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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 605
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Chapter 605 Joseph Despises Promiscuous, Fickle Women Like You

“Maybe I’ve been aware of your so-called lead for quite some time now.”

Otto replied with confidence, sneering, “That’s impossible.”

While Fairlight may hold some influence in the business world, it lacked Duskfall’s extensive reach and connections.

The only organization that could rival Duskfall was Imperium. Joseph may have sought the assistance of someone

affiliated with Imperium for tracking and investigation.

The nature of Imperium was akin to Duskfall. Though Imperium was a relatively new organization established just

two years ago, it had grown rapidly.

“Tsk.” Joseph settled into the plush leather sofa, casually swirling the wine in his glass. He unbuttoned his suit jacket,

revealing a sleek black silk shirt that accentuated his handsome yet dangerous demeanor. “Whatever Duskfall

uncovers, I’m capable of discovering as well.”

“Do you think I’d believe you?”

“Whether you believe me or not is entirely up to you,” Joseph replied, motioning for Otto to come closer. “But I

have something to share with you today as well.”

A hint of curiosity flickered across Otto’s face as he leaned forward, unable to resist his intrigue.

“If there ever comes a day when you can no longer sustain yourself in Duskfall, remember that you can come to

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“Huh?” Otto was, after all, the CEO of Briarlake. Could he really be looked down upon so easily? And resort to

Fairlight for handouts?

Joseph met Otto’s puzzled gaze and spoke in a hushed tone audible to only the two of them. Do you truly believe

that you’re an orphan?”

Otto’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

With a faint smile, Joseph chose to end the conversation at that pivotal moment. Otto refrained from further

questioning, but his shrewd eyes fixated intently on Joseph, attempting to unravel the truth of his words.

“If you desire the answers, you know where to find me.” With those parting words, Joseph exited the room with

Vince and Lucas in tow.

For a long while, Otto sat on the sofa in silence. Gradually, his senses returned, and a trace of disdain crept into his

eyes. He contemplated, ‘Even if I’m not an orphan, what difference does it make? Even if my parents are alive,

what significance does it hold? We’d be nothing more than strangers bound by blood.’

Chloe fell asleep early, but she had been restless lately and even the slightest noise would

wake her. In the darkness, she heard footsteps outside that stopped near her door. Thinking it was a helper, she

patiently waited for them to leave.

However, the person did not leave. Doubt started to creep into Chloe’s mind. Barefoot and swift, she tiptoed to the

door and flung it open.

Xavia, who stood outside, jumped in surprise at the sudden movement. She patted her chest, scolding, “Are you a

spirit? You make no noise while you walk!”

“And aren’t you skulking around like a mouse in the dead of night?” Chloe’s face remained

devoid of emotion.

“Why you…!” Xavia’s annoyance and embarrassment welled up. Her gaze shifted and landed on Chloe’s belly,

causing her voice to escalate, “Why haven’t you had an abortion yet?!”

Chloe’s smile turned cold. “Disappointed, aren’t you? Even in this situation, Joseph still forgave me. Your hopes of

marrying into the Whitmans are in vain.”

In truth, she had no idea why the operation was canceled, nor did she know if it would be rescheduled for another

day. Saying those words was merely a means to provoke Xavia, whom

she could not stand.

“Don’t delude yourself. Joe despises promiscuous, fickle women like you,” Xavia retorted, quickly regaining her

composure and refusing to let herself be affected. After being together for five years, she knew Joseph’s

temperament and boundaries. Even if Joseph had feelings for Chloe, he still had his pride.

A glimmer of happiness graced Chloe’s delicate face as she gently caressed her growing belly.” Is that so? Then

explain to me why it’s me who sleeps in the villa, not you.”

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“While you’re confined to the villa, I have the freedom to come and go. Just stop struggling. Everything will soon be

mine,” Xavia responded.

Due to her dedication to her violin practice, Xavia still possessed slender, fair arms with graceful contours despite

being six months pregnant. Along with her rosy complexion, she appeared far healthier than Chloe, exuding an

aura of effortless elegance that surpassed Chloe’s, making her seem more like the true lady of the house.

Chloe’s lips tightened into a line, and she was momentarily taken aback. The topic of being confined left her unable

to feign happiness.

Xavia took a step forward, intending to enter and casually inspect the surroundings. However, the nanny downstairs

interrupted, “Welcome home, Mr. Joseph.”

Hearing this, Xavia swiftly turned around and descended the stairs. Her tone was affectionate and filled with

admiration as she asked, “Joe, are you hungry? I brought you some chicken

noodle soup.”

Joseph’s brows furrowed when he spotted her, forming small creases at the center of his forehead. “Why are you

here again?”

“I heard Chloe was discharged and was worried about how she’d be feeling after the surgery, so I dropped by for a

chat.” Xavia paused, her expression curious. “But turns out she hasn’t had the operation yet… Did something cause

a delay?”