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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87
Elaine murmured under her breath, Hannah, how can you be so rude to Whitney? Whitney, get up. You’ll catch a cold
She sauntered over, her steps unhurried as she helped Whitney to her feet.
Hannah’s temper flared, “Elaine, why do you even bother with her? She’s beneath us.
You think you’re something special, Whitney? Everyone knows you only got with Big Bro because you had a scheme up your
sleeve. In a year, you’ll be out on your ear. For someone as manipulative as you, I’m just giving you what you deserve on behalf
of him.”
As she spoke, Hannah lifted her glass again, ready to unleash another wave of her fury.
“Hannah! Your brother asked me to look after Whitney. What on earth are you doing?” Elaine’s voice was tinged with
Mentioning Nolan only stoked Hannah’s jealousy as she eyed Whitney’s stunning features.
Whitney merely glanced at Elaine, her eyes conveying a story of their own.
But as Hannah’s drink came flying, Whitney was done playing nice. In a flash, she twisted Hannah’s wrist, redirecting the assault,
and doused her with the contents of the glass.
“Aah!” Hannah was caught off guard, her head soaked and chilled, the glass rattling against her scalp.
Screams echoed in the private room, but they were soon interrupted by footsteps and a commotion at the door. “What’s going
on?” Nolan burst in first, taken aback by the scene before him.
Whitney turned at the sound and saw L, a towering figure in a crisp black shirt and slacks, his presence dominating the room.
He wore a silver mask, its intricate design throwing shadows across his face in the dim light, only his piercing gaze visible,
ensnaring Whitney instantly. She felt her heart flutter, her face paling at the sight of him after
days apart.
Ludwik’s gaze lingered on her, locking onto hers with a palpable intensity.

Elaine noticed the exchange, the longing and heat in the man’s eyes, and pressed her lips.
Hannah, spotting Ludwik, lit up and ran to the imposing figure, pointing an accusing finger at Whitney, “Big Bro! This woman
dared to throw her drink at me! She actually thinks she’s your wife, treating me like dirt. You have to stand up for me!”
Her sobbing was an act of pure melodrama.
Ludwik’s eyes moved to Whitney, his expression unreadable.
Whitney faced him squarely, her demeanor cold. If he dared to defend Elaine like he did that night, she would not hesitate to file
for divorce.
“Why is there alcohol in this room?” Ludwik’s voice was icy as he addressed the manager.

The manager shivered. “Hannah insisted on drinking.”
Ludwik’s gaze turned icy, making Hannah tremble with fear.
“I don’t care if she threw her drink at you, but if you had thrown that drink on her, my child might have been exposed to alcohol,
His final words left Hannah shaking, disbelief etched on her face.
Whitney was equally surprised by his defense. Was this jerk actually taking her side without question?
Chapter 87.

Ludwik paid her no mind and strode into the room, sitting on the central sofa with an air of authority.
Nolan glanced at Hannah with distaste, “Who even invited you here? I’m warning you, don’t mess with Bro’s affairs.
His patience with his brash cousin had worn thin.
“You! I’m your sister! Hannah retorted, her eyes narrowing further at Whitney, whom she saw as nothing more
than a seductress.
Elaine broke the tense silence, guiding Whitney to sit beside Ludwik, her voice gentle. “The little spat with Hannah was just a
misunderstanding. Let’s not get worked up, everyone. Whitney, come sit by Bro and patch things up!”
Her mediator’s tone seemed genuine, and Ludwik looked her way, pleased.
His eyes settled on Whitney.
Whitney glanced at Elaine, shrugged off her hand, and coldly declined the seat next to the man, “Why so eager, Elaine?”
Ludwik’s expression darkened at her rebuff.
Even Nolan felt the awkward tension.
Elaine was at a loss, “I’m sorry, Whitney. I thought after all this time, you might have forgiven him.”
Her words, meant to smooth things over, only served to make Ludwik look worse. His eyes turned frosty.
Hannah could not hold back her contempt, “Elaine, why bother being nice to her? She’s full of herself, totally clueless about her

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Ludwik did not counter Hannah’s remark. His expression remained inscrutable, his presence chilling the room.
Whitney remained calm, casting a side glance at Elaine, who appeared downtrodden with eyes that hid her true feelings.
Whitney understood–her earlier rejection of Elaine’s gesture was a test. The reaction had provoked L, riled up Hannah, and
played right into Elaine’s hands.
Whitney’s lips curled into a faint smirk as she heard L’s low command, “Elaine, sit down!”
Elaine obediently nodded, “Bro, it’s natural for Whitney to be upset.”
“Does she really think she’s all that?” Hannah pushed past Whitney with disdain.
Ludwik’s frown deepened as he caught Whitney’s eye. His inscrutable gaze was hard to read, and he said

nothing more.
Pushed aside, Whitney watched as Hannah positioned herself before L, her gaze filled with admiration and scorn, “Big Bro, I
can’t understand how you ever fell for such a woman. No family background, a tarnished reputation... Her child isn’t worthy of
being yours. Thankfully, the agreement is almost up, and soon you’ll be single again...”
As Hannah’s humiliation of Whitney continued, Ludwik remained indifferent and cold.
Taking a bold step, Hannah sat down beside Ludwik.
Ludwik frowned, ready to dismiss the irritating woman, but his eyes caught Whitney watching them.
He held back, his expression stoic.
Seeing him not push her away, Hannah’s heart fluttered with triumph, her proud glance at Whitney rippling with satisfaction
“Big Bro...” Hannah purred with a seductive whine. “After your divorce, could you give the Fullers a thought? My cousin, Nolan,
is like a brother to you. We’re practically family. I know marrying you would be reaching for the stars, but I’m younger and fresher
than Whitney, not some second–hand rose!”
Chapter 87

She took a dig at Whitney, her daring little hand creeping towards the man’s shirt, inching ever so close to his chiseled chest.
The warmth of his muscles radiated through the fabric, turning Hannah’s cheeks a rosy shade of embarrassment.
Nolan nearly choked on his drink, itching to kick this foolish girl out!
Ludwik’s thick brows furrowed, his eyes squinting slightly.
But Hannah mistook his reaction for contemplation and snuggled even closer.
Elaine watched her brazen display with patience, waiting for this very moment. She shot a quick glance at Whitney.
“Go on, storm off, let tonight be the end of it all!” She thought.
Ludwik’s gaze also settled on Whitney.
The petite woman’s face was a mask of frosty composure until, with a sudden burst of energy, she strode over, grabbed a glass
of water from the table, and splashed it onto Hannah’s coquettish face.
The ice cubes from the glass hit Hannah with a tremble, “Ah, Whitney, you soaked me again! Are you out of your mind?”
“I think Hannah’s had one too many,” Whitney said icily, eyes narrowed. “Just helping you sober up so you don’t go naked in
public and end up in the station.”
Whitney whipped out her phone and dialed 911, reporting for real, “Officer, there’s a slut here trying to seduce my husband, and
I’m pregnant, please.”
In a flash, Hannah snatched the phone, pointing at Whitney, “You’re out of your mind, a total lunatic!”
“That’s still better than being a slut, trying to snag someone else’s husband.”
“What do you mean, your husband? You just got knocked up by Big Bro, and that’s it. With your looks, he would never want you,”
Hannah sneered, looping her arm through the man’s.
Whitney yanked her off, plopped down beside Ludwik, and pinched his jaw fiercely, not caring for his expression. She raised an
eyebrow in mockery, “My looks? My looks made your dear Big Bro insatiable that night. And you? You don’t even stand a chance
at carrying his child. How pitiful, Hannah.”
“You!” Hannah’s face turned beet red with rage.