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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 95
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Chapter 94 Plagiarism

The neighborhood was quiet despite being in a bustling area. There were no people in the surrounding

area, especially at night.

To be honest, there was nothing she could do if the middle-aged man in front of her decided to do

anything to her.

Chloe’s palms were sweating, but she did not back down. “What are you going to do to me if I say it

again? I did nothing wrong. You were the one who failed to keep an eye on your dog, and now you

have the audacity to shift the blame on me. The regulations in Aesper prohibit the ownership of

German Shepherds. I have the right to report you.”

As soon as Chloe said she was going to report him, the man faltered and did not say anything more.

He pulled his dog away and quickly left.

Chloe let out a sigh of relief and called Joseph to come over.

Five minutes later, Joseph arrived. He was wearing a cotton shirt, and his expression was gloomy and

terrifying under the night sky.

“You didn’t put Toto on a leash?” he asked.

“I did. I let it go for a few minutes behind the garden,” she replied.

“Are you an idiot? Don’t you know that it’s against the law to walk a dog without a leash?” he scolded.

“I know, but I only let it go for a short while and there was no one around,” Chloe defended herself.

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“That means Toto wasn’t on a leash for at least a few minutes. It’s still unacceptable.”

“But there was nobody around us at that time. How was I supposed to know that a German Shepherd

would suddenly appear?” Chloe said.

She felt sorry for Toto. Even though Toto was not her dog, she loved the dog.

Joseph’s face sank a little. “Are you still trying to argue with me?”

“Let’s not argue for now,” Chloe said weakly, “Please take a look at Toto’s injuries.”

In truth, Toto did not seem too badly hurt. Despite limping, it was still affectionately nudging them and

asking for pets.

Joseph pushed aside Toto’s fur and saw the wound caused by the German Shepherd’s

bite. It was only one wound, but it was deep, and blood was flowing out continuously.

Chloe felt self-reproachful seeing the wound. “I did try to separate the two dogs, but I wasn’t


Upon hearing this, Joseph’s anger rose again.

‘Is she an idiot? She actually tried to pull apart two large dogs with her bare hands. Moreover, the other

dog’s origins were unknown. It could’ve been carrying bacteria that could be dangerous if it bit her.’

“Are you taking Toto to the vet?” she asked.


Just when Chloe wanted to go back and get some disinfectant wipes to clean the wound, she heard

Joseph say, “I’ll take Toto there myself.”

Chloe bit her lip hard, wanting to explain that it was not her intention to let Toto get hurt. She looked up,

but upon seeing the stern and cold expression on Joseph’s face, she swallowed her words back and


At this point, it was more important to take care of Toto’s injuries first. It was better to keep quiet and

avoid another argument.

Chloe had a long day and went to bed immediately after washing up.

The following day, the alarm clock jolted her awake. She rubbed her bleary eyes as she stumbled out

of the room to check on Toto. She looked around the courtyard but Toto. and Joseph were nowhere to

be found. She felt a little bit worried about them and sent a message to Joseph to ask about their


After washing up, she grabbed an umbrella and walked along the path in the residential area.

Suddenly, she came across a few property staff talking to a man who seemed to be agitated. She did

not pay much attention to them until she got closer and realized it was the owner of the German

Shepherd from last night.

“According to the contract, it is explicitly stated that you’re not allowed to keep banned dog breeds in

the city, which is a violation of public security regulations. If you don’t send the dog back to your village

within three days, we’ll have to take compulsory measures,” one of the staff members said.

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“I won’t comply. The house and the dog are both mine. If you want to usexo.com fast update

force, go ahead!” the man retorted.

“Calm down, sir. We’re trying to work something out with you. If the police come, not

only will you be fined, but your dog will also be taken away,” another staff member replied calmly.

The man grew increasingly agitated. “How dare you threaten to take my dog away! Do you know who

my daughter is?!”

The staff sneered. “We don’t know who your daughter is, but the person our manager mentioned is

definitely not someone your daughter can afford to mess with.”

Chloe lowered her gaze and hurried off to Baxon without stopping. It was likely that this man’s habit of

walking his dog without a leash had led to numerous reports from other residents, which ultimately

forced the property management to take action.

Such people brought their troubles on themselves. It was not a big deal to raise a German Shepherd,

but if they could not manage it properly, that would be a problem.

In the end, dogs fighting with each other was a minor issue, but if they attacked people, especially

children or the elderly, that would be a major problem.

Chloe bought herself a cup of coffee and some croissants at a coffee shop below Baxon. She had just

placed the breakfast on her desk when her superior slammed a folder onto it, spilling coffee all over her


“How could you claim someone else’s ideas as your own?! Do you have no shame?