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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 638
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Chapter 638 Why Don’t You Just Die, Chloe?

Nathan could not believe it either and asked, “Are you sure you didn’t mistake her for someone else…?”

After all, Chloe was not that kind of person. But on the flip side, Amelia had no reason to lie.

Amelia looked at Nathan in disbelief and said, “You don’t trust me?”

“It’s not that. How could I not trust you? I just thought you might’ve been working too hard lately and your eyes

might have played tricks on you.”

“Providing false testimony is against the law,” Joseph stated, his gaze cool and his voice firm.

Knowing that Nathan supported her, Amelia refused to back down and responded with equal determination, “Mr.

Joseph, your grandfather is your family while Ms. Chloe is your ex-wife. I understand that it isn’t easy for you to

handle such a situation emotionally, but I spoke up because of the years of friendship between you and Nathan. I

revealed everything I knew to help. Please don’t take offense. I’ll swear on my life that everything I said is true.

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As Chloe listened, her anger turned into amusement. She often encountered people who liked to spread rumors

and had always restrained herself from giving them a good slap. After all, she could not be bothered with barking

dogs. However, one thing puzzled her-were she and Amelia truly meeting for the first time? Was it normal for

someone to make such wild accusations about a complete stranger?

Nathan was taken aback by Amelia’s claims. He pulled her closer and whispered, “All right, you’ve said enough.”

“But I’m doing this for Mr. Joseph’s sake,” she replied, looking aggrieved.

“There’s no need for that. I can make my own judgments,” Joseph replied calmly, his enigmatic face showing no

signs of anger or impatience. However, everyone could sense that he was defending Chloe.

As her heart trembled slightly, Chloe instinctively looked toward him.

Amelia clenched her fists, and a flash of jealousy crossed her face.

Sensing that the situation might get even more complicated if they stayed, Nathan turned to Joseph and said, “I’m

going to take Amelia home. Call me anytime if you need anything.”

Joseph nodded before shifting his gaze toward the emergency room and waiting anxiously. He had guessed that

Harold had invited Chloe to meet to act as a mediator between them. Choosing to meet in the northern part of the

city had been a calculated move as the private restaurant there provided strong secrecy.

But as the saying went, “Man proposes, God disposes.” Life was full of uncertainties, and that secrecy had now

become a double-edged sword that served to cut them.

At seven in the evening, the doctor finally emerged from the emergency room. Chloe rushed forward, anxiously

inquiring about Harold’s condition. Even though Joseph maintained his composure, he had a serious expression on

his face as he stood up from the long bench, his gaze fixed on the doctor.

“I’m sorry, but we did our best. Mr. Harold’s injuries are severe. There is a possibility he might wake up after

tonight, but there’s also a high risk of him entering a comatose state,” the doctor reported.

Chloe’s heart sank and her breath hitched. “If he doesn’t wake up tonight, you mean he won’t wake up at all? Or…”

“If he doesn’t wake up, you should prepare for the worst.”

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Chloe’s shoulders trembled as she covered her face and cried in agony. If she had arrived a few minutes earlier,

she might have been able to prevent the tragedy from happening. Yet, she was too late.

Joseph’s eyes turned bloodshot as a sense of powerlessness engulfed him. He had meticulously planned for Harold

to fake his death, hoping it would grant him a life free of the Sinclairs’ threats. But now faced with grim reality, he

questioned the purpose of all his efforts.

Deceiving the Sinclairs had been a triumph, but it had not altered the course of fate. The unfortunate outcome was

that Harold ended up in a vegetative state, something he had always detested. The old man refused to become

bedridden and entirely dependent on others. For him, such an existence was not living, but merely an existence

without dignity. He felt that his old comrades would surely mock him.

“This is all your fault! You’re a curse! You turned our once peaceful family into this mess! Why don’t you just die

already?!” Jonathan and Octavia arrived after receiving the news and jointly berated Chloe.

In their eyes, ever since Chloe married Joseph, misfortune had followed them like a dark cloud. They saw her as the

cause of all their troubles and unleashed their anger and frustration upon her.