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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 70
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Chapter 69 An Unromantic Man

The security guard was efficient and soon let Chloe in.

From inside the car, she watched as Adam helped Ava up and she leaned into his


Chloe deliberately waited for a moment, observing coldly as both of them exchanged numbers. She

only came out of her car once Ava had left.

Having previously worked on a similar project abroad, the discussions went smoothly and the plan was

quickly settled upon. When she emerged from Patterson, it was already time to clock out.

Since Joseph was away on a business trip, Chloe made some simple tuna sandwiches for dinner. She

placed the plates of sandwiches on the table and took a photo before sending it to Joseph.

[Jojo, I don’t feel like eating without you around. This is all I’m having for dinner tonight.]

Joseph was attending a meeting overseas and felt his phone sitting on the table vibrate. The presenter

paused mid-sentence and looked up at him, silently seeking approval to

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Joseph did not lift his head, keeping his gaze fixed on his laptop. He moved the mouse cursor and said,

“Carry on.”

“Sure, Mr. Joseph. Our focus for the second half of the year will mainly be on the Southeast region…”

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Three consecutive vibrations interrupted the presentation once again. Frowning, Joseph shifted his

attention to his phone and checked the notifications. All three messages were from Chloe.

The first was a photo of her and Toto out for a walk.

(Jojo, Toto and I are out for a walk.]

The second was a picture of Toto munching on some grass.

(Are you sure Toto is a Border Collie? It always looks a bit slow-witted to me…]

The third was a photo of Chloe and Toto together.

[I’m going to bed after our walk. I’ve been busy all day and barely had a chance to rest, but I still found

time to think of you. You should remember to miss me too. Goodnight.]

In the photograph, Chloe was dressed in a white nightgown, holding Toto’s fluffy head in her arms, and

flashing a peace sign at the camera. Even without makeup, her complexion was flawless. Her eyes

were shining and clear, making her look. breathtakingly beautiful.

Joseph tapped on the photo, zooming in to get a closer look. After about ten seconds, he returned to

the chat box and typed out a message, which made Chloe very happy upon receiving it.

Holding onto the leash while unlocking her phone, Chloe read the message.

[Toto is eating grass because it isn’t feeling well. Can you take Toto to the vet tomorrow when you have

the time?]

She was speechless for a moment. She had said so much, which had all failed to capture. Joseph’s

attention, except for the part about Toto. That had caught his attention?

What an unromantic man!

Late at night, in the Johnsons’ residence, Benjamin shared his plan with Ava.

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“Tomorrow, Miles and I will lure Coco to the seaside house Jake rented. There aren’t many people

there, so we can lock her up temporarily and let her out after the agreed- upon time.

“Standing her up is one thing, but I think we should still get a voluntary agreement from her to give up

her assets. Otherwise, if she goes to the bank, I’m afraid things will get complicated.”

“Just come up with an excuse. She doesn’t understand that much,” Miles interjected. He had done this

kind of thing before and had plenty of tricks up his sleeve to deal with the bank.

Ava’s eyes flickered, and she suddenly had a good idea. “Daddy, let me handle this. I can make Coco

voluntarily give up the money and sign the agreement. You just need to lure her to the seaside house.”

Benjamin smiled and said, “Okay, you’re the clever one here. I’m getting old, and my brain isn’t as

sharp as it used to be. The company will rely on you in the future.”

“Daddy, you’re not old at all. In my heart, you’re still the most formidablexo.com fast update and


person,” Ava replied affectionately.

After chatting with Benjamin for a while, Ava went upstairs. She contacted Melody and shared the

latest gossip she had heard.

“Is it true that the CEO of Fairlight is really young? Is he on the same level as A-list male celebrities?”

Melody asked, thrilled and skeptical at the same tim