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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 616
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Chapter 616 Seems Like Joseph Doesn’t Love You That Much

After the doctor finished discussing Joseph’s condition with Lucas, Lucas turned to Chloe and said, “He has a

fractured rib and extensive back injuries, but overall, it’s nothing serious. It’ll take around two weeks for him to

recover. But with Mr. Joseph’s constitution, he may recover even faster.”

Chloe let out a long sigh of relief and said, “Thank you so much, doctor.”

“We ran into the masked woman when we arrived,” Lucas said.

“Did she escape?”

“She ran toward the mountain. Vince has already sent some people to look for her.”

The mountain was not large, but it was slippery after the rain, making it difficult to traverse. With the approaching

winter, even an ordinary person would struggle to endure a day, let alone Vanya. They were confident that she

could only hold out for two or three days.

Chloe was puzzled and asked, “Is Vince an employee of Fairlight or the Whitman Group?” She did not recall seeing

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him before.

“He’s neither,” Lucas replied.

“Then he’s…?”

“I’m not very sure either.” Lucas scratched his head. “I only handle Mr. Joseph’s work-related matters. I don’t get

involved in anything else.”

Chloe did not inquire further and said, “You stay here with Joseph. I’m going to go.”

“Aren’t you going to wait until Mr. Joseph wakes up?” Lucas was surprised.

“He’s out of danger now, and I’m not a doctor. There’s no point in staying.”

“But he was injured because of you,” Lucas said, unable to understand Chloe’s lack of empathy. In usual dramas,

when a woman encounters a man who risks his life to protect her, should she not be deeply moved and burst into


“But without Joseph, I would never have gone through all that,” Chloe said calmly.

Lucas was momentarily taken aback and nodded thoughtfully. You’re right…”

Chloe did not say anything further, simply turning around and walking away. This was a perfect chance for her to

escape. She had no intention of waiting for Joseph to wake up and continue keeping her captive. She was not going

to deny that without his protection today, there was a high possibility that she would have lost her child. But on the

other hand, it was perfectly normal for Joseph to protect their child. Did he expect her to be grateful to him?

Chloe accepted his protective gesture without a hint of guilt.

“Ms. Chloe.” Xavia had come to the hospital when she heard that Joseph had been injured. She approached Chloe

at the entrance, blocking her path.

Chloe had no intention of paying Xavia any attention. She stared straight ahead as if she had not seen her.

Xavia gritted her teeth and extended her arm to stop Chloe. “Stop ignoring me.”

“Are you some important figure that I have to respond to just because you called out my name?” Chloe’s gaze

remained cool and indifferent as she looked at Xavia.

“I just wanted to ask about Joe’s condition,” Xavia said with a helpless expression, pretending to be hurt by Chloe’s


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“Do you not have legs or a mouth of your own?” Chloe retorted, sensing that Xavia was looking to stir up trouble.

Xavia stared at Chloe and suddenly covered her mouth, laughing coyly. “Are you jealous because I came to see


Chloe could not help but laugh at Xavia’s words. She pointed at the woman with a serious expression on her face

and said, “If anyone should be feeling jealous, it should be you. After all, I’m married to Joseph, whereas you…can

only rely on your pregnancy to secure your position. How pathetic.”

There was no denying that this struck a nerve with Xavia. She and Joseph had known each other for seven years

and were together for five, yet Joseph had never mentioned. marrying her. On the other hand, Chloe and Joseph

had gotten married only after one day of knowing each other. The swiftness of their marriage was truly incredible,

and it was difficult for Xavia to fathom how someone as mature and composed as Joseph could have impulsively

entered at marriage.

“The process doesn’t matter. From a broader perspective, it doesn’t matter if he loved you before. What matters is

who he loves now.” Xavia took out a set of car keys from her bag and waved them at Chloe. “A single identity card

can only get one customized car, and I have one too.”