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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 71
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Chapter 70 Marrying Peter

“Of course.”

“Goodness me. He’s young, rich, and handsome. The female employees at Fairlight are so lucky to see

him from time to time. Who knows. They might even get a chance to get up close and personal with


“Those female employees are nothing compared to you. Your uncle is a manager at Fairlight, and

there’s a chance he might be able to transfer you to his department. You’re beautiful, and with a little

effort, you could easily captivate him… Oh, wait, I forgot. Your uncle was fired because of Chloe’s


“When I think about it, you’re the one who got the short end of the stick. You missed out on a good


Melody was so angry that she could barely contain herself. “I don’t know what’s so good about that

b*tch. Why are there people standing up for her?”

“It’s not just someone standing up for her. There are plenty of people who like her. Do you still

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remember Peter? He was Chloe’s college coursemate, and he confessed his love to her a few days


Melody was filled with rage, feeling that the world was so unfair. People like her who truly needed love

did not receive any, while that little sl*t Chloe had men swarming around her every day.


As she seethed with jealousy, Ava said slowly, “I have a way to make Chloe’s behind-the -scenes

benefactor abandon her. This way, she’ll never be able to hold her head up Aesper again.”

“What’s the plan? I won’t be a part of it if there’s any risk involved.”

Melody had learned her lesson and did not immediately agree.

“There’s zero risk. I want you to help me contact Peter. He knew Chloe in college and must be aware

that we don’t get along. Get him to come, and I’ll ‘create’ an opportunity for them…’

The next morning at nine o’clock, Miles contacted Chloe and agreed to meet her at noon. When she

saw the address he sent her, she frowned.

“Didn’t we agree to meet at your company? Why did you send me the address of a house by the


“I have a client here and can’t leave.”

“Why a house by the seaside though?”

“Well, where else are we supposed to talk? In the middle of the street? Besides, your father will be

there. Are you afraid I’ll bully you?”

Chloe furrowed her brow. She did not want to create any unnecessary trouble and agreed to meet him


In the afternoon, she hailed a cab and headed to her destination after finishing up her morning tasks.

Arriving at the seaside villa, she found the front door ajar and no one inside.

Miles had yet to arrive.

She wandered around the yard, and after about ten minutes, Benjamin arrived. Her face was devoid of

expression and her eyes lacked the respect and anticipation that had once been there, replaced now

by an overwhelming sense of disappointment.

Benjamin had received Chloe’s late mother’s money the previous month, so he had been in good

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spirits. He ignored her, humming a tune as he strolled about.

Five minutes later, both Benjamin and Chloe received a text message from Miles, informing them of a

last-minute change of address. Benjamin’s message arrived slightly faster, and he was the first to step

out the door.

Chloe followed closely behind, but as she took her final step, the door slammed shut with a resounding

“thud.” Her eyes widened, and she pushed hard against it.

“Don’t waste your energy. You’re not going anywhere.”

Ava emerged from an adjoining room. Holding a glass of red wine in her hand, she looked relaxed as if

she were in her own home.

Chloe tensed up as she stared at Ava warily. “What are you doing here?”

“Why can’t I be here?” Ava retorted, pausing for a moment before smiling. “Also, there’s someone I

want to introduce you to.”

Chloe remained silent, scanning her surroundings for a way to escape. Ava was confident that she

could not get out and chatted with her as if they were old friends catching up.

“Peter’s family lives in a village two thousand kilometers away. There’s no electricity or signal there.

After marrying him, you’ll probably have to take care of his parents. It’s xo.com fast update

fine for you to stay In Aesper for now, but if he loses his job one day and takes you back

to his hometown, I wonder if you’ll be able to adapt to life in the countryside