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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110
Whitney emerged from the restroom, rubbing her eyes as Hannah’s familiar shriek echoed through the hallways of the grand
estate. It was a sound uniquely hers, piercing and high–pitched, like an off–key violin screeching through the night.
She was about to
sk what was going on when she caught Felix in mid–conversation with L. “Miss Hannah is causing a commotion,” Felix
explained. “All those involved in the soiree the other night, Mr. Wendt and Dante, they’ve aiready been...”
He made a slashing gesture across his throat, unaware that Whitney was within earshot.
Her heart skipped a beat. In the time they had been together, she had seen his ruthless side. That man harbored a devil inside,
and she feared Dante and Mr. Wendt might have paid the ultimate price.
“Hannah masterminded the whole affair and instructed Mr. Wendt to kidnap Madam,” Felix continued. “You’ve blacklisted her
from the entire entertainment scene, and with her father’s position at The Fuller Group now in jeopardy, she and her mother have
come to plead their case. But Nolan won’t give her the time of day.”
“Show them out,” Ludwik interjected with an icy brevity that sent shivers down Whitney’s spine.
She blinked, stunned. Had he discovered that it was Hannah who had set her up that night?
A mix of emotions churned within her. She had thought him indifferent during her days of confinement, but he had been
investigating the gala, seeking vengeance on her behalf, punishing Hannah.
But was Hannah truly the mastermind?
Meanwhile, Elaine accompanied Natalie to Ludwik’s hospital for a check–up, seizing the opportunity to access areas where
Parker would otherwise bar her.
As the neurologist examined Natalie, Elaine overheard the commotion caused by Hannah outside Ludwik’s
A flicker of concern crossed her eyes, but she quickly masked it with indifference. Sh

Hannah’s actions and, thus, felt no worry.
had not orchestrated
But Hannah’s presence reminded Elaine of the cold, piercing gaze Whitney had given her at the gala.
Whitney surely suspected her.
Now that Ludwik had pinned the blame on Hannah, Whitney would surely disagree. What would Whitney say to
A smug smile crept onto Elaine’s lips. This was why she had spent the previous night ‘caring‘ for Natalie at the mansion. Her ‘all–
night vigil‘ must have reached Ludwik’s ears by now.

The neurologist expressed surprise at Natalie’s recovery. “Madam Natalie is doing remarkably well. Was acupuncture
administered during her épisode?”
Elaine looked down at the still–confused elderly lady and smiled. “That was my doing. I have medical knowledge and tended to
my Natalie all night.”
The neurologist praised her. “You are quite attentive to Mr. Lippert’s mother. Madam Natalie, do you remember how you fell ill?”
Natalie’s gaze was hazy as she struggled to recollect.

Elaine’s smile deepened. She had tampered with Natalie’s memory with her needles the night before. How could she remember
her phone call?
As expected, Natalie shook her head, bewildered. “I don’t know. I just had a seizure out of nowhere.”
Chapter 110
The family doctor said, “The lady has had her share of ailments. It’s likely a complication. It’s my fault for taking a day off.”
The neurologist nodded, gathering the medical records. “I’ll brief Mr. Lippert on Madam Natalie’s condition
Elaine released the wheelchair and flashed a smile. “I’ll accompany you. I was about to visit him myself.
Back in the hospital room, Whitney settled beside the bed.
Hannah’s screams had faded into the distance, carried away by security.
Whitney looked up at the man. “L, do you truly believe that Hannah was so jealous of me that she had Mr. Wendt kidnap me so
that you’d see me humiliated?”
“Are you suggesting there’s another mastermind?” Ludwik’s hawk–like gaze sharpened.
She had saved his life, and everything else seemed trivial by comparison. But she could not swallow the bitter pill of their
argument during the gala when he had defended Elaine and wounded her with his words. Whitney cared deeply about that thorn

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in her side. They had not settled it that day, but now, closer than ever, she wanted to clear the air about Elaine.
“Yes, I suspect Hannah was just a pawn,” Whitney said firmly, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “L, haven’t you noticed? We’ve
been arguing a lot lately since Elaine entered our lives.”
Ludwik frowned, frustration etched on his face. “Are you still going on about her? I know what you’re about to
Whitney placed her hand over his, her touch gentle but her eyes cold and resolute. “Just hear me out,
You say she’s friendly, that she helps us. Logically, our relationship should be sweet, but why all the arguments?
Remember the gemstone suppliers? You had asked her to recommend them to me, but she kept that a secret, saying she
recommended the suppliers. Was it really unintentional? Maybe she had already noticed my guard against her, so she used that

to stir things between us. And the Lotus Clubhouse? I was discussing business with Mr. Lutz there while you were having a
meeting relatively far away. Why did she bring you there to eat? I know she’ll definitely say that the Lotus Clubhouse just popped
up in her mind out of nowhere, but...”
Ludwik’s eyes darkened, his impatience giving way to contemplation. The distance between the meeting venue and the Lotus
Clubhouse was indeed significant, a detail he had overlooked while browsing her Facebook that day.
Whitney tried to read his expression, her voice laced with a wry laugh. “And remember the bar incident? She posted a picture
with you on Twitter. Would a sister who truly wished us well behave so provocatively, making it seem like you two were having a
blast without me?”
Ludwik sighed and ruffled her hair affectionately but with a hint of reluctance. “I was not having a blast that night.”
“Don’t change the subject,” Whitney pressed on. “Do you know what she said to me before the gala? She bragged about taking
care of you, about working closely with you. She tried to provoke me, wanted me to lash out at her in front of you. And I bet she
played the victim afterward, telling you I was still angry and suggesting that you should come and appease me, right?”
Ludwik’s eyes narrowed sharply, a cold gleam flickering as he regarded her. “How did you know?”
Whitney scoffed lightly. “Every time we argue, isn’t that how she always tries to mediate? It’s a classic case of ‘retreat to
advance.‘ I might not use that tactic, but I’m certainly familiar with it.”

Monica often employed such low–tier strategies, much to Elaine’s chagrin, though she managed to do so without leaving a trace.
Chapter 110
Whitney’s gaze turned frosty as she continued, “That night in the private room when Hannah appeared so unexpectedly, I had no
idea she harbored feelings for you and targeted me. After all, even if she did have it out for me before, she never found me. Who
could connect the dots? So, I have every reason to suspect that on the night of the banquet, Hannah was similarly coached by
someone, leading her to concoct that malicious plot against me. Why don’t you check if Hannah and Elaine had any private
conversations during the event? That would tell us everything, wouldn’t it?”
Ludwik’s eyes darkened to a deep, cold hue.
Indeed, his marriage to Whitney had been hasty and secretive, giving Hannah no chance to locate Whitney before.
But recently, she seemed to be showing up more at events Whitney attended.
Suddenly, a low sobbing sound came from outside the door.
Both turned their heads to see a doctor, looking rather sheepish, standing at the doorway, holding a medical chart. “Elaine
brought your mother to the hospital today for a neurological checkup...”
Behind him stood Elaine, her eyes slightly reddened, brimming with a pitiful, damp sweetness.
She stepped forward, eyes on Whitney, and managed a bitter, disappointed smile, “I never expected Whitney to think so poorly
of me. Maybe I’ve been too enthusiastic, overzealous even, and that’s led to
misunderstandings. Bro, it’s fine. You should take Whitney’s side and paint me as the villain. As long as you two make up, I can
handle being misunderstood.”
“Misunderstood?” Whitney rose to her feet, eyeing Elaine’s perfect damsel–in–distress act, and could not help but snort, “Elaine,
your timing could not be better. Care to explain why you insisted on taking your dear Bro to the out–of–the–way Lotus Clubhouse
for dinner? Why did not you make it clear that it was L who asked you to recommend a female supplier for me?”