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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 633
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Chapter 633 A Shocking Thought Coursed Through Her Mind

“Sir, will this woman really appreciate us for doing this?”

Joseph’s gaze swept dismissively over Vanya, her disheveled appearance resembling a drowned rat. “We don’t

need her gratitude. We only have to ignite the hatred in her heart.”

As an insider of Duskfall, Vanya possessed valuable knowledge that Joseph was determined to extract. He would not

allow her to die without revealing the secrets she held, for her demise would be in vain otherwise.

Chloe had slept for an extended period of time. When she opened her eyes, it was already dark outside. She

reached out and felt the empty space beside her. It was devoid of warmth, signaling that Joseph had departed long

ago. She went downstairs to have her meal, but halfway through it, Patrick arrived.

“Heat up this lentil soup.”

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“Fetch me the woolen sweater Mr. Harold left in the basement.

Patrick swiftly assigned tasks to the helpers, gesturing for them to hasten their efforts. They obediently set about

their assigned duties without delay.

Chloe went into the kitchen and grabbed another set of bowls and cutlery. She turned to. Patrick and expressed her

gratitude, saying, “Thank you for the lentil soup. Sit down and have a meal with me.”

“I’m not here to eat. I came to discuss an important matter with you today.”

“Isn’t the purpose of your visit to deliver soup?” Chloe’s spoon trembled slightly, almost causing the soup to spill.

Patrick quickly scanned the surroundings to ensure the helpers were occupied before focusing his attention back on

her. “A car will come to pick you up at noon tomorrow. Get in and I’ll take you to meet someone.”

Confusion clouded Chloe’s eyes. “Who am I meeting?”

“You’ll find out when you meet them,” Patrick replied with a hint of amusement in his tone. It’s someone you’ve

been longing to see.”

“Someone I’ve been longing to see…” Chloe muttered softly. “But the people I long to see are no longer in this

world.” Her mother, Harold… The only two people who treated her kindly had left.

Patrick smiled again. He said reassuringly, “Once you get there, everything will become clear. I can’t divulge too

much right now.”

“But will Joseph allow me to go?”

“With me providing you cover, there’s no need to fear him.”

Chloe was stunned. Patrick did not have such authority unless someone was backing him up… A shocking thought

coursed through her mind. It felt as if she had been struck by a jolt of electricity. She considered the possibility she

had long dismissed. Could it be true? Was that person she longed to see still alive?

After a moment of contemplation, Chloe nodded excitedly. Her face lit up with a compliant smile, saying, “Okay, I’ll

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be there tomorrow.”

Inside a secluded villa, Xavia received the news of Vanya’s death. A chilling sensation ran through her body. She let

out a long sigh that was a mix of relief and apprehension. With Vanya gone, there was one less person who knew

about the switching of the amniotic fluid. It would be best if everyone who knew died, ensuring Xavia’s safety for

the rest of her life.

However, Vanya’s death had both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage was that Xavia would have to

clean up messes on her own in the future. Being pregnant limited her ability to handle certain tasks, and she could

not rely on Megan as the latter was dim-witted and slow. The key was that Megan was unaware of her secret.

Seated in front of her elegant dressing table, Xavia gently ran her hand over her smooth complexion. Despite her

growing belly, her facial features remained largely unchanged. If anything, pregnancy seemed to have enhanced

her natural beauty, giving her a radiant and rosy glow.

Finally, she retrieved a list of numbers from a blacklist and dialed a particular number.” Eustace, can we meet? I

miss you, and our unborn baby longs to be with you too.”