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Love Beyond the Mask by Adelaide Sinclair

Chapter 104
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Chapter 104
“You can’t...” Whitney tried to resist, only to realize she had provoked a wrathful god.
The man’s hands, veins bulging with barely controlled fury, pinned her against the car window without saying a word. His lips
crushed against hers without mercy, almost devouring her in his frenzied assault.
Whitney’s delicate lips quickly turned red as blood.
Ludwik’s thoughts raced to her at the foot of the bed, Bryce dressing her, her lips stained with blood, seductive as a succubus
drawing the life from some man.
His rage grew wilder, his kisses trailing down to the nape of her milky–white neck, the lingering scent driving him to madness as
he sought to tear away and claim what he saw as his.
Pressed against the edge of the car, the vehicle still moving, Whitney’s head knocked against the window while the man, like a
lion, was beyond reason, his eyes darkening further as he watched her tears fall one by one beneath his savage kisses. He
scoffed at her, ‘Don’t give me that mournful look. You weren’t like this with Bryce.
His voice was a low growl filled with cold fury.
Whitney had no strength left to fight, her small hands clutching pitifully at his shirt, trying to push him away, but only tears
He zipped up the back of her dress as they arrived at the villa.
Ludwik did not say a word, carrying her out of the car. She did not cooperate, so he dragged her in, taking care
not to harm the child she carried.
He dragged her to the second–floor bedroom, his gaze like the frost of a winter night as he looked at her and said icily, “It seems
you don’t understand. If I want to control someone, it’s easy. From now on, forget your job and career. Just stay at home and
have this kid!”
He turned and ordered Taryn, his voice harsh. “This woman is restless. Keep an eye on her. Take her phone. My
mother must not find out!”

Whitney lay on the bed like a rag doll, her chest and neck stinging. It took a while before she could gather her
He was grounding her!
“What right do you have to treat me this way, you bastard? Have you gone mad?” She sprang from the bed, reaching for the
But Taryn sighed and locked it promptly.
Whitney felt like she was going insane. What kind of devil had she entered into a sham marriage with and then had an actual
relationship with?

Downstairs at the villa.
Nolan’s car raced over, and as he got out, he heard Ludwik’s chilling voice instructing the servants, “Call the surgeon over.
Check carefully.”
Who they were to examine was obvious.
Nolan sighed, facing Ludwik’s impenetrable, somber visage. The faint sound of a woman’s soft crying and knocking on the door
could be heard from upstairs.
“Big Bro... What are you doing? You can’t keep someone locked up like this.”
Ludwik’s eyebrows knitted together in a chill sweep, “Is there anything I can’t do?”.

Nolan caught the tiredness behind his deep frown, not daring to speak further.
He took a long drag on his cigarette white Whitney’s cries made his veins pulse with increasing frustration Staying here, he only
wanted to destroy her. Thus, he abruptly got into his car and said, “Check the banquet hall incident. Find out who set her up!”
“So, you do know Whitney was set up, huh? Then don’t treat her like this! All because you couldn’t save her, and Bryce did, just
by giving her a coat...” Nolan thought. However, he knew that he might have lost it in that situation, too.
The sports car sped away.
Nolan glanced at the villa’s second floor. It was like a little prison cell. “Whitney, oh Whitney, if only you’d listen,” He thought.
Stamping his foot, Nolan had no choice but to follow Ludwik, forced into a reckless midnight car chase.
In a daze, Whitney was thoroughly examined by the female doctor. The drug was inhaled, not affecting the blood, and they had
administered the antidote in time the baby was fine.

She had no new injuries save for her bruised lips and a few marks on her collarbone.
The doctor silently applied a cooling ointment, advising her to be careful when bathing.
Humiliated, Whitney remained silent, eventually drifting off into a troubled sleep.
Come morning, her first instinct was to reach for her phone, only to remember that the bastard had confiscated

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1. it.
Was he cutting her off from the outside world?
Whitney was on the verge of madness.
She had done nothing wrong; she was the victim, almost defiled, yet he was grounding her.
What era was this to still have such punishments?
Whitney felt more than just humiliation; there was also his extreme coldness. This was his idea of a

relationship equality only when he was in a good mood. She must have been out of her mind to fall for such
a man.

Whitney kept banging on the door, and Taryn, distressed on the other side, pleaded, “Madam, I’m sorry, but you can’t leave the
bedroom. Please eat your breakfast, will you be good?”
“I’ll starve myself.”
Taryn chuckled bitterly. “Sir just called. He wants a report on your meals three times a day. Please don’t make it hard for us. And
the baby’s over three months now; you can’t starve it.”
Whitney’s tear–stained face collapsed against the door.
She had already grown fond of the baby; she could not starve herself.
Why was he so heartless, forbidding her from work when Skye Gem had a pile of urgent matters needing her attention?
Stripping her of her freedom, she could not contact Tiana.
What happened at last night’s banquet was most certainly not an accident; there must be someone behind it. She had seen
Elaine’s look when she was taken away it must have been her doing. Whitney was certain, and she wanted to investigate.

But now she was trapped.
Days passed, and Whitney’s eyes began to lose light from being confined.
Her mood was off, and Taryn, worried about depression, reported back to Ludwik.
Chapter 104
In his office, the man’s icy demeanor only softened as he put down his pen and picked it up again.
Felix understood. Mr. Lippert was furious this time, intent on punishing Madam, and he would not let up soon.
Rebuffed, Taryn returned and ran into Elaine coming up the elevator.
In her own office, Elaine’s gaze narrowed ominously.
Her assistant asked, “Ms. Elaine, with Whitney locked up by Mr. Lippert, what else are you worried about?”
Elaine’s brow furrowed. She had thought Whitney was finished after Ludwik’s outburst at the banquet, but his grounding of her
was, to Elaine, an inadvertent protection. She would find it even harder to act.
And Whitney was still not defeated. Until she was gone, Elaine would not rest easy.
As Ludwik’s disenchantment with Whitney peaked, it presented the perfect window of opportunity for her to make her move.
It was time for a swift and decisive strike against Whitney, that wretched woman.
Elaine settled gracefully back into her office chair and suddenly asked her assistant, “Have you dug up the info on that deceased
construction worker’s family as I asked?”
The assistant, puzzled by the inquiry yet aware of its importance since Elaine had assigned it some days ago, immediately
responded, “Yes, I found out. It’s the son of a construction worker who died in Elate City. The kid was so poor he was sent off to
a boxing gym early on, and he’s pretty muscular now. If he’s out for revenge against Mr. Lippert, well, Mr. Lippert had better
watch out. The guy’s been spotted around Banyan City, keeping his eyes on the Imperial Gem Corporation building.”

“Muscular, huh?” Elaine sneered with a deep chuckle, slowly pulling out a photograph to hand to her assistant. “Find someone to
make contact with him. Give him this photo and make it clear that she’s Mr. Lippert’s beloved wife, and throw in a baby on the
way as a bonus. Offer a nice sum of money. Just make sure it’s a clean job
that can’t be traced back to us.”