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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 73
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Chapter 72 I Won’t Fall For Her Tricks

Before the phone could even ring on the other end, Joseph quickly hung up and his expressionless

face instantly returned to normal.

What was the point of him making the call? Whether she was busy or she was intentionally playing

hard to get, he would never fall for her tricks.

Just because Chloe did not reply to his messages did not mean he could not find out about Toto’s


“Have Patrick check on Toto,” he ordered.

Lucas could not fathom Joseph’s intentions, so he dared not say anything and simply compiled.

An hour later, Patrick called to report that Toto had been vomiting and looked lethargic. He had taken it

to the vet where the preliminary diagnosis showed gastrointestinal irritation.

Joseph’s temper rose with each passing moment. Had this woman ignored his warnings and let Toto

suffer? Not only had she not taken Toto to the vet today, but she also had not even bothered to notify


For the entire afternoon, Joseph radiated cold air like a portable air conditioner. Lucas, who was in the

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same room as him, sneezed several times but could not express his frustrations.

Lucas spoke and acted with utmost caution. He even prepared a cup of tea for Joseph as he was afraid

of triggering his anger.

At seven at night, Patrick brought Toto back to the villa, but Chloe still had not returned. He called

Chloe to advise her to come home as soon as possible and to avoid a fight. However, all of the calls he

made went straight to voicemail.

He assumed that Chloe was in an important meeting and had turned off her phone. For the next hour,

he took care of Toto while waiting for her to return.

As the hours went by and the sky grew darker, there was still no sign of Chloe. Patrick patted Toto, who

was lying in its bed. Realizing that Toto had not eaten anything yet, he searched the house for dog

food. But everything had been rearranged recently and he could not find it anywhere. He left to buy dog

food and happened to pass by Baxon on the way.

He decided to stop by and tell Chloe about it.

“Excuse me, can you please find Ms.Chloe for me?” he asked the receptionist.

When the receptionist noticed the keys to a Rolls-Royce in his hand, a strange smile appeared on her


“She didn’t come in this afternoon,” she said.

“Did she take the day off?” he asked.

“I’m not sure. She just didn’t come this afternoon,” she replied.

Patrick thanked the receptionist and left. As he stepped out, he immediately pulled out his phone to

report to Joseph. Chloe was well-mannered and sensible, so she would not ignore Joseph’s message

without a good reason.

The receptionist craned her neck and watched as Patrick got into a Rolls-Royce parked right outside

the company, smacking her lips and making a clicking sound with her tongue.

‘Chloe appears innocent on the surface but is secretly engaged in such activities. That man is old

enough to be her father. She really has no sense of shame. This is why she was able to bully Janice

and get away with it.’

As the receptionist thought about this, a sour expression crossed her face.

At that moment, Maurice stepped out of the elevator. He had a close relationship with the receptionist

and she gave him a meaningful look, gesturing toward the outside.

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“That Rolls-Royce is here to pick up Chloe. No wonder she refuses to give you the time of day,” she


The Rolls-Royce itself was nothing special, but what caught his attention was the consecutive numbers

on the number plate.

Disdain crossed Maurice’s face as he said, “Just because she rides in a Rolls-Royce doesn’t mean it’s


He had relied solely on his talent for years, unlike people such as Chloe who relied on their youth and

looks to advance the corporate ladder, which he believed would eventually limit their success.

At the seaside villa.

Chloe woke up with a splitting headache. Her hands and feet were untied at some point, and she was

lying on a bed. Peter, who was also unconscious, was lying beside her. He was burning with a fever

and covered in a bright red rash, his clothes torn and asken. xo.com fast update

“Peter, wake up,” Chloe said, trying to wake him. She could not think straight, so she instinctively

sought help upon seeing a familiar face.

Peter slowly opened his eyes, but as soon as he saw Chloe, he did not try to help her. Instead, he

greedily lunged at he