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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 552
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Chapter 552 His Kiss Was Sudden and Passionate, Startling Her

Within the Sullivan Estate, Natalie was adorned in an elaborate princess gown and impeccable makeup as she sat

composedly before Desmond. She chose her words carefully, ensuring the conversation remained on appropriate


Desmond was satisfied with her. If the Walkers and Sullivans were to form an alliance, he would accept it. The two

children were of similar age and would be well-matched among their peers. He currently could not find a more

suitable candidate than Natalie.

“Sir, Mr. Noah has returned,” the butler whispered in Desmond’s ear.

“Okay, send him in.”

Noah looked at the people before him, a gentle smile on his face as always. “I’m sorry I’m late. I just got back from

my flight. Thank you for waiting.”

“No problem,” Oscar Walker replied with a smile. “We arrived not long ago ourselves. This is my daughter, Natalie.”

“Hello,” Natalie greeted Noah politely as she boldly assessed him with her eyes. Unlike those playboys, he had a

clean look and a good vibe.

Noah nodded at her. “Hello.”

“Take Naty to the vineyard for a stroll, Noah. The adults would like to discuss some matters, and you two will

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probably get bored. Go and have fun,” Desmond said, creating an opportunity for them to be alone.

Noah did not refuse and complied with Desmond’s suggestion, taking Natalie to the backyard. They walked side by

side, maintaining a polite distance between them. The vineyard was filled with a fragrant aroma, and there were

small baskets in the corners to facilitate easy picking.

Noah glanced at Natalie and asked calmly, “What do you think of me?”

“Huh?” Natalie blushed, and she said embarrassingly, “You’re so direct… I mean, you seem like a shy young man

based on your appearance.”

“I think we should make things clear before it’s too late.”

“You’re right. But we barely know each other. Don’t you think it’s too early…”

Noah chuckled and said calmly, “I think you’ve misunderstood. What I meant was that we don’t actually have to

spend time together. Since it’s the elders who want this union, we can find a reason to get by without actually

getting close.”

Natalie was taken aback. “Are you suggesting I tell my dad we aren’t compatible?”

“I can tell my grandfather the same.”

Natalie furrowed her brow. “I don’t want to deceive anyone, and I think we should genuinely spend some time

together before making any decisions. My first impression of you is decent enough.”

With his appealing appearance and pleasant personality, coupled with the fact that he was the sole heir of the

Sullivan family, Noah had the advantage of not having to compete for inheritance like in other families. Marrying

him would make her life within the family estate significantly more straightforward and uncomplicated.

“I’m sorry,” Noah said apologetically as he sighed. “I’m not interested in a romantic relationship at the moment. My

studies and work consume a lot of my energy. I hope you’ll find someone better. As for our respective elders, we

can simply tell them that we aren’t compatible.”

Their relationship ended before it could even start.

Natalie was dumbfounded. She never expected to be rejected on her first blind date. Perhaps it was Noah’s

considerate attitude, but she did not feel uncomfortable or angry.

Having only one heir in the family had its advantages: there was no competition for inheritance. But on the flip side,

it meant that the sole heir carried a tremendous burden.

Always having a line of suitors, Natalie was not put off and agreed with Noah. Apart from the setback she had

experienced with Joseph, this was the second failed love attempt of her life.

On their way home, Oscar asked Natalie how her conversation with Noah went.

“We’re not compatible.”

“What makes you say that?”

“He’s too busy. He has to study and manage his family business, leaving no time for me.”

“What do you think of him as a person then?”

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“He’s all right. His personality seems good,” Natalie said honestly, refraining from saying anything negative about

Noah despite his rejection.

Her father nodded with a hint of understanding, taking it as his daughter not actually rejecting the idea of getting to

know Noah.

Joseph and Chloe had a candlelit dinner at home.

During the meal, Joseph indulged in a cabernet. Chloe was suddenly struck with an idea and poured him glass after

glass. She thought that if he got drunk, he would not think about touching her.

To her surprise, Joseph had a high alcohol tolerance. Although he was slightly intoxicated, it

did not affect his actions. When Chloe tried to push him away, he silenced her with a kiss.

It was sudden and passionate, startling her. She became defenseless and collapsed weakly into his embrace. Joseph

freed his hands, intending to push aside her nightgown.

“Ugh, no…” Chloe protested as she covered her chest with both hands.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of the kiss, her eyes turned slightly red, making her look like a cornered rabbit.

Meanwhile, Joseph transformed into a ravenous wolf, longing to devour the helpless little rabbit.

“Aren’t you the one who said you missed me? Is this how you express it?” His eyes glistened with desire and a hint

of disappointment.