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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 549
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Chapter 549 Grandpa’s Time Is Running Out

Noah’s gaze slowly shifted from the laptop to Chloe’s face, taking in her delicate features. Her skin was fair and

rosy, and the gentle curve of her lashes rested on her eyelids. She appeared obedient, her mature and casual attire

slightly oversized to conceal her growing belly, making her outfit a little ill-fitting.

“Let’s begin,” Noah announced, leaning back in his chair.

A group of doctors in white coats emerged from the adjacent room and carefully carried Chloe into the neighboring

room. Inside, ultrasound machines and an array of instruments were prepared for the examination. The doctors

skillfully began their examination of her body.

“We can now extract the amniotic fluid”

“Okay.” Noah paused before continuing, “Are you sure there won’t be any needle marks when she wakes up?”

“There won’t be any We’re using the latest technology in prenatal testing from Ameria. With anesthesia and an

incredibly small needle, it’ll be difficult to detect anything with the naked eye,”

Noah nodded, somewhat reassured, and gave his consent for them to proceed.

Vanya stood beside him, and she said urgently, “Is the plane ready? Once we have the amniotic fluid, we have to

return to Docwood before evening Xavia’s amniocentesis is scheduled for 5 pm. We have to stick to the schedule,

not a minute more or less ”

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Failure to do so could jeopardize their plan. Despite having control over the doctors performing the amniocentesis

on Xavia, the undeniable truth could not be overlooked. Reality. would always be real and falsehoods would always

be false. Only by obtaining Chloe’s amniotic fluid could they ensure a safe resolution to the situation.

“The plane is ready on the rooftop. When will Coco wake up?”

“Soon. Should be within the next half an hour.”

Noah returned to his office, opened the window to let the stagnant air out, then closed it. After half an hour, Chloe

slowly opened her eyes and found herself locking gazes with Noah.

“Hey, sleepyhead.”

She felt regretful, “I’m so sorry. I don’t know how I fell asleep… I suddenly felt incredibly drowsy.”

“It’s fine. I dozed off for a while too.” Noah pointed at the essential oil diffuser on the table. This has a very calming

effect. Perhaps that’s what caused the drowsiness.”

“Really?” Chloe felt strange. She had not expected to doze off during work and felt it was


Noah’s expression softened, and he said in a concerned tone, “Pregnant women often experience drowsiness.

You’re about four months pregnant now, and working every day can take a toll on your body. It’s natural to feel

tired and want to rest.’

She blinked, realizing that his explanation made sense. After all, she had a restless night and had not slept well.

At 5 in the evening, in Docwood, Xavia was escorted into an operating room. As Joseph waited outside, several

doctors wearing masks and headgear entered the room. His gaze was sharp, and he coldly looked at the hospital

director beside him.

“Why were the doctors late?”

Since they were all wearing masks, the hospital director could not identify who those doctors were “Mr. Joseph,

please wait a moment. Let me go in and assess the situation.”

Before the hospital director returned, Jonathan suddenly appeared and clutched Joseph’s arm, pleading

desperately, “Joe, you have to save my father! He’s on the verge of being beaten to death in prison!”

Joseph’s eyes dropped, and he maintained a stoic silence Lucas swiftly intervened, stepping forward and prying

Jonathan, who clung on like an octopus, away from Joseph. “Mr. Jonathan, please consider your public image

The hospital bustled with a constant flow of people. Being members of the esteemed Whitman family, causing a

scene was highly inappropriate

“If your father is on the verge of death, would you still care about your image?!” Jonathan spat out without a

second thought, venting all his anger toward him.

Lucas’ face turned grim. “I was merely offering a friendly reminder.”

Jonathan paid Lucas no attention. In his eyes, Lucas was nothing more than a sycophantic lackey.

“Joe, my father was just visiting the company. He didn’t take any confidential documents. You can’t be so cruel as to

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send him to prison!”

“Oh?” Joseph chuckled. “Are you absolutely certain he didn’t steal anything?”

“He didn’t!”

“You should be seeking assistance from the police. Why are you troubling me? I’m not the one who put him in


“If going to the police would’ve helped, I wouldn’t bother you…” Jonathan pretended to be sorrowful, doing his best

to evoke pity.

Joseph reached out and placed his hand on Jonathan’s shoulder. The touch was not forceful, but it carried an

overwhelming weight. His eyes turned gloomy and indifferent as he questioned, “Tell me then, what about that 150

million empty check?”

“H-How did you know…” Jonathan’s eyes widened in fear. He took a step back, his bulging

eyes revealing his panic. Did Preston not say that as long as he firmly denied it, no one would. ever find out?

Joseph was aware of the infiltration of the president’s office, but how did he also know about the 150 million check?

“I won’t waste my breath on reproaches. The damage you’ve inflicted upon the company is irreparable. There’s no

turning back.” Joseph’s gaze shifted to where Spencer was hiding and stated, “Grandpa’s time is running out. If you

have a heart, go and spend more time with him.”