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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 600
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Chapter 600 You Shouldn’t Treat Chloe This Way

Without waiting for Joseph to speak, Tyson was the first to raise his voice sternly. “What the hell do you think you’re

doing? Release her immediately!”

The young officer was taken aback by Tyson’s yell, causing him to loosen his grip and allow Emily to escape. She

covered her mouth as she spat out a tooth stained with blood.

Chloe felt overwhelmed with guilt at the sight before her. Fortunately, they were in the hospital. Her almond eyes

lacked their usual warmth and her voice was devoid of emotion as she said to Joseph, “Open the door. I’m taking

Em to see a doctor.”

Joseph was unaccustomed to the way she looked at him-indifferent and icy-as if she were looking at a stranger. “I’ll

get Lucas to take her. You stay here.”

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Chloe’s heart sank, and her pupils dilated in disbelief. Joseph’s response stabbed at her like a dagger. It was

incomprehensible to her. “My friend is injured, and I want to accompany her to see a doctor. And all of this is

because of you, yet you want to deprive me of the right to go with her?”

“You’re not a doctor. What’s the use of you going?”

Chloe was rendered speechless. She knew Joseph had a questionable moral compass, but how could he display

such indifference when Emily had just lost her teeth right in front of him? Was he truly so heartless?

She watched helplessly as Lucas took Emily away. She felt utterly powerless as if all her energy had been drained,

leaving her in a state of despair. The person guarding Chloe noticed her distress and advised her to get some rest.

Joseph opened the door to the ward and said in a cold tone, “If you hadn’t let your friend come, none of this

would’ve happened. And even if she comes, she can’t get you out.”

Chloe raised her head calmly, her expression devoid of emotion except for deep-seated hatred. “By keeping me

locked up here, you’re only fueling my hatred for you.”

She was determined not to terminate the pregnancy. She would give birth to the child and raise it with love and

care. And she vowed that her child would never know they had such a heartless father.

Joseph felt a sharp pang in his heart as her words pierced his conscience. ‘Shouldn’t I be the one filled with hatred

toward her?’ he thought, his emotions swirling like a turbulent. whirlwind.

Ignoring him, Chloe entered the ward and quietly settled by the window, her gaze fixed on the outside world as her

mind wandered in deep contemplation.

After reprimanding the young officer, Tyson patted Joseph’s shoulder with a serious expression before leaving. “In

all fairness, you shouldn’t treat Chloe this way.

Joseph’s long, dark lashes quivered with a mix of emotions. “Why?”

“You got Xavia pregnant, and now Chloe is carrying someone else’s child. Now, it’s evened out. You can’t expect to

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have everything your way while denying others the same.”

Tyson’s words struck Joseph’s heart like a relentless hammer, each impact resounding deeply within him. He stood

motionless, his mind momentarily empty. Realization washed over him. that, despite his previous superiority, he

now found himself standing in the same shoes as Chloe.

In that fleeting moment, he grasped a glimpse of the pain she had endured. Accepting that the child of the person

you love belonged to someone else was a heart-wrenching realization to endure.

Yet, within a heartbeat, Joseph swiftly regained his composure. “We’re different,” he asserted, “Chloe and Icarus

were aware and willing participants, while I wasn’t.”

Tyson saw through everything. “Perhaps Chloe doesn’t like Icarus either. It could’ve been an accident too.

Otherwise, why would she choose to stay with you?”

Joseph was rendered speechless. His face remained composed, but his internal composure wavered slightly. “That’s

enough. Icarus has already confessed.”

Tyson sneered, shrugged, and departed with his young colleague. Meanwhile, Joseph made his way to the fourth

floor to inquire about Emily’s condition at the dental department.