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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 649
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Chapter 650 Life Is Meaningless

“Mind your own business,” Joseph said and dragged Chloe away.

Emily stomped her foot in frustration ‘Jeez, he’s so unreasonable”

In the car, silence hung between Joseph and Chloe as they exchanged glances Chloe turned to

stare out of the window. Joseph felt a sense of sadness at being ignored. Sitting at the front, Lucas

tried his best to minimize his presence, hoping not to incur either of their wrath.

After a while, Joseph said after composing himself, “We’ll get the maternity DNA test results for

Amelia and Karen the day after tomorrow.”

Chloe turned back to him. Her voice shook with emotion as she asked, “You believe me?”

“When did I ever say I didn’t?”

“You never once believed me and always doubted me,” she retorted.

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Her words stung him. His face sank, and he decided to stay silent.

The sky darkened, and they slowly left Aesper, heading toward the direction of Docwood. As she

watched the passing scenery, Chloe asked, “Aren’t we going home?”

Joseph replied calmly, “No, we’re going somewhere else.”


“Our marital home,” Joseph continued, his gaze softening slightly. “It’s located at the boundary

line of Docwood and Cloude. The renovations are done and the place has been furnished. We’ll be

living there from now on.”

The boundary line of Docwood and Cloude…”

This meant that Emily would not be able to visit Chloe, and the latter did not know anyone in that

area. It would be a lonely place with only herself for company. Chloe’s shoulders slumped in

defeat like a withering flower losing its vitality.

Sensing something amiss, Joseph grabbed her shoulders and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you

feeling unwell?”

“Are you trying to push me into my grave?”

He was taken aback and stared at her incredulously. “I’m trying to push you into your grave by

taking you to a safer place? Is that how you see me?”

Lucas could not help interjecting, “Ms. Chloe, you’ve misunderstood Mr. Joseph. You can’t stay in

your original home since it’s no longer safe. Besides, we’re going to your marital home. You’ll be

living there in the future.”

Chloe let out a soft, bitter laugh. Although it was barely audible, one could sense the deep despair

in it. “That place isn’t a marital home. It’s a prison with no freedom.”

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“Ms. Chloe, please don’t think like that. This is only temporary. You don’t know all the difficulties

Mr. Joseph has gone through for you-”

“Please, I beg you. Please let me go,” Chloe pleaded, interrupting Lucas, “I can’t bear another day

with you. If this continues, I’ll lose my mind.”

Every day, she feared being forced to have an abortion and taking herbal medicine. She had no

access to fresh air and was frequently bothered by Xavia. Her life lacked peace. Now, in this new

place, she was unsure if her plan would work out.

If her plan failed, she might be stuck here forever.

Joseph stared into her eyes. “Being with me makes you miserable?”

“Yes, it’s agonizing. I’m so tired. I feel that life is meaningless,” Chloe cried, pouring out her

heartfelt words.

“And who gives your life meaning? Icarus?” He continued to stare at her, his gaze penetrating.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!