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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 589
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In a state of despair, Chloe lowered her weary arm and let out a desolate smile. “I’ll ask you one last time, Joseph.

Do you truly refuse to believe me?”

They had already reconciled and gotten rid of Xavia-the only obstacle in their relationship- so how did things

suddenly turn out this way?

With a sudden pang of inexplicable emotion, Joseph’s heart softened for a moment when he heard her choked-up

voice. However, he simply uttered one sentence before resolutely turning away.

“Icarus has already confessed. Your words mean nothing.”

Chloe helplessly watched his retreating figure, feeling as though a gaping hole had been torn open in her chest,

making every breath painful. After stubbornly waiting for an hour, she believed that Joseph had truly abandoned

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She covered her face and wept in despair, her frail shoulders drooping in profound misery.

Feeling weak and helpless, Chloe cried herself to sleep. When she woke up the next morning, Abigail approached

her and said, “Ms. Chloe, Mr. Joseph asked me to take care of you. If you feel unwell, please let me know.”

Upon hearing this, Chloe’s eyelashes trembled. “Do you know where Icarus is?”

“He’s currently at Mr. Joseph’s home.”

Abigail had overheard this when the team members were discussing their plans yesterday.

Chloe threw back the covers and got out of bed. She had to confront Icarus directly. She could not allow herself to

be unjustly accused.

“Ms. Chloe, you can’t go.”

Chloe raised her head to meet Abigail’s gaze. “Why?”

“Mr. Joseph said you can’t leave the hospital, and he told me to take care of you.’


Stunned, it took Chloe a while before understanding struck her. “Take care of me? He plans to keep me here,

doesn’t he?”

Abigail averted her gaze. Though she did not say a word, Chloe understood it.

“Hahaha! He’s going to keep me here until I can undergo an abortion next week, isn’t he?” Chloe muttered. Her

laughter mixed with her tears as her eyes turned red, creating a stark contrast against her pallid face.

Though Abigail had never experienced romantic love, she could sense Chloe’s pain. This was precisely why she had

avoided any involvement with men. When things were good, it was like honey in a jar, but when things turned sour,

it became like shards of broken glass that pierced the heart. It was excruciatingly painful.

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Chloe’s laughter subsided, and she took a deep breath. “I want to see Joseph. Tell him to come here.”

Abigail remained silent for a moment and then responded, “I’ll go relay your message.” She exited the ward with

her phone in hand. She returned after about three minutes. “I’m sorry, Ms. Chloe. Mr. Joseph is busy-

“He isn’t. He just refuses to come, right?” Chloe interjected.

Abigail pressed her lips together in a tight line and said, “Maybe he’ll come by when he’s less busy.”

Chloe let out a bitter laugh and turned her gaze away, blankly staring out the window. She no longer wanted to


In the afternoon, a doctor came to examine her. “Rest and take care of your well-being. Your emotional state is of

utmost importance,” he advised.

Chloe did not have the energy to respond and lay silently on the bed. The doctor paused upon observing her. “I saw

the abortion request form you submitted. Have you thought it through?

“the doctor asked.