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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 603
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Chapter 603 Blatantly Expressing Harold’s Amazing and Timely Death

After Chloe returned to the hospital with Joseph, she anxiously awaited the passage of time. At 10 the following

morning, a nurse entered the room and said, “Please step outside for a


Chloe trembled, tightly holding on to the fruit knife hidden behind her back as she nervously asked, “Are you going

to perform the surgery on me?”

“No, it’s just for a check-up. You’re being discharged.”

Chloe was taken aback. It was not until she walked out of the hospital with Lucas and the sunlight bathed her,

providing a warm and comforting embrace, did she come around. She felt a glimmer of vitality as if she had been


“Ms. Chloe, please get in,” Lucas said to her.

“What about Joseph?”

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“Mr. Joseph is busy. I’m taking you to the villa so that you can rest.”

Chloe was taken aback by the response. “So I don’t have to do the surgery?”

“Mr. Joseph didn’t tell me the specifics, but it seems that you don’t need the surgery now.”

According to the original plan, the surgery was scheduled for 10 this morning, and it was already 11. It was evident

that the procedure would not be taking place today. Chloe blinked, feeling a wave of confusion washing over her.

“Ms. Chloe, please get in. Mr. Joseph will join us once he’s finished with work,” Lucas said as he opened the car door

for her.

Chloe hesitated, her eyes scanning her surroundings.

“Ms. Chloe, there’s no point in thinking about running away. You won’t even get past the main gate,” Lucas said with

a hint of helplessness, gesturing toward a black car behind them.” The men in that car are Mr. Joseph’s men. If you

attempt to escape, they’ll take action.”

Chloe furrowed her brows, unable to comprehend Joseph’s intentions. Her intuition told her that something the

doctor said had caused him to temporarily abandon the idea. Or maybe it

was Noah’s influence….

Regardless, Chloe had no other option but to comply and return to the villa. It was much

better here compared to the hospital. There were two helpers and four bodyguards at the villa, creating a

suffocating atmosphere. Chloe felt constantly monitored, feeling it difficult for her to even take a breath.

Suddenly, she spotted the landline phone in the first-floor living room. She wondered if the helpers would allow her

to use it.

After dropping Chloe off, Lucas headed to Fairlight. Joseph was finished with his meeting and was rubbing his

temples to alleviate his fatigue.

“Sir, I’ve sent Ms. Chloe to the villa.”

“You can go and attend to your duties now.”

“We received an email in the company’s cooperation inbox…”

“Handle it as you see fit. There’s no need to bother me with trivial matters.”

“It’s not work-related. It’s from Briarlake…”

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Joseph raised an eyebrow. “Show me.”

Lucas complied, turned around, and brought the laptop over. On the screen, a vivid shade of red caught his eye. As

he scrolled down, an image featuring Harold’s picture in a somber setting appeared, adorned with gold accents and

vibrant designs. It conveyed a subtle metaphor, symbolizing hints of good fortune. The bottom right corner was

signed by Otto Sinclair. The message blatantly expressed Harold’s amazing and timely death.

Joseph remained composed and closed the laptop.

Lucas thought he was holding back and cursed, “Sir, the Sinclairs are incredibly disrespectful. It’s like they do not

fear the consequences of their immoral actions!”

Even after Harold had been laid to rest, they continued to stir up trouble. They were destined to be plagued by their

foul mouths sooner or later.

Joseph’s tone remained indifferent as he said, “There’s no need to pay any attention to the words of such animals.”

“But the way they insulted Mr. Harold.

Joseph sneered. ‘Insulted? Well, let’s see who will have the last laugh.’

“Sir, in addition to the email, Otto sent you an invitation. It says, ‘See you at Crimson Oasis

tonight at 8.””

Joseph adjusted his tie, his eyebrows raised with a hint of wickedness. “We’ll leave at half past