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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 566
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Chapter 566 A Muscular Man Next to Chloe

After exiting the hospital, Chloe looked up nearby swimming pools on the Internet while sitting in the car and waiting

for Noah’s reply. She found a private high-class pool about seven kilometers away from her office that was ten

times more expensive than public pools. She

booked a time and decided to give it a try.

She waited for around half an hour but Noah seemed to be missing in action. He had not texted her back. Feeling

confused, she texted him again.

[If you’re busy, we can meet up another time.]

After about ten minutes, her phone rang.

“I’m sorry. Something urgent came up. You go on ahead and eat. How about meeting up at five instead?”

Chloe did not dwell much on it and agreed to it. She then picked out a random restaurant and had her lunch before

going to the office.

The company’s performance improved lately. Half of their success was due to the deals she landed in Estre. The

remaining half were the clients that Joseph had introduced to her. They gave her interest that was far more than

the average price in the industry.

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Chloe told her marketing team in a complicated tone, “Let’s drop the clients that Joseph. introduced to us.”

“But why? Those clients are of high caliber. If we don’t work with them, our competitors will swallow them up. It’ll

be a great loss for us.”

“It’s the client’s freedom to choose another company. We can only blame ourselves for not being exceptional. It’s

not a long-term plan to rely on connections either.”

“Oh…” Her employee could not understand her. She did not understand why they could not use the resources

available to them. Did she want to rely on herself instead of a man?

“Do as I say.”

“Okay, understood.”

Chloe got down to work until a staff member of the swimming pool called her in the afternoon. She put her work

aside and stretched her neck, then headed out to the pool.

At the swimming pool.

The staff led Chloe, who had changed into a swimsuit, to the side of the pool and introduced, ” This is the beginner

pool that’s specially designated for children and pregnant ladies. We have more than ten coaches on standby to

provide assistance at any time.”

Chloe nodded and bent down to stick her hand into the water to test its temperature. It was just nice.

“Do you know how to swim?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“All right, I’ll leave you to it then.”

The staff then went on to serve the next customer.

Chloe was wearing a black swimsuit, the thin straps tied into a charming knot behind her neck. She had done up her

black hair into a bun. Her slender and fair legs were on full display. Her slightly bulging belly was obvious under the

nicely cut swimsuit, making it clear that she was pregnant.

She slowed descended into the pool with the help of the handrail and felt slightly nervous. It had been a long time

since she last swam. With some encouragement from a coach, she slowly started enjoying herself and was soon

happily swimming in the pool.

It was beyond her expectation that Xavia had been watching her for a long time from behind.

The staff asked, “Ma’am, would you like to go in?”

“Yes, but I have to inform my husband first. Can I take a photo?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Xavia took out her phone and took a photo of Chloe. When Joseph received the photo, he glanced at it but was

disinterested and barely looked at it. She texted him again less than a

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minute later.

Frowning, Joseph wanted to put his phone on silent. But when he habitually looked at hist phone screen, his interest

was piqued.

[Joe, I bumped into Ms. Chloe. What a coincidence!]

Joseph put down the document he was reading and studied the photo Xavia sent him. In it, Chloe had no makeup

on. Her delicate face was wet, setting off her innocence, great charms, and wittiness. A man with eight abs was

beside her, behaving intimately with her and coaching her gently.

After changing into her swimsuit, Xavia walked into Chloe’s area with the help of a coach. She was not a swimmer

and this was the first time she was trying out swimming. She was a pregnant woman too, so she needed a coach to

guide her. She picked two female coaches and practiced in a relatively shallow area.

Chloe felt tired after swimming for a while and got out of the pool to rest. On her way to the

lounge area, she spotted Xavia. The latter was looking at her too.

Disgust flashed across Chloe’s face. She felt that she was done here. The water in the pool was no longer as great

as before.

Xavia seemed to not have noticed Chloe’s disgust and behaved like she had met an old friend.” Ms. Chloe, you’re so

good at swimming, unlike me. I just started learning.

“There’s no one else here, so you can stop pretending.” Chloe sounded cold and was not bothered to beat around

the bush with Xavia.