my heart. Seeing you and Whitney happy makes me happy, and when you argue,
and you’re upset, it hurts me too.”
She sighed lightly, the picture of innocence and gentleness, smiling with eyes that curved. “You’ve known me for years. You
should know I’m steadfast, protecting someone no matter the capacity. Your happiness is so important to me. Possessing
someone? That’s not so important. Do you still doubt me? Maybe my fondness for Whitney is just an extension of my fondness
for you.”

Ludwik saw the unmistakable sincerity in her eyes and the touch of melancholy in her brows, which he did not
Over the years, she had greatly helped the Imperial Gem Corporation; whenever Kaden applied pressure, she always stood by
his side, playing her part in the charade.
Their relationship was more entangled with family interests than personal affection. Ludwik had never been fond of her,

previously cold and indifferent, believing her kindness was just a means to please him.
But now, even with Whitney in the picture, Elaine remained kind. Perhaps, as she said, she expected nothing in
His icy demeanor thawed slightly, touched by her devotion. All he could offer in return to such a girl was cold comfort. “You see
me as a brother. I’ll give you a raise and help you find a suitable husband.”
A chill washed over Elaine–this was not the first time. His heart was as cold as stone, and yet why did it warm for Whitney? Her
fingers clenched tightly, knowing he was again using money to brush her off. With a forced soft smile, she retorted, “Deal. But I’d
need someone even more mature and perfect than you.”
Ludwik’s pen paused, and he felt reassured. His doubts about Elaine were unfounded; they stemmed from his insecurities
concerning Whitney.
“You may go,” he said, an infrequent smile gracing his face.
Elaine knew her strategic retreat had alleviated his suspicions. She endured the humiliation all to get back at

Chapter 92
Elaine’s eyes gleamed with cold determination. Next, she had a special plan in store for Whitney, and she was confident Whitney
would take the bait.
Back in her office, Elaine dialed Whitney’s number with a smile.
At that moment, Whitney was in a meeting at the procurement department of Skye Gem. The company’s gemstone supply was
inconsistent, and she needed to find a reliable vendor.
Elaine’s call came at just the right time. “Whitney, do you have a minute? I’ve got a surprise for you.”
Blinking against the bright sunlight, Whitney’s eyes carried an unreadable meaning.
Elaine’s surprise?
Her demeanor remained calm as she asked, “Sure, Elaine. Where shall we meet?”
Elaine was already near Skye Gem, and the two arranged to meet at a nearby café.
Stepping into the café, Whitney spotted Elaine, who delicately raised her hand, her eyes innocent and inviting, “Over here,

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Whitney sat down, placing her bag beside her, and looked up with a smile. “What’s this about, Elaine?”
Whitney’s eyes were like pools, luminous and dark, a sweet naiveté in their liquid depths. Elaine’s eyes, slightly down turned,
easily conveyed a sense of vulnerability.

“Still treating me like an outsider, Whitney?” Elaine sighed softly but quickly shrugged it off with a smile, pulling out two files. “I
noticed Skye Gem has been struggling, so I thought maybe you could use some resources? These are two vendors I know with
excellent quality gemstones. If I help negotiate, we could get better prices. What do you say about sourcing from them?”
“Oh?” Whitney flipped through the files. She was familiar with these vendors; their gemstones were top quality but pricey, and
they were selective about their clients, usually not supplying to just any jewelry company.
Elaine offering a connection?
Whitney felt a pang of appreciation, “Elaine, you’re too kind! My company’s in trouble, but I didn’t expect you to take such an
interest, let alone actively recommend vendors to me. Considering our recent acquaintance, I wonder, are you always this
generous with everyone?”
Elaine, taken aback, her eyes fleeting with hurt innocence, waved the notion away. “Of course, I’m not this generous with
everyone. I’m only this way with you, Whitney, because you’re Bro’s lady. Why would you think otherwise? I just wanted to help
you out, so I reached out without a second thought. I didn’t mean to burden you.”
Her implications were clear: accepting her help meant Whitney understood her good intentions; rejecting it would signify a
misinterpretation of her kindness.
The issue of sourcing gemstones for Skye Gem was something Whitney had yet to seek assistance with. Elaine took the
initiative to knock on the door with a business proposition, eager to lend a hand to Whitney. But was this help, or was there a
catch? That night in the private booth at the club, Elaine seemed to be speaking up for Whitney, but it felt more like she was
lighting a fuse with Hannah or stoking a fire with L.
And then there was Elaine’s performance at the hospital–like some high–society damsel, all grace and poise. Whitney’s heart
was filled with suspicion. She was already on guard against Elaine, so naturally, she would not accept such overzealous
Elaine did not miss the ripple of distaste beneath Whitney’s serene exterior.

Vas she had deliberately played up her enthusiasm, even the urgency in her recommendations and she made
Chapter 92
sure to mention they were her personal suggestions.
Elaine purposefully left out mentioning her bro. Whitney would trust him. But with Whitney’s hostility against her, she would never
trust her.
Now, all Elaine had to do was wait for the rejection.
“The raw gems from Skye Gem aren’t that pressing, Elaine. I appreciate the thought, and I’ll consider the supplier you’ve
recommended. After all, I’m not familiar with them. Thanks for coming by today!” Whitney declined with a polite smile.
Elaine’s eyes drooped slightly, her displeasure barely concealed. “Guess I got a bit ahead of myself. No worries, Whitney. Take
your time to scout other suppliers.”
Whitney stood up gracefully to see Elaine out, standing still afterward with a contemplative squint. If she had signed that
contract, there were bound to be traps ahead, though she had no idea how many.
Elaine was not likely harboring good intentions..