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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 602
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Chapter 601 She Was Truly Blind, Having Misjudged His Character Emily lost one of her front teeth, and the dental

department chief suggested, “The front teeth. are an important part of a person’s appearance and should be

carefully restored. I recommend getting a dental implant. I suggest going to the hospital on Southgate Street. They

have a dedicated department for dental care, and their facilities are superior to ours.” “Thank you, doctor…”

Emily’s speech was affected by her missing tooth, resulting in a lisp that was both amusing and pitiful. A barely

perceptible furrow appeared on Joseph’s brow. “Lucas, take her there. I’ll cover the expenses.” Lucas nodded

sympathetically, feeling sorry for Emily’s predicament. Losing a tooth must be painful. “I don’t want your money!

Stop pretending!” Emily retorted, displaying no interest in his offer. She chided herself for her naivety. When she

first discovered Joseph the scumbag and Xavia had a one-night stand, she should have distanced Chloe from him. If

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she had not forgiven him, Chloe would not have had to endure this injustice. She was truly blind-having misjudged

Joseph’s character. She had inadvertently caused harm to her dear friend. Joseph’s voice remained indifferent as

he responded, “Don’t even think about taking Chloe away. It’s futile. Save your energy.” Fueled by anger, Emily

shouted back, “If you want to treat her like this, why don’t you just let her go?!” He paused for a moment, deep in

thought. Why… He could not quite pinpoint the exact reason. It was not solely for the sake of revenge against

Chloe… Definitely not. He had never been one to waste time on useless individuals. He thought that since he could

not let go, perhaps they could continue to torment each other. It was better than having no connection at all. Chloe

slept for a whole day, or rather, she just languished in bed. Through Lucas, she received word that Emily was doing

well, which provided some relief to her anxious heart. In a dazed state, she found herself on the eve of the

scheduled abortion surgery. But due to signs of a potential miscarriage, she had to undergo preoperative

examinations. With the assistance of a nurse, she completed the necessary tests and returned to her ward to rest.

The doctor handed the examination results to Joseph. “Sir, your wife is showing symptoms of anemia, and based on

the examination report, her condition is deteriorating. It’d be risky to proceed with the surgery in her current state.

If she wants to proceed, she should improve her health first.” Joseph was caught off guard. “Anemia is a common

condition, isn’t it? Does it really have such a significant impact?” “Yes, but the severity of your wife’s symptoms is

concerning.” “What can we do to improve her health?” “I’ll prescribe her some medication, but in addition to that,

you could also explore herbal remedies for anemia. ” Joseph recalled the herbalist, Doctor Frederick, whom he had

called on before. Without hesitation, he returned to the ward and took Chloe along with him to find the herbalist.

Like a wooden doll, Chloe followed him with a vacant expression, devoid of any vitality. Joseph gently cupped her

cheeks and compelled her to meet his gaze. “Aren’t you curious about where we’re going?” “Our destination won’t

change whether I ask or not, so what’s the point of asking?” Joseph released his grip on her and let out a cold snort.

“At least you’re sensible.” At the clinic, Frederick measured Chloe’s blood pressure. Before he could say anything,

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Joseph instructed Lucas to take Chloe back to the car. Chloe, too weak to speculate on his intentions, silently

followed Lucas. As he watched Chloe leave, Frederick remarked, “Her anemia is quite severe.” “Please prescribe

the medication,” Joseph paused, “She’s pregnant by the way.” “I know. I’ve already taken note of that. I’ll make

sure not to use any ingredients that pregnant women should avoid.” Frederick looked puzzled for a moment and

asked, According to the timeline, when you requested medication for menstrual pain through your assistant, she

was already pregnant. Did you not realize it at that time?” “I believe she should’ve noticed.” “Ah, then why didn’t

she inform me?” “I don’t know.” There was no change in Joseph’s expression as if they were discussing what to

have for dinner. Frederick’s mouth fell open, sensing the sudden chill in the air. He felt a growing unease and

avoided eye contact with Joseph. After a moment of silence, he let out a dry laugh. “Perhaps she wanted to surprise

you.” Joseph did not continue the conversation as he waited to collect the medication. Inside the car, with no one

else around, Chloe glanced around, pondered for a few seconds, and said to Lucas, “Could you do me a favor?