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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136
The CEO’s fury in the executive office was the talk of the town at United Realty Corporation. News of him firing Castor, Castor’s
secretary, and the restaurant manager spread like wildfire through the company
Tension gripped the employees; the budding scandal involving Whitney as the CEO’s mistress had been swiftly snuffed out by
his recent outburst. It was clear to everyone: Whitney was not to be trifled with
In hushed tones, the executives conversed, their opinions of Whitney shifting dramatically. “Whitney’s no pushover. That leaked
video of Castor’s infidelity might just have her fingerprints all over it. In less than a day, Castor was out on his ear–and he was
Elaine’s right–hand man!”
As they pondered this, the executives who had once been in Elaine’s inner circle exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the
shifting tides.

At that moment, one of the executives” phone rang. It was Elaine reaching out from her sphere of influence. The executive
answered reluctantly.
Elaine tried to rally her allies. “I’ve heard about Whitney setting up Castor’s dismissal. I’m counting on your
“Elaine, I’m tied up at the moment. Maybe try some of the other execs. The executive said.
Afterward, Elaine made several calls, but they were all met with excuses or outright refusal to acknowledge
their past connections.
Sitting in her spartan branch office, Elaine’s frustration boiled over.
Whitney, that wretched woman, had played a vicious hand. In just one day, she had neutralized Castor, whom Elaine had hoped
to use as a weapon against Whitney, undermining her in the company so that Ludwik would long for Elaine’s return.
Now, Elaine’s chances of making a comeback in Banyan City through the company were slim..

Furious, she swept the documents from her desk and slumped back in her chair, her eyes flashing with hatred. Then, a sinister
smile curled her lips as if struck by a sudden idea.
She dialed the Riverlyn City dating agency. “I need to meet one of eligible bachelors in Riverlyn City immediately. I’m ready for a
So, Whitney wanted to push her into a new relationship? She would play along–it was the perfect way to make her return to
Banyan City.

Meanwhile, the VP’s office was filled with silence.
Ludwik had just legitimized Whitney’s position in the company and dealt with the execs involved in the previous day’s fiasco. His
imposing figure turned to face Whitney, his penetrating gaze resting on her.
His presence was overpowering, his stature imposing.
Suddenly, his voice, deep and resonant, broke the silence. “Perhaps it’s time for your friend to retract Castor’s news story?”
Whitney, sipping her water, choked in surprise, spilling some of it. She frantically wiped it away, her fingertips pale against the
dark fabric of her blouse. As she turned to face him, she met his intense eyes.
Ludwik’s eyebrow arched as he approached. “The company’s image is important. I don’t mind the small games, but when they
escalate, I need to step in.”
She was speechless. In essence, he admitted he knew about all her little schemes, but as long as they were harmless, he
looked the other way.
Embarrassed, her cheeks flushed, Whitney stammered a defense. “Castor was making it impossible for me to

work here, and I couldn’t just walk around the company with the stigma of a mistress. I had to do something..
“Smart move,” he said with a slight curve of his lips, looking down at her. “I left you at the office yesterday to see what you were
capable of. You took the opportunity to swiftly eliminate Elaine’s leftovers?”
“I didn’t mean to... Whitney stuttered, but realizing that he had seen through her intentions left her flustered. She pouted and
tried to charm her way out of the situation.
Ludwik, his expression unreadable, took her chin in his hand. Tve dealt with the bullies. From now on, no one in the company will
dare to speak against you. They’ll respect you as they respect me. Пll make sure your path here is smooth.”
His words sent her heart racing, stirred by his commanding tone.
She produced a voice recorder and a takeout menu, her subtle way of getting back at him, telling him that she did not deserve
the label of a mistress.
Thinking he had left her alone to fend for herself the day before, she had not realized he had been aware of her situation. Her
hand reached out timidly and wrapped around his waist. With a shy glance at the door, she whispered, “Now that I’ve gotten rid
of Castor, are you still upset?”
A subtle movement in his throat was the only sign of his reaction. A slight smile played on his lips.
“He was just a manager. Do you think he mattered that much? United Realty Corporation is very important to me. The truly
capable ones are in the core circle.”
His implication was clear: dealing with a small fish like Castor was her prerogative.

He stood tall, holding her hand gently, his lips curving into a smile. “Would you like to be part of the core circle at United Realty
Of course, Whitney nodded eagerly.
“Then come with me to the meeting. Show me if you have any talent in real estate management,” Ludwik said as he walked out
of the office
Whitney hurriedly grabbed the portfolio for the five–star hotel group project she had been studying. It was the company’s biggest
project, worth hundreds of billions. In the boardroom, she witnessed L’s prowess in business, his decisiveness and authority
leaving her in awe, completely enchanted by him.
As the meeting wrapped up around noon and the crowd dispersed, L gave Whitney a covert glance.
Feeling her cheeks redden at his suggestive look, she wondered, “Is he inviting me to his CEO’s office?”
After returning to her office to drop off the documents, Whitney took advantage of the empty floor as the secretaries were out for
lunch. She dashed into the CEO’s office, eager for their private encounter.
Whitney’s head popped in and out from behind the cubicle like a curious kitten, catching the attention of the man seated behind
the grand oak desk. His lips quirked in amusement as his gaze drifted over to her. “Madam, everyone in this office knows you’re
my temporary wife. They might not be clued in on our genuine romance, but you don’t need to hide,” he teased.
“Otherwise, they might start to think I summoned you here at lunch to sneak off to the break room for a little.... intimacy
Whitney’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson.
Especially when Felix, trying to stifle his laughter, looked like he was being force–fed a heavy dose of PDA right at his desk.
Annoyed, Whitney glared at the man, her slender hand on her hip. Then why did you call me over?”
“To eat. You can starve, but I can’t starve our child.” Ludwik frowned as he casually rolled his shirt sleeves, revealing his
muscular forearms.
Whitney huffed and sat on the couch with less grace than she intended.

Chapter 136
Felix, meanwhile, brought over a stack of files, placing them next to the dining table and opening one up
Ludwik firmly believed in not talking during meals, the mark of a gentleman. He picked up his fork with elegance, massaging his
temples briefly, his fatigue slipping through the cracks of his composed exterior
He ate his meal while scanning the documents, his eyes flicking rapidly through the pages.
Watching him, Whitney paused, her concern getting the better of her. “You’ll get indigestion eating like that.”
“There isn’t enough time for a proper break.”
“Even so, rest is important. I never worked myself to the bone without a break when I was at Skye Gem.”
his plate. Whitney’s sympathy grew as she spoke, and she tenderly placed a piece of steak on
Ludwik looked up at her, his eyes laced with a hint of disdain. “One company, is it? Do you many I’m juggling?”
even know how
“How many?” Whitney’s lips curled into a sly smile, seizing the opportunity to dig a little deeper into hist business empire.