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King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Chapter 188
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Chapter One Hundred Eighty-Eight


“Is Andy trustworthy?” Armando asked Sephie.

“I haven’t completely decided yet. I want to say yes, but I need to make sure before I make up my mind

definitively,” she said, her sweet smile on her face as she talked to Armando. She really did like him,

but she also knew not to say too much. It was a tricky situation.

Armando ran his hand through his hair. “What a mess. We still need to ask about my water district guy

and what he knows about that. I’m really concerned about that. I can’t have the people in my area

exposed to that much brawn.”

“I would like to know if he knows anything about Anthony’s ex-girlfriend, as well,” Sephie said.

“Come, let’s go find out,” I said, as I pulled her toward the office.

When we walked back in, Andy was clearly worried. I remained silent, as did Sephie, as I sat in my

chair. She hopped onto the bookshelf behind my desk once more. I looked to Armando, giving him the

lead for questions about his water district.

“Andy, what do you know about the guy in my water district that they approached?” Armando asked. He

was clearly stressed about this situation. He looked like he hadn’t been sleeping very well. I caught

myself wondering if Giana was as good at comforting him as Sephie was at comforting me.

“That guy’s name is Brian, I think?” Andy asked. Armando nodded. “Brian’s sister used to date

Anthony.” Andy looked at me. “That bracelet Sal gave you the day you banished Anthony?” I nodded.

“That bracelet was made for Brian’s sister. Jennifer is her name. Anthony was sure she was cheating

on him, so he gave her that bracelet so he could listen in on her conversations. She was pregnant at

the time, too. Turns out she was cheating, but she swore the baby was Anthony’s. She could never get

him to submit to a DNA test to prove it, but she always remained constant that it belonged to him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When Sal was looking for ways in, he remembered that Brian was Jennifer’s brother and that he

worked at the water district in Armando’s area of the city. He went to Jennifer and agreed to have his

DNA tested against her kid. If the kid was Anthony’s, it would share DNA with Sal. Once it was proven

that the kid belonged to Anthony, Sal went to Brian and agreed to take care of the medical expenses

for the kid and to support Jennifer as well, but Brian had to give his people access to the water supply.

He didn’t tell him why, but he said the deal was completely dependent on that. Brian was in a tough

spot. He’d been supporting his sister and now with the kid being diagnosed with ca ncer, he was

struggling to keep up with medical hills. He agreed,” Andy said.

“How much do you know about the relationship between Anthony and Jennifer when they were

dating?” Sephie asked. I could still hear an edge to her voice, as could the guys, but she was trying to

control it. Ivan looked at her, still concerned. I assumed she smiled at him, as I saw his expression

soften slightly and he winked at her.

“Anthony is much like Massimo. I would more readily believe that Massimo was Anthony’s father than

Sal, to be honest. Anthony is a psycho. Like It didn’t surprise any of us one bit what he did to you at the

restaurant, Sephie. That was just the first time he’d gotten caught and suffered the consequences of it.

Jennifer would show up with fresh bruises regularly. She would have choke marks on her, too. One of

Sal’s underbosses was concerned for her. He thought maybe her father was beating her. It never

occurred to him that it could be Anthony. He’s the one that started a relationship with her while she was

still with Anthony,” Andy said. I could see the fear flash across his face again.

“Did Anthony ki ll him or did Sal?” I asked.

“Sal did. Once they found out she was seeing him, Sal called him into his office and shot him point

blank. Anthony had convinced Sal that he was trying to steal his woman and child from him. But after

the underboss was dead, Anthony abandoned Jennifer and his kid. Completely cut her off. She had


“S ick fu cks,” Sephie mumbled under her breath behind me. I was the only one that heard her.

“I couldn’t agree more,” I said quietly, in Russian, so that only she could understand me.

“What do you know about Anthony’s plans once he gets back to the city?” Ivan asked. “What’s the end

goal here?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but I know he can’t stand Ghost since that night at the restaurant when he got his

as s handed to him multiple times in one night. Anthony is a petulant child in a grown man’s body. He

doesn’t take reprimands well. Even worse that they were public. I’ve seen the look on his face that he

had when Ghost yelled at him for slapping Sephie in front of everyone. He won’t stop until he destroys

her to get to Ghost,” Andy said.

“What’s Sal’s relationship like with Anthony? I got the impression he’s scared of his own son,” Viktor


Andy nodded. “He’s definitely scared of him. He always has been. Even when Anthony was young. He

learned as a small child that he could throw a fit and he’d get anything he wanted. It’s only gotten

worse as he’s gotten older. I’ve seen him choke Sal before. Sal basically does whatever he wants.

Even Anthony going to Sicily was Anthony’s idea. He just didn’t expect you to banish him there. He was

expecting to go there, take care of business with Lorenzo, and then be able to come back. In his mind,

he’s untouchable.”

That was good. When you get cocky, you get sloppy. He’d be an easier target that way.

“What do you know about their talks with the Colombians?” Ivan asked.

“I don’t know much about it, but if the Colombians don’t play ball with Anthony and Lorenzo, they’ve

been making their own plans to completely bypass the Colombian supply. They’ve been talking to the

Mexican cartels in secret,” Andy said.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sephie laughed behind me, causing everyone to look at her. I knew where she was going before she

said anything. “Do those du mb fu cks not know the Colombians are the ones that supply the Mexican

cartels with product? They can try and bypass the Colombians all they want. They’ll just cut off the

supply completely. No nothing. You can’t even make brawn that way. Jesus

these people are stu pid.”

I felt the smile creeping across my face as I watched the rest of the room, outside of our group, realize

what she had just said. Clearly, no one else had thought about that except the Russians in the room

and Sephie. I couldn’t help but feel proud that she

was mine.

“How do you know that, Sephie? I didn’t even know that,” Armando asked, clearly surprised.

“I thought everyone knew that it takes the specific climate of Colombia to grow the plants. You can

grow it further south, as well, but the yields aren’t as high and the quality isn’t as good. Colombia is the

prime location for growing the plant that makes the drugs,” she said, somewhat flippantly.

Ivan grinned at her, saying in Russian, “they were today years old when they learned that you could run

the organization better than they can.”

She laughed, hopping down from the bookshelves and going to him. She sat down in between him and

Misha, so she’d be on Ivan’s good side. He put his arm around her shoulders, letting her curl up beside

him. He kissed the top of her head. I glanced in Mike’s direction, who had a strange expression on his

face. I couldn’t tell if he was shocked or angry or both. I glanced back toward Sephie and caught

Misha’s eye, who had also seen Mike’s expression change. Without a word, he reached over and

grabbed one of Sephle’s legs and stretched it across his lap, keeping his hand protectively on her leg.

“This is definitely going on the wh ite board,” she said in Russian. “This might replace the creative ways

to d ie as my favorite wh ite board addition,


Of course, we all laughed, forgetting for a moment about the severity of the situation.