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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 627
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Chapter 627 Shouldn’t Have Allowed Xavia to Keep the Pregnancy

“Just go and think about my offer. I’m willing to cooperate.”

Before Joseph could react, Chloe went to the bedroom and crawled into bed. Her breathing soon evened out as if

she had fallen asleep.

Joseph stood at the doorway and watched her rising and falling back for a long time. He wanted to tell her that he

never intended to push her away. He had been angry with her but he never intended to harm her. Unexpectedly,

Chloe told him that his neverending suspicion and the choices he made had chiseled away her feelings until there

was nothing left.

Love was selfish and was a game meant for only two people.

Samuel took on a case for the Whitman Group, so he came to the villa to discuss the details with Joseph. As they

spoke, he sensed that his friend was not himself. As he gazed at Joseph, he sincerely hoped to help resolve the

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situation and asked Joseph about his woes. He found that he had no remedy for the situation as he did not

understand love. He then decided to call on Nathan, the man experienced in love.

“Ah, your issues with Chloe are still unresolved?” Nathan grabbed an orange as he sat down, peeling it and stuffing

it into his mouth.

Joseph rubbed the spot between his brows. “I wanted to put it all behind, but she doesn’t want


“Are you really going to put everything behind?” Nathan failed to hold back his retort and spurted out a mouthful of

orange. Samuel, who was sitting across from him, was forced to


The orange juice dripped down Samuel’s face. He grabbed some tissues and furiously wiped his face. He said

disdainfully, “Don’t talk with your mouth full. Be a man of culture will you?”

Nathan ignored Samuel and leaned toward Joseph eagerly. “Are you sure you’re okay with being a stepfather?”

Joseph took a deep drag of his cigarette and exhaled. The smoke enveloped his face. He said gloomily, “Principles

are nothing in front of the one you truly love.” He had only learned of his true desires when he was on the verge of


Nathan was stunned. “What happened to you?”

Samuel glared at Nathan. “Don’t you know that Duskfall made a move?”

“No, I don’t. I’ve been kind of busy.”

“Stop frequenting the bars. You’ll tire yourself out.”

“I wasn’t at the bar. I recently got to know a woman. She looks very much like…” Halfway

through his sentence, Nathan returned to the topic at hand and looked at Joseph. “Isn’t it a good thing that you’re

willing to compromise? What did Chloe say?”

“She doesn’t want this love anymore. She asked me to let her go.”

Nathan’s heart skipped a beat. “That’s it?”

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“Mm-hmm.” Joseph thought himself a joke. He finally overcame his principles, but she had not agreed to it.

Nathan put down his orange and pondered, his hand cupping his chin. He dwelled on it for a long while. “I think

Chloe has given up.”

“What do you mean?” Samuel asked.

“Only those who have given up have no desires or requests.”

When Joseph heard that Chloe had given up, he shook. “What did I do wrong?”

Nathan fell silent. “You shouldn’t have allowed Xavia to keep the pregnancy.”

Joseph covered his face in frustration and remorse. Nathan was right. Joseph had wanted to have his cake and eat

it. That was the reason his relationship with Chloe was now beyond repair.

Samuel could tell that his friend was having a hard time. He heaved a sigh and felt that it was better to stay single.

They sat up talking until late into the night, so Joseph asked Samuel and Nathan to spend the night.

Chloe was sleeping in the master bedroom, so Joseph slept in the room she occupied when she first moved in. Her

scent lingered on the blanket, and it comforted him into a rare night of fitful sleep.