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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 63
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Chapter 62 So Close

Emily was half a head shorter than Chloe, so Joseph could effortlessly look past her head and into the


There were many empty seats, and Chloe was nowhere to be seen. She most likely had gone home


Withdrawing his gaze, Joseph said in a low, deep voice, “I’m sorry. I think I made at


“It’s okay.” Emily nodded, unsurprised by his response.

Lucas was already waiting in the driver’s seat. When he saw Joseph, he grabbed an umbrella and got

out to greet him. As he drew closer, he noticed that Joseph was already holding an umbrella of his own.

Without overthinking it, Lucas assumed that it must have been given to him by one of the business

partners who saw that it was raining outside.

After forty minutes, Joseph arrived home and punched in the password to enter the living room. His

attention was immediately drawn to a pair of damp women’s sports shoes resting in the hallway,

causing him to furrow his brows.

‘Did she choose to brave the rain rather than wait for me?’

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After taking a shower, Joseph passed by Chloe’s room. The door was not completely shut, and the

room was pitch black. It seemed that she had gone to sleep.

Suddenly, a faint murmur could be heard from inside.

“Don’t hit me… I didn’t steal anything…

“Dad, please believe me…”

Joseph’s eyes narrowed as he pushed open the door to Chloe’s bedroom. The light streaming in

through the window allowed him to barely make out her figure on the bed. Her eyes were shut tightly as

if caught in a nightmare and her forehead glistened with sweat. Her hair clung to her face, and her lips

were ashen and parched.

Joseph felt that something was not right. He reached out to touch her forehead and realized that she

was burning with a fever.

“Great. This is what you get for not waiting for me.’

Joseph placed a glass of water and cold medicine on her bedside table. After that, he nudged the

person on the bed. “Get up and take some medicine.”

However, except for her murmurs which became more persistent, Chloe did not respond.

Joseph did not know what she was dreaming about, but tears glistened at the corners of her eyes and

her tightly furrowed brows made her look especially pitiful.

His face sank as he could not help but feel sorry for her. She was actually quite pitiable. Despite living

here for so long, her family never once visited her. Their relationship

must be in a terrible state.

Joseph rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. Judging by how high her fever was, she

would definitely need to go to the hospital for an IV drip tomorrow if she did not take her medicine now.

And he knew that with her complicated family situation, he would have to be the one to handle the task.

After struggling for half an hour, Joseph finally managed to get Chloe to take her medicine. He was

planning to leave, but Chloe unconsciously grabbed his hand.

“Please don’t go…”

Joseph tried to pry her fingers open, but she had a surprisingly strong grip. Every time he managed to

loosen one of her fingers, the others quickly tightened.

“You’re like a leech.” He sneered.

Left with no other options, Joseph sat on the chair and waited for Chloe to fall asleep before leaving.

However, since he had been sleepless the night before and had drunk tonight, he inadvertently fell

asleep in the chair.

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In the early hours, the sky began to lighten. In her drowsy state, Chloe felt something weighing down

her hair and tugged at it several times, but it would not come loose. She groggily opened her eyes and

saw a closeup of Joseph’s handsome face, along with his muscular chest that was revealed under his

disheveled pajamas.

They were so close that they could touch each other, but she had no such thoughts right.

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Chloe’s pupils suddenly contracted, and her head cleared. She struggled to recall what happened last

night. She remembered feeling unwell after getting caught in the rain and going to bed after taking a


But how had she managed to lure Joseph into sleeping with her?

So Che

Then, she saw the cold medicine on the nightstand, and her memory gradually returned to her. She

vaguely remembered someone feeding her water last night.

Chloe looked at Joseph with a puzzled expression.

The saying goes that you should not try to guess a woman’s thoughts because it is pointless even if

you do. However, she felt that Joseph’s thoughts were several times more complicated than any


‘Didn’t he just reject me a moment ago? So why was he feeding me water and medicine?

As Chloe pondered over these thoughts, Joseph opened his ey