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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 640
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Chapter 639 She Could Not Depend on Anyone

Chloe had no energy to deal with Jonathan and Octavia. She wiped away the tears from her face and quietly

entered the hospital ward, sitting quietly by Harold’s side.

Octavia became even angrier when Chloe ignored her. She grabbed Chloe by the collar and shook her forcefully.

“Why are you pretending not to hear me when I’m talking to you?!

“Don’t think you can avoid responsibility by ignoring us. We’ve heard what the police said. You attempted to kill Dad,

and we’re here today to make you turn yourself in,” Jonathan chimed in, his tone full of disgust and hatred.

Both of them were convinced that Chloe was the culprit behind what happened to Harold. After all, even the police

considered her the prime suspect. They simply could not fathom why Joseph continued to protect her. It was as if

he was blinded by something, making him unable to see who his real family was.

“That’s enough!” Joseph roared, his gaze sharp as a knife. “If you want to argue, do it outside. Don’t cause trouble


“But Joe, we’re not causing any trouble. We just want Chloe to face the consequences of her actions,” Jonathan


“I know what I’m doing. You should stay out of this.”

“If you know what you’re doing, then why don’t you hand her over to the police?”

“The police don’t have enough evidence. They can only detain her for 24 hours at most. I’d rather keep her here

and conduct my own investigation,” Joseph said, looking at his cousin with a cold gaze.

As Chloe glanced at Joseph, a sense of confusion overwhelmed her. He had shown trust in her in front of Nathan,

but he was now saying such words in front of Jonathan. She could not tell which side represented the truth and

which side was the lie. Yet, considering their situation, the truth did not matter anymore.

Jonathan was taken aback,

Want to conduct a private investigation? Are you s

“Are you questioning me?” Joseph asked, his tone grim.

Jonathan felt a chill down his spine. He shook his head frantically and gulped. “No, no. I believe in you, Joe.”

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“We’re just worried about Dad’s safety and don’t want the culprit to escape. Why are you scaring Jon like this… We

have yet to ask you about why you concealed from us that Dad is still alive…” Octavia grumbled indignantly.

“Do you think I can’t see through your schemes?”

“We’re just worried about Grandpa!”

“Hah, you’re just worried that if Grandpa dies, you won’t be able to plead with him to get Preston out of prison,


Octavia had not expected Joseph to see through her intention. She retorted, “You can’t blame me. Every family

needs a man to lead them, after all.”

“Even if he’s a cheater?”

“Why you…!” Octavia was so enraged that she choked. In an instant, tears mixed with snot streamed down her

face as she lost all sense of composure. “What am I supposed to do? Ever since I got married, I stopped going to

work. No company out there wants to hire a middle- aged woman like me. Besides, you guys share the same family

name while I’m just an outsider at best. Without Preston, all of you would just ignore me!”

“Mom, please stop crying. We can’t make a scene in the hospital.” Jonathan looked at her with disdain in his eyes.

Octavia’s mouth hung open, unable to let out the wailing sorrow that got lodged in her throat.

“Preston was the one who had an affair. He’s the one who made a mistake. As long as you behave yourself, you

won’t have to worry about your livelihood,” Joseph continued.

Octavia wiped away her tears and whispered, “I just want to start my own business…”

As a member of the Whitman family, Octavia had once relished afternoon teas and beauty treatments with other

wives from prestigious families. But ever since Preston was removed from the Whitman Group’s board of directors,

her former friends had turned their backs on her, sneering and ridiculing her in secret.

As for her son, he seemed to think that his father had made a small mistake that any man in the world would make.

It was not worth blowing the matter out of proportion and causing Harold to lose all hope in Preston.

Octavia realized that she could not rely on anyone. She had to depend on herself. Her husband, her son, and even

Xavia… None of them could be counted on.

Chapter 640 Harold Falls Into a Coma

Joseph stood up to pour a glass of water while keeping his back to Octavia. “If you want to start a business, go

ahead and do it,” he said calmly.

Harold had instructed him to help Octavia wherever possible if it did not affect his own interests. Regardless of her

personality, it was a fact that Preston had cheated on her.

“Why are you” Octavia started to ask.

“When you’ve achieved something in your business, I will consider helping you if you encounter any difficulties,” he


Octavia fell silent, and her tears stopped flowing. As she gazed at the impassive Joseph, memories of his childhood

resurfaced. She remembered how unkind she had been to him when he was younger. He had always been stoic,

cold, and unfriendly to everyone, making him quite unlikeable. In the past, she had tried to undermine Joseph

multiple times to ensure that Harold would focus on nurturing Jonathan. Even now, she held the belief that Harold

favored Joseph more than her son.

But despite her initial denial, she could not ignore the fact that Joseph’s achievements had far outshined her son’s

throughout the years. This realization made her question if she had been on the wrong side all along.

Octavia’s behavior changed, and she transformed into a different person. After deeply reflecting on the past twenty

years of her life, she finally came to a profound realization. Meanwhile, Jonathan could not get Chloe to be sent to

the station and left dejectedly. As he walked away, he blamed his mother for everything.

Silence fell over the ward.

Joseph took Chloe’s hand and said softly, “The Sinclairs have had their eyes on Jon for a long time. The things I said

earlier weren’t true. I believe that you’d never do such a thing to Grandpa.”

Joseph had learned his mistake from what happened with Preston.

Chloe lowered her gaze, her voice soft as she replied, “It’s okay.” After all, she did not care


“How about I get the driver to take you home while I stay here with Grandpa?” Joseph suggested.

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“No thanks, I don’t want to go home,” Chloe replied. She knew that if she went home, she would not be able to fall

asleep as Harold’s life hung in the balance.

As Joseph looked at her pure, makeup-free face, the peach fuzz on her skin visible, his eyes softened with

tenderness. “I’ll ask the nurses to prepare the neighboring room for you. If you

feel tired, you can rest there.”


Time passed minute after minute. Late into the night, the doctor came to check on Harold multiple times, but there

were no signs of him waking up. Joseph and Chloe became increasingly worried.

At 6 in the early hours of the winter morning, the long nights and short days added to the somber atmosphere. The

darkness outside cast an oppressive gloom over everything. Chloe could not stop pacing back and forth outside the

ward, trying to release her pent-up anxiety and restlessness.

The doctor remained vigilant, keeping an eye on the monitoring data. He came after attending a morning meeting.

Deciphering the readings on the medical equipment, the doctor’s previously furrowed brow eased slightly, “Mr.

Harold is stable for the time being.”

Chloe’s eyes brightened and welled up with tears of gratitude, “Really? Thank you so much, doctor”

“But there isn’t much hope of him regaining consciousness in the short term,” the doctor said.

Joseph’s brow furrowed, “Are you saying he has fallen into a coma?”


“What are the chances of him recovering?”

“It’s hard to say. Given his age, his organs and physical condition can’t be compared to that of a young person. The

fact that he has survived this far is already a miracle.”

“Doctor, is there anything we can do to help his condition?” Chloe asked proactively, refusing to give up.

“You can hire a few caregivers to assist with the daily tasks that need taking care of. And talk to him as much as

you can. Although he’s in a coma, he might still be able to hear sounds from

the outside world.”