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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 646
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Chapter 646 Take Me Away

At the hospital, Chloe struggled to find the right words. “It wasn’t me… I didn’t do anything…”

“Enough’ Just shut up” Nathan stood up abruptly, his eyes reddened “When Mr. Harold fell into a coma, you gave

the same explanation And now, when Amelia is facing this situation, you’re using the same excuse again Do you

think we’re fools?!”

A lump formed in Chloe’s throat, and before she could speak, Gabriel interrupted her. “Since you appeared,

everyone around you has gotten hurt-Joe, Mr Harold, and now Amelia. You keep saying others are trying to harm

you, but who are the real victims here?”

“But I’m not lying It’s the truth-”

“Why is it that whenever someone gets hurt, it’s always someone else, but you remain unscathed?”

Chloe glanced at Joseph whose brows were deeply furrowed Her lips turned pale, and a wave of sadness washed

over her. As long as there were no visible physical injuries, everyone assumed she was unharmed. If that were the

case, she would much rather endure the pain of external wounds than bear the torment of false accusations and

malicious words that wounded her soul.

“It wasn’t me. I didn’t push her. Go ahead and choose whether you want to believe me or not. She’s Ava, and she’s

here to deceive us. She had a purpose for getting close to you”

“The patient has regained consciousness,” a nurse informed them. Nathan paid no attention to Chloe’s words and

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quickly entered the ward to check on Amelia, followed by the others.

Chloe stood rooted to the spot, looking down at her toes as if she had become a true culprit.

Joseph looked at her and asked, “Why did you follow Amelia to the restroom?”

Chloe froze She asked in a daze, “Do you also suspect me?”

“You shouldn’t have followed her.”

In a broader context, even if there were suspicions about Amelia’s behavior, confronting her directly would not be

appropriate considering Nathan’s presence and the lack of concrete


Chloe felt her words lodge in her throat.

“You should go home first.”

Nathan’s emotions were running high, so it was impossible to discuss this calmly with him right


Chloe returned to Joseph’s house with the bodyguards in tow. Even as the sunlight outside the house shone on her,

she still felt shivers running through her entire being. She turned on the heater and crawled under the covers, yet

there was no improvement. Her hands were ice-cold, and her fingernails had a slight bluish tint.

Her physical condition had worsened since becoming pregnant. Maybe because there was nothing worth

celebrating, she thought she had grown accustomed to it, but it seemed she had not.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a call from Xavia. Chloe did not want to answer, so

she pressed the hang-up button. However, Xavia persisted and called again.

Chloe felt annoyed and picked up. “You have one minute.”

“Do you naively think Joe won’t force you to get an abortion?”

“Just get to the point. I don’t have time to go in circles with you.”

“You have severe anemia and can’t undergo the abortion procedure, so he wants you to recover before


“Impossible!” Chloe shouted, her voice becoming high-pitched and sharp.

“Tsk, go ahead and don’t believe me. By the time you’ve recovered, your unborn child will probably be seven or

eight months old. They’ll remove the fully formed baby and toss them into a garbage bin. The baby will be covered

in blood, and no one will pay any heed to their cries as they slowly succumb to their fate. Hahaha, it’s such a thrill.”

Those words made Chloe’s mind explode, and she could not stop imagining the gruesome scene Xavia described.

She lost control and shouted, “Shut up! Stop talking!”

After saying those words, she hung up. She hugged her belly and curled up under the covers, seeking some

semblance of safety. However, those horrifying images continued to haunt her mind. After Xavia had revealed the

reality to her, all those panic-inducing fears buried deep within her came rushing out, dismantling the courage she

had painstakingly built.

‘Is he really going to give up on our kid?’

She did not have an answer to the question.

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Recalling what Gabriel had said today, they believed that her appearance had marked the

beginning of their misfortune. Was she truly a harbinger of bad luck as he implied?

Chloe held herself tightly, replaying the words others had spoken to her in her mind one by one.

Suddenly, she felt a gentle kick from her baby. She lowered her head in confusion, gazing at her

belly as tears fell out of her eyes.

‘Are you comforting me, baby?’

Chloe felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness, and her sadness intensified. Tears streamed

down her cheeks without restraint. She could not fathom what her life had turned into, and the

weight of everyone’s blame burdened her heart. Not knowing what to do, she closed her eyes,

wiped her tears with the covers, and called Noah.

“Let’s start a business together. You take 90 percent and I take 10. But I have one condition-take

me away from Aesper.”

When Amelia woke up, Nathan was beside her. After Joseph and the others left, he asked her, “Did

Chloe push you?”

Amelia remained silent, tightly holding onto his hand.

“There’s only you and me here. You can tell me anything. It’s all right,” Nathan reassured her.

Amelia smiled faintly and said, “She didn’t do it on purpose.”