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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 598
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Chapter 598 What Love Potion Did That Dumbo Give Him

“Serves her right. It’s her fault for not appreciating such a good husband. She can’t blame anyone else for this.’ ”

“That’s true, but their wedding photos looked so beautiful. They were a picture-perfect couple. What a pity.”

“We shouldn’t pity someone who lacks moral integrity.”

“Let’s not dwell on it. After all, Mr. Joseph is never short of women. He brought another one last night…”

The nurses’ voices slowly faded into the background, and Chloe felt her heart grow numb. Tears uncontrollably

cascaded down her face, drenching the pillow in a large damp stain.

The sky was dimly lit as Joseph awoke with a terrible headache, the result of drinking too much the previous night.

Xavia approached him, holding a glass of tomato juice. “Drink. It’ll help alleviate your hangover,” she said in a

gentle tone.

Joseph refused the drink and furrowed his brow. “Why are you here?”

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“I went to see you last night and found you drunk, clutching that wedding album and stumbling around with the

intention of driving to the hospital to find Chloe,” Xavia explained, her expression filled with helplessness. “I couldn’t

allow you to drunk-drive in the middle of the night, so I had to bring you here. Little did I know that you’d fall asleep

once we got here.”

Joseph slapped his forehead in frustration. ‘Damn it,’ he thought, ‘What kind of love potion. did that dumbo give

me? I couldn’t forget her even when I blacked out.”

“You stayed here with me all night?”

“Yes,” Xavia replied, pointing to the chair beside her. “I sat there the entire time. I didn’t get on the bed.”

Joseph pinched his brows. “You should head back and get some rest.”

“Okay… Joe, do you remember bringing your wedding photos? The ones you took with Chloe? “Xavia asked, trying

to gather more information.

“Wedding photos?” He shook his head. In his memory, he recalled throwing the album away at the bar, but the

events that followed were hazy.

Xavia pursed her lips, feeling somewhat helpless. “Last night, you threw away the album… You threw it in the bin at

the hospital parking lot. I tried to stop you multiple times but there was

no stopping you. It’s my fault. You can blame me for that…”

Joseph froze, his mind racing with conflicting emotions as he pondered, ‘I threw the album?’ He recalled the

moment of frustration at the bar when he impulsively tossed the album aside, but deep down, a part of him knew

that he did not want to discard it.

Xavia noticed the shift in Joseph’s expression and decided to provoke him further. “I’ll check the bin at the parking

lot for you. It was your first marriage after all, and I’m sure those photos hold significant meaning.”

“There’s no need,” he coldly rejected, his pride surging. He considered the idea of retrieving the photos beneath

him, having been in a marriage with such a promiscuous woman.

Suddenly, the person responsible for guarding Chloe knocked on the door to report. “Sir, Ms. Chloe’s friend has

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come to visit her.”

As Joseph stepped out, he spotted Emily leaning against the small window in the ward, making funny faces to

amuse Chloe.

“This isn’t a circus. Please mind yourself.”

Upon hearing Joseph’s icy tone, Emily’s anger flared up as she laid eyes on him. She shouted in a loud voice, “You

scumbag! I’ve already reported you for unlawful imprisonment. The police will be here soon. You better release

Coco immediately!”

She had been waiting for Noah to make a move, but as she saw Chloe’s face grow thinner day by day, Emily

refused to passively wait for a dismal outcome.

“Do as you please. Let’s see if the police will come to arrest me or you,” Joseph responded with his hands casually

tucked in his pockets, exuding an air of arrogance.

Chloe was well aware of Joseph’s influential connections. Filled with fear, she anxiously gestured at Emily to leave at

once from behind the glass.