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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 595
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Chapter 595 Chloe, You’re So Shameless

“You should go. Lucas is waiting for you at the door.”

“But I want to stay with you.”

“There’s no need for that.”

Xavia gritted her teeth and placed Joseph’s hand on her bulging belly.

Subconsciously repulsed, he quickly pulled back his hand and shooed her away expressionlessly. “Don’t make me

repeat myself. Lucas isn’t your personal driver. He doesn’t have any extra time to wait on you.”

Xavia’s face turned pale. She suppressed her reluctance. “I just want you to stay with the child a little longer. Don’t

be angry. I’ll go now.”

After she left, Joseph did not know what to do and simply returned to his bedroom to sleep. In bed, he tossed and

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turned. Though the curtains were closed, the light from downstairs still entered the room.

He put on slippers and went to the French window to look down at the woman on the first floor. She was tired from

kneeling, so she was now sitting on a chair. It was rather cold as autumn was around the corner. She seemed to be

talking to the coffin, and her usually rosy and tender lips had become parched and purplish. It looked like her

clothes afforded her little warmth.

Heartache quickly dawned on Joseph’s hard features. It was so quick that even he did not notice it. He pursed his

lips and said cruelly, “Serves you right.”

Harold was probably watching Chloe too as a few minutes later, Patrick came with a blanket and a small portable

heater. Chloe felt much warmer and the long night became easier to bear.

Early the next morning, Joseph took Chloe back to the hospital and prohibited her from leaving. Maybe because

Abigail purposely let Chloe go yesterday, so now it was a stranger who was tasked with keeping an eye on her.

“Joseph, you’re forcing me to get an abortion, yet you still want to keep me with you?”

Chloe raised the query when Joseph was about to step out of the ward. He paused in his tracks and turned around,

cracking a mocking smile at her.

“You’re so shameless.”

“Then why are you forcing me to get an abortion?”

“I just don’t want this bastard to come into the world. Is there a problem with that?”

Chloe glued her clear eyes on him. “Can I go after I abort the child?” body and baby.

The chef brought the dishes to the table. Xavia got some food for Joseph, but he simply frowned and did not touch

it. Chloe, on the other hand, enjoyed a rather good meal across from him. She ate the food eagerly and was

already on her second serving.

Joseph felt his anger rise. ‘Our love is ruined, but this fucking dumbo still has such a good appetite. She doesn’t care

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about me at all!’

He put his fork down and ordered Chloe icily, “Go and do the dishes.”

Chloe did not get up. “I’m not a servant.”

“You’re not a guest either.”

Simply put, she was just an outsider.

Chloe took a deep breath. She knew that he was doing this on purpose, but she did not want to argue with him. She

wiped her mouth and obediently cleared away dishes. She then rolled up her sleeves and started washing them in

the kitchen. When she was done and back in the living room, she saw Joseph and Xavia resting on the sofa. Xavia

even had her head on Joseph’s shoulder.

What a harmonious scene.

Chloe found the scene unbearable and refused to look at them. She returned to the hall to stay by Harold’s coffin.

Joseph watched her out of the corner of his eye. When he noticed that she was unperturbed by his intimate action

with Xavia, a sense of helplessness hit him. He pushed Xavia away in frustration.

Xavia was dissatisfied with his sudden action, so she pouted and asked coquettishly, “What’s the matter?”