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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114
“No way, I appreciate him too,”
Bryce had no idea she was undercover when he saved her, and his chivalrous spirit was truly genuine.
Right then, Tiana snagged a call, “Got a gig, gotta jet. Oh my, Whitney dear, you do have a knack for romance-husband and
lover in the same hospital ward. I’d love to dip my toes in your dramatic love life with two hunky dudes!”
Whitney smacked her playfully. “Shut it. Have you ever heard of loose lips sink ships“?”
Tiana covered her mouth, “True, Lis just too possessive.” She waved goodbye, reluctance in her eyes.
Whitney rolled her eyes, and soon Bryce emerged, his shirt sporting a fresh slash sewn up with several stitches. She felt
sincerely sorry.
Bryce looked at her tenderly. “I chose to save you. You owe me nothing, and I don’t expect a reward.”
Whitney could not help but chuckle at his tone.
Compared to Bryce’s genteel generosity, that other guy was all about the life debt, narrow–minded, petty, cold, and domineering.
Whitney internally ranted, oblivious to her daydreaming.
Bryce gazed at her as she was lost in thought, gentle and delicate. She was not hurt; she cared for another man–which he had
A flicker of hesitation crossed his mind, but his eyes grew more intense as he solemnly called out, “Whitney
Startled by her full name, Whitney looked at him curiously. Their relationship had not reached such familiar grounds.
He spoke in a low, frowning voice, “I knew about you long ago, probably when you were twenty. You were pitching for
investments at a cocktail party for Skye Gem Ltd. I saw you from upstairs–you seemed so young yet bold. I wanted to ask for
your business card but did not dare, fearful of being the old guy hitting on the young girl.”
Whitney was taken aback; at twenty, she was corporation and attending many functions..

just starting Skye Gem Ltd, helping Preston with the family
“Three years fly by, and I return home only to cross paths because you’ve offended my mother. I’m wondering. is this some kind

of fate?
I’ve also looked into what you’ve been through these past six months, and frankly, I don’t buy the gossip. I think you’re a good
girl... But at that dinner, I saw you leave with a masked man. I don’t know your relationship with him, but I worry. If he’s forcing
you to stay with him, I can help ”
Whitney froze, realizing he misunderstood, thinking she was kept by a wealthy man like L
“Ms. Valentine, I must say I quite fancy you.” His towering figure radiated warmth, standing not far from her, his eyes soft.
Whitney blushed, then quickly pulled away, stepping back and cutting him off, “Mr. Lutz, I think you’re mistaken. The man with
the mask, Mr. L, I’m dating him!”
Not knowing how to explain her fake marriage, Whitney was blunt, “I’m carrying his child, it’s not what you think, I like him.”
“What?” Bryce was shocked, looking at her flat stomach.
Knowing he would not believe her, she smiled. “I have no reason to lie to you. If I’ve disappointed you, I’m sorry. But I don’t want
to cause any misunderstandings. Our relationship is purely professional. I’m grateful for your
belt and will make sure to give my best to your mother’s jewelry designs as a token of gratitude”
Bryce’s eyes dimmed slight his gaze cooling as he was still in shock

A faint bitter smile crossed his tips, he had not expected that he would be so late after three years.
And sheather being caught up in the Valentine family’s turmoil, had her life change so suddenly
Pregnant with that man’s child, could she really have feelings for him?
Bryce sat silently, and Whitney did not leave until his assistant Cooper arrived
hitney left money for the medical expenses, politely saying goodbye. “Mr. Lutz, Im sorry, but I’m a bit busy 1 might not be able to
visit while you’re recovering Any expenses, please have your assistant contact me.”
Her refusal was crisp, her tone gentle
Reading between the lines, it seemed like fear of that man.
Bryce watched her leave, wordless.
out feeling guilty, berating herself for not being entirely honest, but she feared L was upstairs, ready to misunderstand again.
Taking a deep breath, she switched off her phone recorder.

With a helpless smirk, she glanced at the time and gasped–it was already six in the evening.
The sky had darkened
Six hours out, and he had not called once. Was he holding back? Did he not know how to sweet–talk her?
Or was it because she ‘slandered Elaine, and he was concerned?
Lost in thought, Whitney passed the reception and caught a familiar gaze.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It was Baines assistant, but he disappeared quickly.
Whitney paused her eyes flickering. She had rushed into the hospital with Bryce without disguise.
A cold smirk crossed her lips; she was prepared for such situations.
Walking out of the hospital she shopped at the nearby farmers‘ market, picking up fresh veggies and lean cuts
of meat
Her phone buzzed in her pocket.
It was L’s number
She stared
ed at it, her lips curving slightly, her heart racing before she finally answered, her voice casual, “Hello,
“What?” His voice was cold haughty arrogance bleeding through, “What’s with that tone? Do you see the time? You could not
even make one call. If I had not reached out, were you planning not to come back at all?”
Oh, so he was waiting for her call, too
Whitney sensed the faint worry in his voice and teased, “Were you worried I would not come back?”
“Should I be worried?” Ludwik chuckled darkly, drumming his fingers harshly on the quilt. “I saved your life, after
Just look at him, thinking he could even hold a candle to someone like Bryce
Whitney rolled her eyes, unseen by him.
“What have you been up to, gallivanting outside? Did you run into a Lutz and Perlman, perhaps?” He asked with
a sarcastic tone.
Silence again.

Chapter 114
Whitney jumped, startled. Did he have X–ray vision or something?
“I’m in a foul mood, and there’s no one here to cheer me up. Can’t I chat with Tiana for a bit? I was just picking up some food for
you at the farmers‘ market.”
Ludwik’s thick brows knotted. Something about that did not sound quite right.
He commanded with an air of possessiveness, “Get back here. Now.”