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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 568
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Chapter 568 Has She Grown Weary of Living?

Chloe muttered “What a jinx” under her breath and quickly dove into the water to save Xavia. She loathed the

woman and even considered watching her drown without intervening, but her conscience would not permit such an


The greatest distinction between good and evil lies in Chloe’s capacity to restrain her inner demons, whereas the

latter succumbed to greed and desire.

Little did Chloe anticipate that the moment she grasped Xavia’s arm and exerted all her might to pull her up, she

herself was forcefully yanked into the water. Water filled Chloe’s throat, but she managed to maintain her

composure. As she opened her eyes, Xavia was right before her. Xavia’s hair drifted in the water, her pale face

adorned with a sinister smile as she stared directly into Chloe’s eyes.

It was an eerie and chilling sight, akin to a ghost from a horror film. A shiver ran down Chloe’s spine. She had been

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deceived. Xavia knew how to swim and possessed considerable skills at that. Chloe berated herself for her naivety

and soft-heartedness.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, she promptly swam toward the pool edge. However, Xavia submerged

herself and took hold of Chloe’s foot, intentionally impeding her progress.

‘If my child suffers from intellectual disabilities because of this, this bitch will have to face my wrath!”

Chloe’s anxiety heightened, but her strength was waning. If the struggle persisted, her life would be at risk. Xavia

was seriously trying to kill her.

But she could not worry about that at the moment. She collected all her anger and kicked Xavia, causing her to

wince in pain and release her grip. Chloe resurfaced quickly, shouting desperately, “Help! Help! 1 have no strength

left! Save me!”

The lifeguards heard her cries and swiftly plunged into the water, swimming toward the two figures locked in

struggle. Another individual with a slender physique simultaneously plunged into the water, swiftly swimming

toward them.

The other patrons immediately fell silent, holding their breath and closely observing the unfolding scene, anxious

that it might escalate into something serious.

“What’s happening? Is it a beginner?”

“Doesn’t seem like it. They aren’t in the shallow end.”

“It appears that more than one person is in distress. Could it be two people?”

“What? Two people having accidents at the same time? That’s absurd.”

“I heard them arguing earlier. One of them was cursing the other’s swimming ability. Could it be intentional?”

“Intentional? Murder? Don’t joke around.”

The person immediately shut their mouth, recognizing that such remarks should not be made thoughtlessly.

Chloe felt hands supporting her waist, guiding her toward the pool edge. She assumed it was a lifeguard.

Exhausted, she allowed the person to assist her.

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“Do you want me to call you an ambulance?” The drenched young man draped a towel over her, displaying sincere

concern in his tone.

Hearing his voice, Chloe raised her head, gazing at Noah in astonishment. “When did you get here?”

“A little while ago. I noticed you struggling in the water, so I jumped in.”

“But how did you know I was here?”

Noah smiled helplessly. “I called you to discuss our evening plans earlier. You mentioned the name of the pool but

you seemed occupied. I assumed we were skipping dinner and going swimming together.”

It was then that Chloe remembered the conversation. Indeed, an employee had interrupted to report some work

issues, and she briefly mentioned the pool before ending the call.

“No… That came out all wrong. I meant that I’m going swimming before meeting you for dinner.”

“I see.” Noah shrugged nonchalantly. “Shall we go for dinner now?”

“Sure.” Chloe then paused, glancing around until her gaze landed on Xavia, who had also been rescued and was

tightly clutching a towel. “Wait here.”

Noah already guessed what she intended to do, and his eyes turned cold. ‘How dare Xavia lay her hands on Coco.

She just had the amniocentesis, and her brighter days are on the horizon. now. Has she grown weary of living?’