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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 619
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Chapter 619 Men Are All the Same

Emily nodded in silent agreement, munching on a handful of popcorn.

Joseph was the kind of man who could lift you to the skies one moment and ruthlessly plunge you into the abyss of

despair the next. The memory of him purchasing all the extravagant bags in Aesper and delivering them to Chloe in

trucks felt as fresh as if it had occurred yesterday. All men were the same. After they got the things they wanted,

they stopped cherishing them. “What are your plans now?” Emily asked.

“I don’t want to stay here anymore,” Chloe replied, her eyes downcast and her expression sad.

“But what about your company?”

“I’ll sell it.”

She felt no sentimental attachment to the Johnson Group, and it was primarily a repository of painful memories.

Now, it simply served as a tool for financial gain. During her year and a half of management, she had not focused

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on expanding its size, but rather on securing stable resources. Selling it would not pose any challenge.

Emily became sad and said, “If you leave, we’ll become long-distance best friends, and it’ll be difficult to meet.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll come back to see you,” Chloe reassured her.

“Why not go to Estre? My company is offering two spots to study there, and one of them is reserved for me. I

haven’t decided yet.”

“Estre… Noah had invited me there for business.”

Emily slapped her thigh excitedly, “Perfect! We can go together!”

“Let me sell the company first,” Chloe replied.

Going to Estre was an option, but before that, she wanted to visit the southern region. Benjamin had previously

mentioned that it was her mother’s place of origin.

The next day, Chloe did not spend time with Emily. Instead, she bought a new phone and got a temporary ID card.

She took care of all the necessary replacements, such as bank cards and SIM cards, using the temporary ID card.

Then, she found a hotel to stay in.

As soon as she connected her phone to the internet, various notifications about Xavia and Joseph started popping


[Young prodigy, Joseph Whitman, and beautiful violinist, Xavia Larson, tie the knot.]


[Joseph, CEO of Fairlight, lavishly gifts a customized luxury car to his girlfriend of five years.)

[Joseph, CEO of Fairlight, hospitalized while his suspected-to-be-pregnant girlfriend

prepares nutritious meals for him.]

Internet users began commenting on the articles.

[Wow, that’s the kind of love I envy.]

[Help! Xavia’s my goddess. I hope Joseph treats her well and doesn’t disappoint her fans.]

[I wish them all the happiness in the world!]

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[Sob, sob, sob… I won’t forgive Joseph for stealing my wifey!]

Chloe surmised that Xavia had probably paid for these attention-grabbing articles to be published. She did not

bother opening them and chose to ignore the notifications.

At the hospital, Chloe got her regular prenatal check-up. The baby was already five months along and could be

seen clearly on the 3D ultrasound. When she saw her baby’s head and tiny feet, her heart melted. She caressed

her belly affectionately and silently vowed to safely bring her baby into this world.

When she exited the hospital, she spotted Noah. He looked adorable, standing in the sunlight. and waving at her,

exuding a friendly vibe like a neighbor’s younger brother.

Chloe was surprised. “What a coincidence. Are you here to get medicine for Mr. Desmond?”

Noah grinned, revealing his two front teeth. “It’s not a coincidence. I called Emily and she told me you went to the

hospital for a check-up. I wanted to discuss next year’s endorsement with.


Chloe was pleasantly surprised by his attentiveness and playfully smiled. “Thank you for giving me a chance, and

also for what you did last time. How did you manage to convince Joseph?”

Joseph had always disliked Noah, so it must have been difficult for Noah to get Joseph to agree to the request.