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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91
The next day. Whitney strode into Skye Gem to preside over the shareholders‘ meeting.
Monica was a no–show. Meanwhile, the news of her being beaten to a pulp, with three broken ribs and a fractured leg, was
trending all over social media.
Whitney’s lips pursed lightly, recognizing this as L’s handiwork.
A slight sense of satisfaction curled in her heart; the man had exacted revenge for her. At the meeting, she decisively cut Monica
out of the picture, firing her cronies as well.
With the company reeling from the scandal of purchasing counterfeit gemstones, Whitney called for an urgent overhaul. She
spent the morning laying down new policies and procedures, effectively conducting a corporate blood transfusion.
The shareholders witnessed Whitney’s decisive action and dared not object to her authority.
Her capability was, after all, evident to all.
“Moving forward, I’ll personally oversee the raw materials procurement department. The entire team is being replaced, and I’ll be
taking charge. Any objections?” Whitney tapped her pen and lifted her chin, her gaze sweeping the room.
It was common knowledge that the cornerstone of any jewelry company was its raw materials.
Its reputation could be ruined if the raw gemstones were substandard, even with the finest design and craftsmanship.
The shareholders unanimously agreed to entrust the procurement division to her.
Whitney smiled, “Meeting adjourned!”
Monica, incapacitated in the hospital, was fuming with rage when she received the news. Her face was a mess, a tooth missing,
and her body ached unbearably. She wailed to Yvonne, “Mom, she dared to sideline me when I was down. Why isn’t that wretch
behind bars? Should we go to our cousin for help?”
“Who do you think had you beaten up? Who else but Mr. Lippert?” Yvonne spat resentfully, “Your cousin may have the
connections, but we’re the ones who end up paying the price. We can’t even hint at a threat towards her. We still need her for the
upcoming jewelry contest...”

Only then did Monica realize they were at the mercy of a ruthless woman, and a chill ran down her spine.
Yvonne’s heart ached; they were now firmly in someone else’s grip, and her days were no longer peaceful.
Bitterly, she hissed, “Your grandma, Violet, bringing the love child back to the Valentine family, always cross with me. I’ll destroy
Whitney stepped out of the Skye Gem building, having received a call.

Across the street, at the coffee shop, Violet was waiting for her.
Whitney was a bit surprised; it was not every day this matriarch sought her out. Still, she made her way over.
Violet’s expression was dour, but she managed a strained thank you. “Thanks for your suggestion. I’ve brought my grandson
back to the Valentine family. You were right that day. That snake Yvonne, riding high because she’s got a protector, even tried to
assassinate your brother! Instead of letting her push you to the brink, I took the risk and brought the kid back to stir the pot.”
Whitney’s eyes narrowed; her suggestion that day had been self–serving. Monica had wanted her in jail, so she instigated Violet
to return home with the child, hoping to cause Yvonne some trouble.
Firstly, it might push Yvonne and Monica to desperation, possibly revealing their benefactor.
Chapter 91
Secondly, with Violet in the Valentine family, she might learn something about this mystery protector..

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“Grandma, has Yvonne’s benefactor shown up at home?”
“No, Yvonne’s cautious. But you helped me, so I’ll keep an eye out for you,” Violet answered, her steely gaze fixing on Whitney.
Whitney had grown into a striking image of her mother, dangerously intelligent. Violet thought about the deaths of Whitney’s
grandfather and mother; Preston was just a small player in the grand scheme, but even he could not escape.
A flicker of fear crossed Violet’s eyes. Worried Whitney might uncover something, she probed, “Whitney, has your uncle been in
Her uncle...
Why would Violet suddenly ask about him?
Last time, Simon mentioned that the contact book could lead to her uncle.
Did her uncle know something about her grandfather and mother’s deaths?
Whitney frowned. “Grandma, do you know where my uncle went when he left all those years ago?”
“I haven’t the faintest! Haven’t you reached him? Well, it’s just as well. There’s no love lost there.” Violet’s demeanor relaxed as
she grabbed her purse and swiftly departed.
Violet’s attitude was telling. Her uncle might know the cause of her mother and grandfather’s deaths. Whitney pondered as she
walked back to the Skye Gem building.

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Simon’s Lamborghini pulled up, and he emerged with a quick stride, holding a small cake, his gaze softening as he looked at
Whitney. “Heard you had a shareholders‘ meeting? I just got back from a business trip. Whitney, try this; it’s your old favorite

Whitney snapped back to reality, initially not planning to engage him.
But then something clicked, and she looked up, her eyes devoid of warmth. “Simon, you weren’t the one who saved me that
night. Why pretend, causing me such a misunderstanding?”
Simon stiffened, his handsome face contorting with discomfort, “I... I thought my father had spoken to the Lutz family for you.”
Of course, he knew his father had not. Wyatt had refused him.
Whitney’s cold laughter chilled the air. “You guessed it was L, yet you didn’t clarify in the restroom. Your tactics are despicable.”
“Whitney, it’s because I love you! I’m afraid of losing you,” Simon pleaded, grabbing her arm, “And what can your man do? He’s
powerless. Why would you believe him?”
“Yes, he’s much more powerful than you.” Whitney’s sarcasm stung as she shook him off, “No more disgusting lies. We’re done.
If you insist on clinging to Skye Gem, I’ll soon take back your shares. And that contact book of my grandfather’s, I want it.”
She needed to find her uncle.
Simon frowned. “I’m not giving you the contact book now.”
If he did, he would lose his leverage.
“Then I’ll find a way to make you give it to me.” Whitney’s words were icy as she turned back to the company.
Simon watched her go, a rueful smile in his eyes. He thought mentioning the contact book might bring her closer to him, but
Whitney was never one to be threatened.
In the CEO’s office of the Imperial Gem Corporation.
Elaine handed over the signed document, her gaze flitting from the computer screen on the expansive desk to the strikingly
handsome man seated behind it. With a teasing smile, she quipped, “Bro, are you really checking out Skye Gem’s stocks?
Ignoring the stock market of your own companies? Looks like Whitney’s really your darling.”

Ludwik’s brows arched at her words, ‘darling? That reminded him of the little lady who had expressed a desire to be his darling
that evening at the hot springs resort.
A soft smile played on his lips, unbidden.
Elaine lifted her eyelids slightly, steering the conversation forward, “Skye Gem has been quite aggressive lately. The stocks are
recovering. Whitney’s doing pretty well. I hear she’s in the market for some raw gems, scouting for suppliers.”
Ludwik had been considering giving the little lady’s Skye Gem a boost.
“Is she planning a big sell–off?” He inquired.
Elaine nodded, analyzing, “Looks like it. After the counterfeit gemstone fiasco, Skye Gem is desperate to restore its reputation by
replacing them. Whitney must be anxious to get her hands on raw materials.”
“Do we have suppliers under Imperial Gem Corporation who can provide top–notch quality gemstones?”
Elaine had been waiting for just that question. With a smile, she passed him a file, “I’ve already taken the liberty of shouldering
this concern for you. This is Banyan City’s finest raw gem supplier, currently under contract with one of our subsidiaries. The
quality is assured. And most importantly, the owners are women. They often discuss partnerships with Whitney, so you can rest
easy that no men are involved.”
She winked, skillfully anticipating and playing to Ludwik’s jealous