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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 634
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Chapter 634 These Small Favors Would Not Move Her Anymore

Eustace remained silent for what felt like an eternity, suspending Xavia in a state of unease. She cautiously called

out to him once more, her voice filled with uncertainty, “Eustace, are you there?”

“What do you want?”

“I want to talk to you. Can we meet? Do you have time to meet up?” Xavia felt a glimmer of hope upon hearing his


“Are you coming to kill me again?”

“No, you’ve misunderstood me… I just want a chance to explain everything properly. I was coerced into it…” Xavia

pretended to choke up, inserting a hint of desperation and sorrow into her voice.

“Are you being forced to climb into Joseph’s bed too?”

“Umm…” Xavia’s sobbing intensified as she struggled to find the right words. “Please. Let’s not discuss this over the

phone. I’m begging you to hear me out in person. I’ll explain

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everything the whole story and its cause and effect.”

“I’ll consider it.”

Xavia grew impatient. It used to be him who longed for her attention. He was her devoted follower. But now, the

tables had turned, and he seemed like an unattainable figure. This exemplified the saying “Fortune is a fickle

mistress, ever-changing with the tides of time.”

Yet, Xavia’s rationality reminded her that the future still stretched out before her. Impatience had the potential to

unravel even the grandest of plans. At present, Eustace posed the greatest threat. If she were to back down now,

all the efforts she had invested throughout her life would be rendered futile.

“Okay, take

your time to think it over, but do call me back tonight…”

The Winter Solstice had come and gone, and a chill hung in the air. Snow had fallen throughout the night, covering

the world outside with a pristine white blanket.

One early morning, Joseph accompanied Chloe to the mall to purchase a plethora of winter maternity clothes. The

mall was a short distance from the outdoor parking lot, and by the sidewalk stood an ice cream truck. Chloe

stopped before the stall, and Joseph instantly understood her thoughts.

“What flavor would you like? Chocolate or strawberry?”



“Give me two chocolates please.”

Chloe raised her gaze to meet his. “I can only eat one.”

“Put it in the freezer and have it in the afternoon.”

After living together for such a long time, Joseph had come to understand Chloe’s preferences, especially when it

came to food. She had a tendency to stick to the same choices until she grew weary of them and ventured into new


Chloe simply replied with an “oh” and fell silent. These small favors would not move her anymore. They were

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nothing significant compared to what he had done.

Joseph handed a large banknote to the vendor, instructing him, “Keep the change.”

The vendor recognized Joseph’s higher status as he received the money excitedly, showering him with well-wishes.

“Thank you, sir. I wish you good fortune and the madam a healthy baby. May your family be happy and blissful.”

Chloe’s eyelid twitched and she instinctively looked to Joseph to observe his reaction. The man’s profile exuded

gracefulness, and he remained unfazed. She breathed a sigh of relief, peeled off the wrapper sticking to the ice

cream, and took a bite from the top. The sweetness filled her mouth, and the ice cream’s rich flavor tantalized her

taste buds, causing her mouth to water.

Joseph stopped walking and observed her intently. The petite woman was clad in a long, tangerine, down coat and a

thick scarf that obscured half her face. Only her delicate, upright little nose and striking black-and-white eyes were

visible. Perhaps due to the coldness of the ice cream, her small face wrinkled into a comical expression.

Joseph’s eyes softened with affection as he chuckled. “If it’s too cold for you, you don’t have to eat it.”

Chloe paused, locked eyes with him, then took another bite of the ice cream. She swallowed it without any visible

reaction as if it had no impact on her.

Joseph’s smile became mischievous. “Since you’re fine with it, finish it off before we get in the car. We wouldn’t

want it to drip all over the car.”