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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83
Whitney blinked away the tears the
Mad gathered in the corners of her eyes, a wry smile etched across her tiny face Misunderstood? I was vorniting my guts out in
the bathroom, and Simon was just there to hold my hair back. Even if he misunderstood, he should’ve checked on me at the very
least, or how I was feeling, right?
Not only did he not help me, but he didn’t even ask if I was hurt. Heck, he even called me cheap and said I was just fine. Tiana,
my heart’s turned to ice. He doesn’t care about me at all. Maybe after I agreed to date him, he just lost interest...”
She could not help the bitter thoughts swirling in her head.
Tiana immediately interjected, “Don’t think like that. L seems so polished and poised; it’s not like him to lose control. Maybe
something else ticked him off? You said he didn’t help you?”
“Simon said he was the one who saved me. I was knocked out cold, and it was indeed Simon who helped me to the hospital
from the police station.”
Tiana mused, puzzled. “This case has ticked off Hunter. I know a bit about his temper. Could Simon really persuade them? Don’t
be too quick to give up on L,”
Whitney blinked, her heart heavy with sorrow. “Maybe I just don’t understand him at all. When things are easy, he teases me, but
when it gets tough, he just leaves me high and dry. Maybe that’s just the nature of a mature man in the business world. And his
sister, Elaine, always at his side, that’s a little too cozy.”
“Elaine? You’ve noticed something?”
Whitney’s eyes narrowed, her voice chilling by an octave. “She’s a cunning chameleon, hard for even women to spot, let alone
men. If they aren’t blood–related, then this sister of his becomes a lot more interesting.”
Tiana could hear the cold edge in Whitney’s voice, and her face set into a frown, “I almost believed she was kind–hearted and
naive that day. You need to watch out for that woman.”
Whitney felt despondent. What was there to watch out now? “After all that’s happened, there might not even be a future,” She

Tiana sighed, trying to rationalize, “You just started dating, and you don’t really know each other. You both have strong
personalities. At the end of the day, it’s just a lack of trust. You resent him, and he’s mad, that’s all. Just cool off, and things will
get better. Who knows, maybe he’ll come around in a couple of days, anxious to apologize to you and the baby.”
At that moment, Tjana’s assistant brought over her laptop.
She quickly changed the subject. “Let’s talk about tonight’s mess. You really got into hot water. The Lutz family dropping their

lawsuit is the least of it. If it hadn’t been for that, you’d be looking at a serious business felony, enough to lock you up for a
decade. Monica’s truly malicious, ready to sacrifice Skye Gem..”

Whitney signaled her assistant to close the door, her voice a frigid whisper. “I’ve given it some thought, and this doesn’t feel like
Monica’s handiwork. It’s too grand. Since when does Monica have the clout to take on the Lutz family?”
Tiana jumped, startled. “Are you saying that the powerful man behind Yvonne and her daughter was the one who made the
“At least it was his idea. Did you find anything?”
“Just about to tell you,” Tiana opened her laptop. “After Yvonne had that blow–up with Preston, she spent the night with Kyler.
Sure, he’s a big shot in Emperor City, but that’s just in terms of wealth. You think he has the pull to sway international judges, buy
design drafts for a high price, and play Hunter? I don’t buy it.”
Whitney frowned. “You didn’t find any connection to someone bigger?”
“Nope. Emperor City’s out of my reach. Too many big fish, too scary.”

Whitney’s brow furrowed. The person behind Yvonne was no small fry; Kyler was just a front. With the trail) going cold, she said,
“Now we can only wait for Valerie’s report, see if she can dig up anything on the people behind the international judges.
The next day, the police visited the hospital for Whitney’s statement. With the Lutz family’s withdrawal, the business case could
go either way. Skye Gem had suffered a blow to its reputation, but there was still a chance for damage control.
Whitney provided evidence implicating Monica, who had already planned her escape, pinning the purchase of fake gemstones
on the procurement manager while only getting charged with lack of supervision. With the procurement manager’s confession,
the case was closed.
Whitney’s expression was icy. Monica had slipped out of her grasp with the help of an expert.
Remembering how she was almost beaten to a miscarriage in the holding cell, Whitney was determined not to let Monica off the
Three days later, Tiana’s prediction proved wrong.
L never showed up, not even a glimpse of his assistant.
Whitney’s heart grew desolate with cold. Thankfully, the nurses took good care of her, and Tiana procured the best food and
Unable to take medication orally, Whitney hid in the bathroom to apply it to her skin. The bruising was severe but less painful.
With the company’s reputation hanging by a thread, Whitney knew she had to make amends first with Claire. Offending one of
the four families was out of the question..

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After two more days of recovery, Whitney gathered a few high–ranking executives from Skye Gem and personally visited the

Lutz family’s private hospital.
They waited from morning until evening until the hospital finally opened its doors.
Whitney hurried into the luxurious ward, and her smile strained as she turned to the venerable matriarch, “Claire, I’m so terribly
sorry. I’m Whitney, the general manager of Skye Gem and the designer of the True Love Collection. Our internal
mismanagement led to a mistake with the diamond material, causing such trouble at your birthday celebration.”
“Who let you in here?” Claire’s teacup smashed to the floor with a crash. “You think you’ve caused me mere trouble? My
husband gifted me a diamond the size of a pigeon’s egg, and it turned out to be a fake! Do you have any idea how many
dignitaries laughed at me? A mere diamond. I appreciated your design enough to buy from your company, and this is how you
repay me, you insolent girl!”
Whitney looked apologetic and nervous as the executives behind her opened the plush velvet boxes they were holding. She
said, “This is entirely Skye Gem’s fault. Madam, these pieces are my designs, limited editions, treasures of our company. If any
of them catch your fancy, we are prepared to fully compensate you.”
Claire glanced at the jewels, visibly impressed but even more infuriated. “Do you think my family’s honor can be bought with a
few shiny stones? That’s an insult! Security, show this woman out!”
Whitney was at a loss, unable to gauge Claire’s temper.
Just then, the doors opened and a suave, pleasant voice called out, “Now, who’s gone and upset my mother?”
Claire turned her head, her face softening into a smile, “Bryce, what brings you here?”
Whitney glanced up to see a tall figure approaching, a man in the prime of life with strikingly handsome features. He was
dressed in a sapphire blue suit, exuding an air of refined sophistication.
His eyes gently swept over Whitney before settling on the diamond display behind her. With a warm smile, he teased, “Seems
like you’ve got an eye for the finer things, yet you downplay their worth. This must be the work

of a Skye Gem designer, right? Don’t play it down so much, you might scare the poor girl.”
Whitney looked at him, slightly taken aback, but then caught the twinkle in his eye.
She quickly caught on to his cue, scooped up a bracelet, and confidently approached the sofa to adorn Claire’s wrist. “Madam,
this is the ‘Octuple Fortune‘ bracelet, featuring eight 8–carat rubies set amid natural diamonds, It symbolizes abundant blessings
and will look absolutely stunning on your fair and elegant wrist.”
“Hey, who said you could...” Claire began to protest, but she was instantly captivated by the beauty of the diamonds.
It was undeniable; the design was exquisite and emitted a sense of luxury.
“My mother’s hands are truly beautiful,” the man remarked.
Claire’s cheeks flushed with a touch of color. “Oh, hush, you’re just trying to charm me.”
Whitney’s heart skipped a beat.
This charismatic man was the old lady’s son, yet he did not look much older than Gunner, her grandson.
Chapter 84