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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 653
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Chapter 653 Would She Ever See Him Again?

Vanya looked at him in disbelief. “Will you let me go?”

“What do you think?”

“I can’t trust you wholeheartedly unless you offer me something in return.”

“You have no right to negotiate terms with me.”

Vanya gritted her teeth. “Well then, I’ve changed my mind!”

She would be doomed if she told him everything and he broke his promise. By not saying.

anything, she could hold on to her worth.

Joseph lost his patience with her and turned to leave. He felt that Vanya would tell him the truth

sooner or later. It was just a matter of time before she exposed everything.

At the mansion, Chloe was plagued by nightmares from sleeping in an unfamiliar place.

In her dreams, she stood at a busy crossroads. She had no idea where to go. Suddenly, a small and

blurry figure approached her and addressed her as “mother” Inexplicably, she felt that this baby

was hers. She lovingly picked up the baby and patted his back gently to comfort him.

“Aaaahh! Mommy, don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me. Mmph…”

For an unknown reason, the baby in her arms seemed frightened as he burst into tears. This was

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Chloe attempting to pacify a baby. She coaxed him tenderly, “Are you hungry?”

“No, I don’t want to leave you. I don’t want to…”

The child said nothing else and repeated that sentence over and over.

Chloe was taken aback as the baby’s body gradually became transparent. He was slowly disappearing. He wailed

and cried, holding onto her sleeves tightly and refusing to let go. She

panicked as she tried to save him, but it was futile.

The baby disappeared.

Chloe panicked as she searched the streets for the baby. She looked for him from day till night

but found no sign of him. She cried and wailed helplessly, wanting to find the baby.

“Madam, breakfast is ready.”

A sudden knock awakened Chloe. She slowly opened her eyes and found that her pillow was

drenched in sweat. That nightmare had been all too real…

After washing up and having breakfast, she went to the room and saw that the helpers were busy.

She decided to call Noah.

“Coco?” Noah’s clear and pleasant voice came from the other end.

“It’s me. I’ve moved. I’m not staying at the villa anymore.”

“Where are you now? Send me your new location.”

“I’ll text you. I’ve never been here, so I don’t know this place.”

“Okay, how have you been? Are you okay?”

Chloe replied nonchalantly, “I’m fine. What about you? Is your grandfather still angry?”

She could not imagine that the good-tempered Noah would make a mistake that would cause him. to be punished

by his elder.

“Yeah, I’m still in the hall, but I should be able to leave soon. When I get out, we can start our plan.”


After ending the call with Noah, Chloe called Emily.

“I contacted a business partner and arranged to meet him this afternoon. I’ve cooperated with him previously, and

he took a fancy to the Johnson Group. I’ve discussed the basics with him. Just help me sign the contract.”

“Are you sure you want to sell the company?”

Although it was an asset passed down by Benjamin, Chloe had spent a lot of effort on it. It would be a pity to sell it.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time since I last went to the company. Things can’t go on like this. I might as well sell it and

let someone with the energy to manage it.”

She had cooperated with that man before, so he was a suitable candidate. The most important

“Fine. It’s good that you’ve thought it through. Text me his number. I’ll go meet with him this.


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“Okay, by the way, go there early if you can. Help me apologize to the staff. Tell them I’ll be giving

them three months’ salaries as termination compensation Tell them to find new jobs as soon as


“Got it. Take care.”

After that, Chloe thought of Harold and decided to call Joseph. “I want to see Grandpa.”

Joseph was silent for a few seconds before answering, “I’ll pick you up.


Half an hour later, Joseph arrived at the mansion. Chloe needed some help getting into the car

because of her pregnancy. He adjusted the seat and got out of the car to help her. Once they were

both inside, she noticed that he was still wearing the clothes from last night. His dark eyes were

bloodshot too. She pursed her lips slightly and knew that he did not sleep a wink at all.

Joseph was still fuming with anger, so he did not say a word. They arrived at the hospital in

silence. Harold was lying on the hospital bed with many tubes inserted into his body. The

machine made a rhythmic sound as if it had worked for a long time without rest.

Chloe felt upset to see him in this state. He would not have suffered and nearly died if he had not

met her. Besides, she and Joseph had finally come to this step, tearing down Harold’s painstaking

efforts. The Whitman who treated her the best was Harold, and she had let him down.

She did not know if she would ever see him conscious again.