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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 612
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Chapter 612 What Position You Hold in Joseph’s Heart

A finance tycoon had been pursuing Megan recently, and she was also an attendee at the conference. She

excitedly grabbed Xavia’s arm and exclaimed, “Congratulations! You’re about to become Mrs. Joseph Whitman!”

Xavia smiled playfully and replied, “Don’t celebrate just yet. Chloe’s still around.”

“What? She betrayed Joseph and yet she has the nerve to hold onto him? How shameless can she be?” Megan

remarked, her eyes scanning their surroundings. She leaned closer to Xavia and whispered, “Who’s this person that

Chloe had an affair with? Is he wealthier and more attractive than Joseph?”

“You don’t know him,” Xavia replied.

“Ah… So he’s an ordinary man? He definitely isn’t as rich as Joseph. Be careful. What if Chloe comes to regrets…”

A mysterious glint flashed through Xavia’s eyes as she replied, “I know what to do.”

“By the way, Joseph gave Chloe a custom-made car that is limited worldwide. Even the hottest celebrities don’t

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have the qualifications to buy one. You should take me for a ride in that car someday.”

“It’s not mine. I can’t ask Joe about it.”

“Then ask him to buy you a customized car too.”

“Each person can only have one custom-made car.”

“Yes, that’s what makes it valuable. Just imagine. If Joseph finds a way to get you another custom-made car, it’ll

prove that Chloe is just a thing of the past in his heart and that he now

cares about you.”

Xavia’s gaze subtly shifted toward a man not far away. Amid the gathering of business moguls, his face was

strikingly handsome, making him stand out from the crowd.

“What do you think? Test him and figure out what position you hold in Joseph’s heart.” Megan motioned toward

Joseph, her mouth watering at the thought of a custom luxury car.

How could such a thing have been given to Chloe? It was such a waste!

Xavia agreed with Megan and said softly, “You’ve hit the nail on the head. I was just thinking about getting a new


Chloe did not read the netizens’ comments about her, but she did catch a glimpse of Joseph and Xavia appearing

together at a conference on television. Her face remained emotionless as she watched the entire live broadcast,

and afterward, quietly returned to her room to sleep.


For several days, she was coerced to drink the herbal medicine. She resisted fiercely, but given the vast difference

in strength between her and Joseph, she eventually succumbed and gave in. After drinking the concoction for three

days in a row, she did not feel any discomfort. Instead, she felt like she was regaining her energy. Slowly, she came

to a realization. If Joseph wanted her to have an abortion, he could have easily done it. Therefore, she decided to

give up struggling.

After taking the herbal medicine for a week, Joseph took Chloe to the herbalist for a follow-up examination. Like last

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time, after the doctor took her blood pressure, Joseph instructed Lucas to take Chloe back to the car.

Ten minutes later, Joseph came out and they headed back to the villa. Along the way, they passed by a cake shop.

Lucas remembered Emily saying that Chloe liked the tiramisu from this shop. He believed that something sweet

would improve Chloe’s mood.

He pondered for a moment, then stepped on the brake and respectfully sought permission from the man in the

backseat. “Sir, there’s something I’d like to buy. It’ll only take a few minutes.”

Joseph, who had closed his eyes to rest, waved dismissively. “Make it quick.”

“Yes, sir.”

Chloe kept her gaze fixed on the window, refusing to engage in conversation with the beside her. Her only hope

now was to safely deliver her baby.


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a deafening thunder that reverberated through the

air. The raindrops, as big as beans, pelted against the car window, filling Chloe with a sense of foreboding.

The street became sparsely populated due to the heavy downpour. Several men wielding baseball bats emerged

from a van and started approaching them. Standing behind this group of men was a woman wearing a fox mask-
