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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 558
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Chapter 558 Unbelievable

Joseph’s face darkened. He gripped his pen so hard that it snapped in half.

He found it difficult to believe that this was happening. Thinking back to Chloe’s silent demeanor from a few hours

ago, he realized she had been planning to break up with him since then. No, maybe even earlier than that.

As this thought coursed through his mind, his countenance grew even darker and the fury swirling within his chest

pierced him like a thousand sharp blades.

Lucas perceptively sensed the changes in Joseph’s emotions. He carefully approached him and asked, “Sir, would

you like to continue the discussion?”

“Please give us a chance, Mr. Joseph. Having one more friend means having one more source of strength.”

“If Brairlake hadn’t overstepped, we wouldn’t be troubling you with this.”

The business partners thought they had a chance and expressed their sincerity one after another. Little did they

know that their voices irritated Joseph even more.

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“Get out!”

Joseph’s sudden outburst reverberated through the room, his eyes ablaze with crimson fury and the veins on his

forehead throbbing intensely. An eerie silence descended upon the space, and everyone froze in response.

Lucas was puzzled and could not understand why Joseph would suddenly fly into a rage. Hist gaze landed on

Joseph’s phone, and his pupils constricted, finally grasping the reason behind. Joseph’s immense anger.

‘How bold of you, Ms. Chloe…’

Suppressing his fear, Lucas escorted the bewildered business partners out of the office. When he returned, the

room was empty.

Joseph sped back to the house, fury coursing through his veins. He disregarded the traffic rules and even received a

fine from an officer. After that, although he still failed to reign in his emotions, he managed to restrain himself from

any further outbursts or misconduct.

“Chloe, I’ll count to three and you’d better be out of the bedroom by then. Otherwise, you’ll face the

consequences,” Joseph said, throwing his car keys onto the coffee table and casting a cold gaze upstairs.

A terrifying silence hung in the air, with no response to his words. Joseph’s fingertips trembled slightly, sensing what

might have happened. He strode toward the bedroom door and gave the door a gentle push.


The wardrobe door was wide open, revealing an empty space where once Chloe’s clothes. resided. Her absence

confirmed that her heart held no trace of nostalgia. Joseph’s muscles tensed, his anger concealing a hint of

unnoticed nervousness.

He dialed Chloe’s number, hoping she would answer and come home. If she offered him an apology, he was willing

to forgive her. The call went through quickly, but instead of hearing Chloe’s voice, he was met with a familiar, icy

mechanical one.

“Hello, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later…”

Joseph strongly suspected Chloe had blocked him. He called Lucas and asked him to try reaching out to Chloe.

However, Lucas too received the same message of her phone being

turned off.

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A strange sense of relief washed over Joseph. He sat down, took a sip of water, and then headed to the Johnson

Group. The receptionist was puzzled upon seeing him. “Ms. Chloe went to Estre on a business trip and has yet to


Joseph furrowed his brow, scrutinizing her face. The receptionist felt a chill down her spine, and she quickly

defended herself, “I’m telling the truth.”

He sensed that she was not lying and thus wasted no time as he turned around and left. He knew that Chloe would

not return to Oceanic Residence. So that left only two other options: the Johnson villa and Emily’s place.

Joseph instructed Lucas to find Emily while he went to the Johnson villa. When Emily saw Lucas, she pretended that

she did not know anything and said, “Coco hasn’t contacted me. Joseph must have upset her again.”

“I don’t know. I’m just here to ask questions.” Lucas stared at her. “Do you really not know where Ms. Chloe is?”

“I don’t!” she asserted boldly, urging him to leave. “You have to leave now. I need to get back to work. This won’t

look very good to my superiors if they found out.”

Lucas had no choice. He did not want to disturb Emily, so he reported to Joseph about his finding.

“What was Emily’s reaction when she heard about this?”

“She seemed surprised…”

Gritting his teeth, Joseph said, “She’s lying”