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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 572
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Chapter 572 Do You Have the Heart to Abandon Me?

“Let’s not discuss this right now.” Joseph naturally did not want it to be like this either. Recognizing that the current

situation could not be easily resolved, he chose not to dwell and decided to set it aside for the moment. He held

Chloe’s hand and led her to the sofa, asking, ” Were you serious earlier?”


“Asking me to choose between Xavia’s child and you.”

Chloe stared into his deep eyes and remained resolute in her answer. “Yes.”


“I have no space in my heart for unrelated parties.”

She had tried but ultimately failed. If this child had been conceived before Joseph was with her, she would not feel

such disgust. Unfortunately, the child was conceived during their marriage. Although it was a mistake that occurred

unintentionally, why should she take responsibility for a child conceived in such an unexpected manner? She could

not comprehend his actions, nor did she agree with them. Even a saint would not be capable of enduring such a

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Joseph had not anticipated her unwavering stance. His heart constricted briefly, and a trace of anger flared up. “Do

you really have the heart to abandon me?”

“I have no choice. You can’t be so selfish. You need to consider my position as well.” He could not have everything

his way.

Joseph closed his eyes and changed the topic. “I’ll take you to the hospital for a prenatal check- up tomorrow.”

“There’s no need.”

“It’s necessary. I haven’t seen the child yet.”

Chloe could not resist his influence either. “I’m going to sleep now. You can leave.”

“I’m the baby’s father. I’m not leaving.”

“Joseph, do you not have any shred of dignity left?”

“I may lack dignity, but what good is it when I’m on the verge of losing my wife and child?” Joseph’s expression

remained unabashed, his dignified face taking on a brazen air at that moment.

Chloe’s mouth twitched angrily. “You promised to let me go, and just a few days later, you’re changing your mind?”

“I did say I’d let you go, but I didn’t say I wouldn’t look for you.”

“Fine, do as you please. I’m going to bed. Don’t follow me. My bed is only big enough for one person.”

She went to her old bedroom in the villa, where there was a single bed. It would be a tight squeeze for two people

to sleep on. Surprisingly, Joseph did not follow her upstairs. Not a peep. came from downstairs throughout the

night, and Chloe wondered if Joseph had left.

In the morning, Chloe freshened up and made her way downstairs. At first glance, she spotted the man bustling

around in the kitchen. He was dressed in a designer suit and a white shirt, holding a ladle in his hand, his gaze fixed

on the simmering porridge in the pot. He appeared completely different from his usual cold and stern self.

Joseph was fully dedicated to the task at hand, his sharpness hidden away. It did not give off the air of the

dominating force of the business world. Instead, he revealed a side that the world had never witnessed before, one

that could easily make women’s hearts flutter.

Chloe looked at him with a slight daze. “When did you get up?” She had risen early that morning, around six o’clock.

By the time she finished showering, it was already seven. This man did not look like he had just woken up.

Joseph turned to look at her. “A little after five. Grab some bowls and spoons. It’ll be ready soon.”

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“Oatmeal, toast, and fruit salad. I prepared these since your fridge is limited. Enjoy,” Joseph said, presenting the

breakfast spread.

Chloe eagerly picked up her spoon and took a mouthful of the fragrant oatmeal. “This is so good!’ she thought.

Joseph observed her contented expression, a subtle smile playing on his lips. “Take your time and be careful not to

burn yourself.”

Chloe had two bowls of porridge, two slices of toast, and a whole plate of fruit salad. If not because she had to hold

her urine for the prenatal check-up, she could have easily put away another bowl.

“I’ll drive today,” Chloe declared, retrieving the car keys from the drawer. She wanted to practice her driving skills

before her belly grew too big.

Joseph nodded in agreement. “Sure.”

“Just a moment. I need to grab my ID.”


Joseph went to the car to wait for her there. As he passed through the living room, eyes landed on a beautifully

packaged box sitting on the table. He opened it and found some exquisitely wrapped candies. His intuition told him

that Chloe would not have bought these 20

herself, and she was with Noah yesterday…
