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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 577
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Chapter 577 Just One Night, I’m No Worse Than Joseph

Otto leaned slovenly against the reception desk, his cunning eyes narrowing as he locked his gaze on Chloe.

“Grubby paws? She should be happy that someone as handsome as me is willing to touch her, “he remarked.

“I don’t care if you’re handsome or ugly. The only thing I see is your hands attempting to touch my employee,

unsolicited,” Chloe responded coldly, positioning herself protectively in front of the young receptionist.

Otto shrugged nonchalantly. “Calm down. I came to discuss business with you.”

“I won’t collaborate with someone like you. Leave, now,” Chloe declared.

“Fine. I wanted to approach this diplomatically, but if you refuse to show me respect, I’ll go straight to the point

then,” Otto said with a bold grin.

A sense of foreboding washed over Chloe, causing her nerves to tighten.

Otto placed a business agreement in front of her and chuckled arrogantly. “I’ve acquired the land you’re currently

standing on.”

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Chloe quickly scanned through the agreement, her eyes widening in surprise as panic erupted among the

company’s employees.

“Does this mean we’ll lose our jobs?”

“Oh, God… What should we do…”

“I don’t want the company to dissolve. I want to stay here.”

“Don’t worry. Even if he purchases the land, Ms. Chloe will find another office space to rent. It’s just a minor

setback,” an older employee said.

However, their concern was evident in their eyes as they glanced at Chloe. Finding a suitable office space on such

short notice was not the difficult part, but the problem was that Chloe was pregnant.

Otto sneered. “I never said you had to move out. Stop panicking.”

“What kind of collaboration are you suggesting?” Chloe asked, taking the initiative.

“If you spend a night with me, I’ll tear up this agreement,” Otto replied.

Chloe locked her gaze on Otto, who had a sinister smile on his face, and said, “Are you even worthy? I can easily

find another place to rent. Do you think you can intimidate me with this?”

“I’ve come to discuss business, so let’s keep the conversation civil. Allow me to be honest.

Briarlake has recently ventured into Aesper’s real estate industry. I have every confidence that soon, the Sinclairs

will dominate the market, and all the available commercial areas for rent will be under our control. So, just give me

one night. Trust me, I’m no worse than Joseph,” Otto retorted, emanating an air of insolence as his eyes roved over

Chloe like she were an object, his gaze and words carrying an unsettling presence.

“Mr. Otto, I’m pregnant. Just how desperate are you?” Chloe said, a sudden spark of realization lit up her eyes. “Or

is this because you’re envious of Joseph and are unable to measure up to him, so you resort to such despicable

means to insult me?”

Otto’s eyes gleamed, a teasing smile curling his lips. “This woman’s pretty smart. She even managed to maintain

her composure in such a situation. She’s stronger than I had anticipated.’

“Guys, go ahead and smash everything,” he commanded.

Chloe furrowed her brows in frustration. “My lease agreement hasn’t expired yet. You don’t have the right to touch

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anything! It’s illegal!”

Paying her no heed, Otto replied arrogantly, “Illegal? That’s what I enjoy most. It’s so thrilling.”

With a wave of his hand, the people behind him began to violently destroy things in their path. The security guards

attempted to intervene but were pushed aside, some even enduring aggressive kicks. Chaos erupted within the


Chloe cursed under her breath and quickly called the police.

“ACPD! Freeze!”

Suddenly, Icarus burst onto the scene with a group of police officers, swiftly apprehending Otto and his

accomplices. Chloe looked on in astonishment, her face displaying confusion.” Icarus? When did you get back?”

“I arrived fifteen minutes ago. I noticed some disturbance and immediately went to the nearby station to get help,”

Icarus said gently as he gazed at her affectionately. “I hope you won’t blame me for taking matters into my own


Chloe raised an eyebrow, sensing that his appearance was too convenient, but she maintained her composure and

replied, “No, thank you very much.”

Soon, the police escorted Otto and his group away for causing a disturbance.

Icarus noticed the changes in Chloe’s physique and a glimmer of interest flickered in his eyes. “It’s been a while,

and I wasn’t expecting you to be pregnant. It seems you’re leading a happy life.”