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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 632
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Chapter 632 A Useless Person Holds Little Value in Duskfall

When Otto saw Vanya, he noticed her broken leg, pale complexion, and the multitude of injuries that marred her

body. Her already slender frame appeared even more emaciated than usual, resembling a bag of bones.

Vanya’s eyes landed on Otto. A faint change flickered across her face, revealing a glimmer of hope. He

unconsciously looked away, avoiding eye contact with her.

Vince fetched a chair and positioned it beside his employer. Joseph, donning a black overcoat, wore a cold and

stern countenance. As always, he emanated an air of superiority.

Silence prevailed between the two parties.

Clad in a padded jacket, Vince resembled a formidable Tibetan Mastiff. His gaze fixed fiercely. on Otto as he

demanded, “Where’s the money?”

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“My father says to consider Vanya a gift,” Otto retorted, “A worthless person holds little value in Duskfall.”

As the words fell, Vanya’s head snapped up and her pupils dilated. In a voice hoarse from thirst, she shouted,

“That’s impossible! Cyrus would never treat me this way!”

Ignoring her outburst, Otto turned his gaze to Joseph and said, “Do it.”

“I wonder if Cyrus will say these same words to you in the future.” Joseph smirked, unsurprised by this outcome.

Otto reiterated, “No, he wouldn’t. I’m his child, unlike Vanya.”

“Ha! Who the hell are you to be called his son?”

“Are you going to play pretend or should I do it for you?”

Otto’s annoyance grew, fueled by his guilt toward Vanya and his inability to comprehend Cyrus ‘heartless decision.

He was well aware of his father’s ruthlessness, but Vanya had spent ten long years in the Duskfall. Even with a dog,

one would surely develop feelings after a whole


Leaning lazily back into his chair, Joseph raised an eyebrow and said arrogantly, “Vince.”

“Aye!” Vince seized Vanya by the collar and hoisted her off the ground. Beneath them lay a vast expanse of frigid

water. Even if she were not tied up, with a broken leg and this freezing weather, her chances of survival were slim

to none.

Vanya fixed her gaze on Otto, still unable to fathom that Cyrus had forsaken her. She remained motionless, her

expression stunned and vacant. It was as if her voice had been slashed, leaving her unable to utter a single word.

Joseph rose to his feet, nonchalantly smoothing out the creases on his attire. He turned to


Otto and remarked, “Let’s send her off, shall we?”

Otto turned his head, saying, “There’s no need to waste time. I don’t-”

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But before he could finish his sentence, Joseph’s icy command cut him off. “Release, Vince.”

Vince nodded in acknowledgment. Without hesitation, he loosened his grip and Vanya plummeted downward with

alarming speed. A resounding splash followed as she hit the water, causing a massive spray to shoot into the air.

Otto trembled involuntarily, and his limbs felt as heavy as elephants. He lacked the courage to even approach the

edge of the pier. He had known Vanya for over ten years, training and growing together since childhood. He had

envisioned a life of triumph and shared old age with her.

“G-Go…” Otto pointed at one of his subordinates, stuttering as if deprived of oxygen. After a few pauses, he

managed to continue, “Go and take a look.”

The subordinate swiftly walked to the edge of the pier and surveyed the surroundings. He returned to deliver his

report. “I didn’t see anyone on the sea surface. Looks like she sank.”

A fierce spasm coursed through Otto’s facial muscles, leaving his entire body numb. “Let’s go.

Vince’s gaze followed Otto’s departing car, then he turned around and waved toward the sea. Immediately, a man

emerged from the water, dragging an unconscious Vanya toward the shore.