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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 590
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Chapter 590 Mr. Harold Has Passed Away

Her face turned pale, and she uttered desolately, “Even if I haven’t, do you think I can say no in my current state?”

“In theory, we should respect the patient’s decision,” the doctor responded.

A glimmer of hope flickered in Chloe’s eyes as she glanced at Abigail, who stood outside the door. She lowered her

voice and pleaded, “I’m being forced into this. Can you please let me go?

Feeling her helplessness, the doctor reminded her, “The hospital doesn’t restrict its patients’ freedom. If you have

no other option, you can seek help from a friend.”

Chloe shook her head, knowing it would be futile. Emily was no match for Joseph. Moreover, Joseph had forbidden

her from meeting Noah. However, a thought suddenly crossed her mind. Even if Emily could not meet Joseph, she

could ask Emily to pass a message to Noah. The only question was whether Noah would be willing to help her. If he

did so, it would mark the beginning of a real confrontation between him and Joseph.

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As soon as the doctor left, Abigail entered the room.

“I want to see my friend. It’s really boring being here alone,” Chloe said to Abigail. “Her name is Emily Patel. Can

you help me get in touch with her?”

Joseph had confiscated her phone, so she had no means of contacting the outside world.

Without hesitation, Abigail refused, “Mr. Joseph isn’t allowing any of your friends to see you.”

“What is he trying to do?! Push me into my grave?!” Chloe exploded in a fit of anger. Fueled by her mounting

frustration, she seized any and all nearby objects and furiously hurled them

all over the room.

Soon, the ward was in disarray. Witnessing Chloe’s emotional outburst, Abigail hurriedly tried. to console her. “Okay,

just hang on. I’ll consult with Mr. Joseph.”

This time, it was highly likely that Joseph was genuinely occupied as it was Lucas who answered the phone. After

hearing Chloe’s request, he hesitated for a while but eventually


After such a major upheaval, it was indeed necessary for Chloe to talk to a friend and vent her emotions. Emily

could not rest easy after Lucas had escorted her away the previous night and had been staying at a hotel near the


When Chloe and Emily met, Chloe recounted the whole situation and told Emily about how Joseph was pressuring

her to have an abortion.

Emily’s face flushed with anger. “He actually wants you to have an abortion?! What an idiot!”


Chloe smiled bitterly. “Unless something unexpected happens, I’ll be on the operating table in a week.”

“Coco, do you want to terminate your pregnancy?” Emily asked after pausing for a moment. If you do, you could

leave Joseph and start over.”

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“It’s not that simple,” Chloe replied, “Even if I agree to the abortion, Joseph won’t let me go that easily.”

She knew him all too well. He was someone who would seek revenge for the slightest offense.

“In that case, ask for an amniocentesis. Show him the results and prove your innocence. Wait for him to kneel and

beg you,” Emily suggested.

“Amniocentesis huh…” Chloe felt conflicted. “If I have to prove my innocence through amniocentesis, then what’s

the difference between me and Xavia? Am I just a vessel for the Whitmans to bring forth children too?”

If she did that, she would lose all her self-esteem and dignity, so she instinctively rejected the idea.

“But this is the only way to prove your innocence,” Emily insisted.

“Since we’ve reached a point where we distrust each other so much, it’s better for us to go our separate ways. Just

remember, even if I prove that the child is Joseph’s, he won’t let me go,” Chloe responded.

She refused to continue her relationship with Joseph.

Emily’s face filled with worry as she said, “You’re right. Given his temperament, he’ll

definitely hold on to you and the child. But Coco… There’s one more thing…”

“What is it?”

“It was reported in today’s news that Mr. Harold has passed away…”