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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 644
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Chapter 644 Honey, There’s Something I Haven’t Told You

Knock, knock, knock.

“Darling, are you in there? I made you coffee.”

Nathan swiftly closed the pictures Joseph had sent him and replied, “Come in.”

Amelia entered with a cup of coffee. She placed it in front of him with a sorrowful expression and said, “Honey,

there’s something I haven’t told you.”

“What is it?” Nathan asked curiously.

“I overheard your phone call with Mr. Joseph. I was afraid of disturbing you, so I didn’t come in.”

Hearing this, Nathan looked a little awkward. “Let me explain, they meant no harm. It’s just that you look

remarkably similar to a friend of mine.”

“You mean your first love?”

“How did you know?” Nathan’s eyes widened in surprise “I never told you about that.”

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“I guessed it. You were so excited the first time you saw me, and even mistook me for someone else. Anyone with a

brain could figure it out,” Amelia said, hugging him and pouting playfully. “But I don’t mind those things. Just keep in

mind that I’m your one and only now, okay?”

“Of course, why would I be with you otherwise?” Nathan said, planting a kiss on her cheek. What’s the thing you

haven’t told me about?”


“I…had a car accident in my senior year of high school. I collided head-on with a truck and spent half a month in

the hospital. While my body was fine, my face was scarred. When I went abroad for university, I faced ridicule

because of my face. I couldn’t bear it and saved up money for plastic surgery. I had my nose, eyes, and chin

done…” Amelia choked up as she cried. “I never meant to hide it from you. I was just afraid you’d mind that I had

surgery… You know, I…I just love you so much…”

Nathan could not stand seeing a woman cry, especially not the one he loved. His heart ached, and he moved in to

comfort her. At that moment, he realized that it did not matter whether she had undergone plastic surgery or not

as his feelings for her remained unchanged.

Soon, Joseph learned that Amelia had plastic surgery due to the car accident, but Chloe remained skeptical. She

believed that men in love were often not the most rational beings.

Chloe noticed that Joseph was heading out and said, “I’d like to go out for a walk later.”


“Sure. Be back before noon. You have a follow-up appointment at the hospital,” repnea josepn as he adjusted his tie

in front of the mirror.

He had a tall and imposing figure. The collar of his black coat was slightly open, revealing a glimpse of the white

shirt underneath. The wire-rimmed glasses he had on this morning rested on his nose, adding to his air of

sophistication and intellect.

Holding a cup in her hand, Chloe asked, “What’s the follow-up for?”

“Your anemia,” Joseph replied.


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Chloe arranged to meet with Emily at a coffee shop.

Pointing toward a high school across the street, Chloe lowered her voice and said, “See that school? There’s a

teacher named Rosalia Tucker who works here. Find her and ask if she had a student named Amelia Madison in her

class of ’23, and whether Amelia had a car accident during her senior year that damaged her face.”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” Emily asked.

Glancing at the imposing group of bodyguards behind her, Chloe sighed and smiled wryly. “If I could, I would’ve

gone already. I wouldn’t ask for your help.”

Emily entered the school and returned after twenty minutes. She sat down and chugged a large glass of water.

“The car accident involving Amelia was real,” she said.

Chloe’s shoulders slumped as she lowered her head in disappointment.

“But her teacher said that the accident caused Amelia severe fractures and that she had to use a wheelchair to get

to her college entrance exams. That left a deep impression on the teacher.”

“Only fractures?” Chloe asked in surprise.

“Yes, her face wasn’t injured.