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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 586
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Chapter 586 The Whitmans Hold the Patent, They’re the Creators

“Come down, then we’ll talk,” Winston said, his expression turning sour. He did not wish to escalate the situation.

“You can just go ahead and tell me about it now.”

“Joseph, come down from the stage now! We know you plagiarized this project!” Silas, no longer able to bear, piped

up. He wanted to play the victim card and exposed Joseph to protect


As soon as those words were spoken, a commotion erupted throughout the audience. After reading the documents,

a range of expressions surfaced-disdain, shock, doubt, disbelief-all fixated on the man standing on the stage.

With a sneer, Joseph asked, “Where did these documents come from?”

“Mr. Otto was the one who gave them to us,” Winston said, expressing gratitude toward Otto.

“Yes, I’m the one who gave these documents to them,” Otto openly admitted, his tone tinged with provocation. “I

happened to stumble upon it. Mr. Joseph, I hope you won’t hold it against me.”

“No, I won’t.” Joseph remained calm as he looked toward Lucas. “Show everyone the software. patent we applied

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for a year ago.”

When Otto received the patent report, his face turned pale.

‘How could Preston not have known about these basic details? What a useless idiot!!

“So… Who copied whom?”

‘Are you stupid? The Whitman Group holds the patent, so of course, they’re the owner of the


“No wonder this other company only dares to operate overseas.’

With a strong and commanding presence, Joseph fixed his piercing gaze upon Otto seated

the crowd. His voice carried a tone of accusation as he revealed the truth.


“The Whitman Group’s confidential files were leaked because Preston stole them and sold them. Nobody, not even

the police, knows to whom it was sold or at what price. So, how did you manage to obtain such information, Mr.


Even though Joseph did not explicitly say it, everyone present was smart enough to read

between the lines.

Otto sensed the peculiar gazes directed at him. Filled with embarrassment and anger, he pushed aside the people

blocking his path and stormed off. However, he did not get far before being intercepted by Tyson in his police


A glimmer of anger flickered in Otto’s eyes. Having endured humiliation from Joseph, he retaliated fiercely by

delivering a powerful kick to Tyson’s chest.

Inside the exhibition hall, the farce had come to an end.

Joseph remained on stage while Chloe shifted in her seat, feeling the urgent call of mother nature. Little did she

know that Icarus too stood up from his seat as soon as she left.

Upon exiting the restroom, Chloe was confronted by two men sporting red-dyed hair, their gaze filled with lewd

intent. The restroom was situated approximately a hundred meters away from the exhibition hall, so she might not

be able to get help in time if any danger were to befall her.

She furrowed her brows slightly but forced herself to calm down. Pretending not to notice them, she walked as

close to the wall as possible.

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“Hey missy, you’re pregnant, aren’t you? How many months along are you? I just love married women.” One of the

men sneered.

“Get lost!” Chloe retorted in disgust and anger.

“Oh, you’ve got quite the temper. I like it,” the man with red hair replied with a lascivious. grin. Without warning, he

forcibly pulled her back into the restroom.

Chloe stumbled and she struggled to regain her balance. Before she could gather her thoughts, the two men

lunged at her, tearing away her clothing and kissing her. A nauseating, humid breath entered her ear, accompanied

by the unsettling touch of wandering hands that made her feel disgusted and queasy.

“You bastards! Get the hell away from me!” Chloe shouted, fighting back as hard as she could.

But it was useless. The situation unfolded, and with the two men overpowering her and holding her down, all her

attempts to break free proved futile.

Suddenly, both of them released her.

Thud! Thud!

The two sounds echoed as the two men with red-dyed hair collapsed to the ground in agonized cries. Opening her

eyes, Chloe saw Icarus delivering punches to them. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt the chill in the air. It was

at that moment she became aware that her clothes were torn in multiple places and her chest was exposed.