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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 98
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Chapter 97 She Probably Used Her Body

“Yes, ma’am,” the secretary looked at Chloe and said, “Can you wait for a few minutes?

Although Chloe did not understand why, she nodded.

The secretary pulled the project manager to the side and whispered something into his ear. He looked

shocked and his expression changed, but he nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood what he

needed to do.

After he and the secretary were finished talking, he approached Chloe and his attitude changed


“I’m so sorry for my attitude earlier, Ms. Chloe. Can you give me another chance to sit down and talk

things out?”

Chloe was stunned for a few seconds before exclaiming, “Of course, we can!”

After taking about ten minutes to review the newly revised proposal, the project manager said

earnestly, “It’s very good. Let’s go with this version.”

“A-Are you sure?” Chloe asked in disbelief.

“I have faith in your ability,” he replied.

Chloe was overjoyed, feeling incredibly grateful for the manager’s trust in her. “Thank you. I’ll get out of

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your hair now. Have a pleasant day.”

“Wait. I called your superior this morning to tell him that you plagiarized the proposal. He must have

misunderstood,” he said.

“I’m the person in charge of this project. If there’s a problem, it’s my fault,” she replied with a wry smile.

She jokingly added, “I didn’t handle this carefully enough and caused

so much trouble.”

She and her colleagues only had a professional relationship and had to prioritize the company’s

interests. Furthermore, she had Lily who believed in her.

Remembering what the secretary had said, the project manager suggested, “How about this? This is

my fault too. I’ll go back with you to Baxon to explain to your supervisor.”

Chloe was so surprised that her eyes widened. “No, no! It’s okay. I’ll go back and talk to my superior.

You don’t have to come with me.”

However, he insisted on accompanying her. Chloe could not understand his change of

heart, but she did not say anything more. He meant well, and rejecting his offer would have been rude.

When Chloe’s superior saw the project manager from Patterson, he greeted him

warmly and led him into the office. Chloe could not hear what they were talking about inside. Lily came

over and asked curiously, “So did you get it done?”

“Yeah… But it’s a little weird.”

“At least we got it done. Who cares about the rest?” Lily said, casting a glance at David, who was

surreptitiously listening in. “We prioritize doing things correctly and maintaining proper conduct, unlike

those who enjoy speaking ill of others behind their backs.”

Chloe followed her gaze and looked at David. Realizing that they knew he was eavesdropping, David

cleared his throat guiltily and glared at Lily. “Who are you talking about?”

“Whoever speaks ill of me, I’ll do the same to them,” Lily replied confidently.

Sneering coldly, David mumbled under his breath, “She probably used her body to get ahead. What’s

there to be proud of?”

The Patterson project manager accompanied Chloe to Baxon to clarify the situation. during his lunch

break. It was clear that something had happened between them as it was unusual for ordinary people

to receive such a treatment. Chloe’s department colleagues looked at her contemptuously as if they all

knew what had transpired.

She scanned their faces, and her eyebrows furrowed tightly. She had not wanted to have a fallout with

them, but it seemed like they all believed in David.

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After the project manager left, their superior took the initiative to apologize to Chloe.” I’m sorry, Chloe. I

should’ve believed you. Please don’t take it to heart.”

“I’m sure that I didn’t touch my laptop from seven yesterday until nine this morning. Although the

misunderstanding has been cleared up, there’s still a chance that some people may have the wrong

idea about me.” xo.com fast update

Her superior thought Chloe was still upset and offered, “I’ll give you a few days off to rest. You’ve been

through a lot.”

“I don’t want to take time off. I want to check the surveillance footage. Whoever touched my laptop after

work yesterday is most certainly the culprit.”

As soon as she said this, David’s expression changed dramatically, and he was the first to object.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. The matter has already been resolved. Why waste time finding out who

the culprit is?”

“It’s not a waste of time. Patterson was gracious enough to let this pass, but there may be others who

will try to frame me again in the future.”

Chloe’s superior felt that she was right and promptly contacted the security office.

A USB drive was quickly delivered to their superior, who took it back to his office and plugged it into his

computer. He fast-forwarded the footage, and in the end, he saw David sneakily opening Chloe’s laptop

after everyone had left!

He could not contain his anger and yelled for David to come into his offic